
The Elites

Chapter 14: The Elites

It was the afternoon of January 3. Harry and Iris were sitting at their usual place in their common room when a stream of Slytherin students entered. Apparently, the students who went home for the holidays arrived back. Three girls hurriedly walked towards them when their eyes met his. A massive grin appeared on their faces when Harry stood up from his seat.


"Harry!" Astoria exclaimed as she pulled him in a big hug. Harry chuckled as he reciprocated the hug.


"I guess you liked my gift." he smirked, squeezing her shoulders. She gave him an incredulous look. She grabbed the emerald gem dangling above her chest beneath the shirt and pulled it out and then fondled it in awe.


"Like it? Are you stupid? I freaking love it. It's so beautiful." she gushed and gave him another hug. After a few seconds, Daphne pulled back the excited Astoria from Harry and gently pushed her towards Iris who was grinning and was waiting for her own reunion. Astoria blushed for forgetting Iris and went towards her.




"Daph!" she smiled and pulled him in a tight hug. Harry smiled, he buried his head on her shoulder as he squeezed her waist lovingly. Daphne gave him a small kiss on his lips and sidestepped to allow Tracey to hug him. Tracey hugged him and placed a kiss on his cheek before pulling back. Harry smiled at her and squeezed her shoulders.


"How are you?" he asked.


"I am great. I loved the gift by the way. I hope you loved what I sent." she said, staring at him with her warm brown eyes.


"What did you send?" Astoria interrupted who had finished reuniting with Iris.


"Come on, let's get in my room and then talk. The common room is filling up." Harry spoke up as he grabbed Tracey's and Daphne's hands and led them to his room, Iris and Astoria trailing behind them.


The five sat on his bed. Daphne, Harry and Tracey on one side, Iris and Astoria on the other side, facing each other.


"So let's discuss who sent what and received what during Christmas. I will start first." Astoria announced excitedly to know what others got during Christmas. "I sent Tracey a beautiful robe. I gave Daphne a book on advance curses. To Harry, I gave a badass green dragonhide jacket. For Iris it was a book on Transfiguration. I received boxes of sweets from Tracey and Daphne. They both know just how much I love sweets. Iris gave me a wand holster. That was an amazing gift by the way. I have practiced how to draw the wand quickly in the last two days. It looks so cool." Iris blushed as she received thanks for giving gifts even though it was Harry who sent it in her name. "And finally, Harry gave me this gorgeous emerald necklace. Did I mention that the emerald's circumference is wrapped around by a lustrous black metal snake. Full Slytherin mode! How beautiful is that!"


"We get it. We get it. Harry gave you the best gift. Now stop drooling." Daphne teased playfully. Harry spoke up before Astoria and Daphne could start arguing with each other. "Let's not waste too much time discussing our gifts. I will give the overview. Daphne and Tracey gave me some brilliant books. I gave them silver earrings which they are wearing now. I gave Astoria and Iris the protection necklace, 'ouroboros' which they both loved, I am guessing. I also gave Iris a Nimbus 2001. Iris sent everybody a wand holster. She received chocolates from Daphne and Tracey. And that's it."


It took 15 minutes for the girls to be satisfied that they had looked properly at the earrings on Daphne and Tracey and had inquired enough about the Nimbus 2001 from Iris or examined their wand holsters. Astoria suddenly joked, "Harry! I hope you are not making a harem by giving us these Ouroboros necklaces. It looks like you are making a group by giving us the same necklaces. Like you are marking and claiming us with it."


"Hmm, well, you are right. I am caught red handed. Indeed, I am making a harem. The necklace is the mark of my claim. Welcome to my harem, dear Astoria. But if you don't want to be in the harem then you must give me back the necklace. Choose now, do you want to be in the harem or not?" he grinned mischievously. Daphne flicked his earlobe with her finger and said. "If you are forgetting, Iris is also wearing the same necklace. So it definitely is not a harem or your mark of claim."


"Oops!" he laughed followed by the others. Daphne knew that Iris was having a secret relationship with Harry but Astoria didn't know that. And she thought Astoria wasn't ready yet to know that secret. They talked more about their holidays and then went to the great hall for dinner.




Harry stepped to the right as a red spell passed through the air. Iris was sweating profusely, she was trying to hit him with a stunning spell for the last 20 minutes. Sweat trickled from her brows as she again fired two quick stunning spells on either side of him, trying to keep him in the middle of the spellfire and then firing a quick spell in the middle to end the duel. The smile was still visible on his face as he turned sideways, two jets of red lights passed by his both sides and then he quickly jumped to his left evading her third spell. Iris groaned. She was using every angle and every trick to defeat him but it felt impossible to even hit him with a spell. He was moving so gracefully. Her every spell passed by his body, just inches away from him as if teasing her. So close yet so far. And his damn smile was still unfazed, even twenty five minutes later. She was panting, her wand pointed in his direction. Her hand shook from exhaustion. She wasn't delusional. She knew the duel would have been over if Harry had shot even a single spell at her. He was just dodging. His wand still in his wand holster. She continued shooting spells at him. And he stepped away from the spell path every time. He was suddenly in front of her. 'When did he get so near? Oh!' she realised that he wasn't just evading her attacks randomly, he was slowly moving towards her. But the realisation came too late. She was done for. His hand closed around the wrist of her wand hand. His grip tightened and her wand fell from her grasp, landing in his other hand. She sighed tiredly and placed her head on his chest. He chuckled, patting her hair.


"You did good." he praised as he led her to where Astoria, Daphne and Tracey were sitting on a sofa, watching the match. She wanted to protest that she wasn't even able to hit him with one spell but she had no energy left to do even that. He sat her beside him on another sofa which the room conjured for them, facing the other three girls. Iris sat beside him and sluggishly placed her head in his lap, facing the ceiling. She looked in his green eyes.


"Wake me up when we have to go back. I am taking a nap." she mumbled and closed her eyes. She felt his hands running in her hair. It felt good, her lips curved into a content smile and Iris crossed into the dreamworld.


"Do you think she is fine? She was casting spells non stop for thirty minutes and she is only 11." Astoria asked, her voice full of concern for her friend.


"She is very tired. Her magic reserves are almost spent but it will help her in the long term. It will improve her stamina and her chances in long arduous duels." he explained absently as he felt the texture of her silky red hair through his fingers. Astoria and the others nodded. She also had volunteered for this training where she will try to defeat Harry in a handicap match where he will just dodge their spells. Daphne and Tracey had already dueled with each other. Daphne had won obviously but Tracey had improved from the last time. She did last longer against her.


"Come on Astoria, it is your turn." he said as he placed Iris's head on the sofa, standing up. He couldn't help but lean down and plant a kiss on her forehead.


"She had you wrapped around her pinky finger." Astoria said, shaking her head in mirth. Harry grinned, walking to the other side, taking his position.


"Of course. I don't know how I am expected to counter against her cuteness and adorableness. It is not my fault that you were unsuccessful in doing the same with Daphne. I don't know how that is possible though, it isn't as if you are not cute. So what is missing?" he laughed as he wiped a sheen of sweat from his face. His exercise with Iris did tire him a little.


"If you forgot, Daphne basically sold herself to find a cure for me. I find it untrue that I wasn't successful in wrapping her around my pinky finger. We just don't kiss each other at every opportunity." she replied amusedly. Daphne who was on the sofa, seeing the spectacle and hearing their hearty banter blushed. She did try to sell herself to Malfoy in an exchange for a cure for Astoria's blood curse. She will do that again if the need arose. It was her duty to protect her younger sibling. She recalled those old memories when cute little Astoria always followed her and called her 'Daffy' and cried whenever 'Daffy' wasn't with her or ignored her. That brought a nostalgic smile to her face. 'Good old days', she sighed wistfully. 


"Hmm. True." Harry smiled as he stood a little distance away from her. Astoria jerked her wrist and her wand shot forward in her grasp. The spellfire suddenly started without a preamble. Harry laughed gleefully as he dodged and weaved through the spells. Harry had the mage sight. The sight which allowed him to see magic. He could also feel magic which helped him in evading the spells. Just as the spell shot from the wand, Harry could visualise the trajectory and the speed of the spell. He was also happy that this mage sight wasn't connected to his Deus in any way. Apparently, he was born with the mage sight. He tilted his head as the spell flew through where his head was earlier. Astoria had a smirk plastered on her face as she prepared to bombard him with stunning spells. Harry smirked back in a challenge. 'It will be fun to wipe off that smirk from her cute little face.'


15 minutes later, Astoria was on her knees. Her inhaling and exhaling audible. Sweat dripping from her face. Her black hair was slick with moisture. Her wand was in Harry's hand who was standing in front of her. He extended a hand down towards her. She clasped his hand as he pulled her to her feet.


"You have good stamina. By the end of your first year, you will be able to continue firing spells non-stop for more than thirty minutes." he encouraged her, his hand around her shoulder as he led her back to her seat. Harry sat back on the sofa where Iris was napping.


"It is still an hour before curfew but everybody seems tired. Let's head back to the dorms early tonight."


He roused Iris from her sleep and they returned to their dorm rooms. Iris sneaked in Harry's room after thirty minutes. Harry was already on the bed in his night clothes. A warm blanket covered his lower body as winter had finally come. She climbed under the blanket and gave him a small kiss on his lips.


"Goodnight, big brother." she said softly, her eyes already closing. She curled against his chest and pulled his hand around her upper torso. Harry smiled, pulling the tired Iris against him. Harry was really impressed with her. Even Daphne didn't have that much stamina last year. Iris did surpass everybody in that department. She would be a powerful witch in future. He kissed the back of her head and mumbled a goodnight but Iris was already fast asleep.




The months of January and February faded quickly. March rolled in. Harry and the girls were progressing well in their dueling sessions and also academically. Daphne was still the best among the girls. Her skills just kept improving and improving. Iris had the raw power but she was still unskilled. Harry smiled as he thought how powerful Iris would be when she would have skills. Astoria was also good in combat. Not as good as Daphne but definitely better than Tracey.


Jasmine and Hermione had also started spending time with him in the library. Harry didn't have any problem with that. Daphne would never set foot in the library. Though that never affected her grades as Harry tutored her in that department just before exams. Tracey also wasn't much fond of libraries. She always said that she already had enough homework and wasn't interested in spending more time with books. It wasn't any big deal. He could always impart the knowledge to them which he gained from the books. Astoria and Iris had started spending more time with each other. Iris had developed an interest in flying and Astoria was a massive quidditch fan. They both trained on the grounds when it was empty. 'Buy Astoria a broom for her birthday.' Harry thought when he saw her response to Iris's broom. Iris would have still followed him in the library if he hadn't scolded her for it. He had told her to spend more time practicing with the broom and with Astoria, she had accepted it with a pout. Harry really needed to build a resistance against her 'pouty lips and wide eyed' expression.


That was the reason why Harry could finally spend some time with fellow bookworms. Harry could now say that he considered these two friends. He always had liked Jasmine, in a strange way he considered her his first friend. Hermione had also grown on him. She was sometimes bossy or arrogant when books were in concern. She thought she was the best when it came to books. Harry had destroyed that notion for her. Harry had always loved books but he didn't have the way to work on that hobby previously but now with thousands of books surrounding him, he had the freedom to indulge in his love for the books. He could be found here if he wasn't with the girls or in the room of requirement. Currently, he was reading about runes.


Hermione and Jasmine entered the library and went to find some books and sat opposite to him when they came back.


"What are you reading?" Hermione whispered as she leaned forward to catch a glimpse of the book. Jasmine was also looking at him, her fingers turning the page of her own book absent-mindedly.


"Just an introduction on runes. I am planning to take that subject next year." Harry answered without looking up from the book. Hermione nodded in response but didn't say anything, trying not to disturb him from the reading anymore. They spent the next few hours in silence, reading their books.




There was a staff meeting going on in the Headmaster's office. All the professors and the Headmaster were present.


"Let's start today's meeting. About Chamber of Secrets. I like to think that the 'Chamber of Secrets' was just a prank from some student. There have been no further incidents which can prove that the chamber of secrets is real or is open." Professor McGonagall started the discussion. The other professors nodded in agreement. Headmaster wasn't totally sure about that notion. He knew there was a chamber of secrets but wasn't sure if it was open or not. That was a very disturbing thing. Last time when it was open, Myrtle was killed and he didn't want to relax and see another death.


"It is disappointing. I would surely have solved the mystery." Lockhart said pompously. The others ignored him, as usual.


"Who are the new brilliant students in the first years?" Dumbledore asked to change the flow of the conversation. At this, Professor McGonagall perked up.


"Iris Potter is a genius. She was an average student in the first class of transfiguration but she apparently worked very hard as she eventually improved tremendously. She is now one of the best students in transfiguration in first years. Other than her, Astoria Greengrass from Slytherin is natural in transfiguration. And she doesn't shy away from hard work." She praised them. Headmaster smiled genially. He was glad that Iris was enjoying her stay in Hogwarts. He wholeheartedly wished that she didn't have to feel any more sadness in her future.


"Yes, Yes. Iris and Astoria are the best in their years. I think Harry Potter is behind this." Professor Flitwick said.


"It is true. His friends are top students. Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Astoria Greengrass, Iris Potter. They all are geniuses. It seems he is making his friends elites in every subject." Professor McGonagall commented.


"Yes. They are overshadowing other students. It is hard to find a student who is best in every subject but they are. For example, Neville Longbottom is a prodigy in Herbology but he isn't getting his chance to shine as Harry, Daphne and Tracey are at the same level as him. I don't know if it is good or bad thing." Professor Sprout frowned. There was a silence for a second as everybody thought about it.


"We can't do anything about that. The others have to work harder to keep up with his group. If Harry's group is advancing then we can just encourage them and see the future outcome." Headmaster said, steepling his fingers. "How are they in the potions, Severus?"


"They are not like other dunderheads." he confessed. His lips curving in disdain.


"Does Harry have more friends?" Headmaster asked. Professor McGonagall shook her head.


"No, he isn't a recluse but he keeps to his current friends. He is on good terms with many other students like Jasmine Zinan, Hermione Granger, Lily Moon, Ron Weasley, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Penelope Clearwater, Weasley twins, Neville Longbottom but I don't think he considers them his friends. Or at least not close friends."


Snape was sneering at the others. Wasn't this a staff meeting? Why was the conversation suddenly about Harry Potter's friends or acquaintances? He shook his head. Stupid school, stupid professors, stupid students.




Professor Lockhart was in a bad mood. He was grinning like usual but inside, he was fuming. Harry Potter and his friends didn't respect him. HIM! Gilderoy Lockhart. He wanted to punish them. He wanted to hurt them. But he didn't see any chance. He was trying so hard to get acquainted with Harry Potter for months but he kept rebuffing his advances. Like he himself was some common fan who was annoying him. So much disrespect. He will pay him back for that. On top of it all, Harry kept insulting him in the classes, making him the clown of the class. Before, the girls and a few boys were fangirling over him but now they waited in anticipation to see how Harry Potter would insult him. His pride had taken a great hit. Harry Potter had taken away his fans and fame in Hogwarts. His most important things. He was going to take away Harry's most precious thing. Or the most important person. How would he feel after losing her? The one he had just met? The only long lost sister he had regained after so many years. How would he feel if she forgets about him? Don't know him? How would he feel if his precious little sister's memory is erased, replaced by fake memories? How would he feel if his little sister suddenly starts hating him? Lockhart smiled as a plan started forming in his mind.




Harry was with Jasmine and Hermione in the library. Daphne and Tracey were in the room of requirement, dueling each other. Iris and Astoria were on their way to the quidditch pitch with Iris's Nimbus 2001 in her hand. They both were talking excitedly with each other, discussing cool techniques. They really loved flying. Iris also was thinking about trying for the team next year. She grinned happily, thinking how proud Harry would be if she got selected for the team.


"Do you think I can join the team next year?" She asked Astoria for her opinion. Astoria hummed in thought.


"Probably. You are a great flyer. I think you can apply for the seeker position or chaser position. But I think you should decide which position you love and then practice for it for the rest of summer vacation." Astoria advised. Iris sighed in disappointment.


"Where will I practice?"


Astoria giggled and threw her arm around her.


"Don't worry. My house has a big backyard." Astoria said and stopped for a second and continued, "very very very big backyard. You can come to my house for practice. I don't think my parents will mind. I don't think Harry will mind, I predict he will join you at my house."


"Why?" Iris asked.


"For Daphne of course. They will do their kissing and groping," she wrinkled her nose at that, "and we will do our quidditch practice."


Iris laughed at her prediction. She didn't love the idea of Harry doing those things with other girls but she wasn't going to complain if he continued loving her like he did. She pouted as she remembered his advice to spend her time practicing flying with Astoria. It wasn't that she didn't like Astoria or didn't like flying. The matter was that she likes spending time with Harry more than she liked flying or Astoria.


"Miss Potter." a serious voice brought her back to the real world. Professor Lockhart was standing in front of them, his hands crossed behind his back. He wore a sombre expression which was so wrong on his face. She couldn't recall seeing him without a broad smile for the whole year.


"Yes sir?" she asked, dreading his response.


"I need to talk about your defence against the dark arts classes. I fear you are going to fail this year." he said. She looked at him as if he was stupid. She knew she was best in her year. What the hell was he playing at.


"It's not true, professor. I believe I am doing great in the subject." she said confidently. "My brother himself is the one teaching me. I don't believe I can fail even if I attempt the exam right now."


"Then come to my office and demonstrate for me. I would like to see what you have learnt this year. Come now. I believe 15 minutes won't matter to you much." he said and started walking towards his office. She handed the broom to Astoria who was looking uncomfortable.


"I will come with you." she said to Iris.


"No. Go practice on the broom. I will be down there in 15 minutes." Iris nodded to her and hurried after the professor. Astoria sighed and started walking towards the quidditch pitch. Something bad was going to happen, she was sure of that.




Professor Lockhart sat behind his desk and signalled her to take a seat in front of him. Iris did so and suddenly her arms and torso were stuck on the chair. A thick rope bound her to her place. She gasped in surprise and fear. She looked fearfully at the professor. He was smiling gleefully.


"What is the meaning of this, professor?" she yelled, trying to hide her frightened state. He looked at her with faux sympathy.


"I am sorry, Iris. I don't have any problems with you but Harry is a whole other thing. You were polite and attentive in my class even though you didn't like it while your brother didn't miss a chance to insult me. This is my revenge. This is payback." he said as he caressed his wand.


"What are you going to do with me? I must warn you that if you are planning to harm me then Harry will hurt you. This is your last chance to free me." she said with determination. Her initial fear was gone as she remembered the beautiful ouroboros necklace under her shirt. She could have summoned him then and there but she didn't want Harry to hurt someone on behalf of her. She knew Harry would take this to an extreme level. She will give the professor a last chance. He still had a chance to turn back from his self-destructive path.


"I will remove your memory of your brother and plant fake memories in which he bullies you, tortures you so you will hate him. A perfect revenge if I say so myself." he chuckled. Iris's eyes had widened at hearing that. She couldn't believe it. She would never hate him. Never.


'Calm down little one. I am here. Don't fear.' Harry calmly said in her mind. She sighed in relief. Harry was hidden here somewhere.


"On second thought, what if I defiled you. Will it be painful enough for Harry? Should I take you by force on this desk?" he said, raising his eyebrow, there was no malice or lust in his expression. It was as if taking revenge on Harry was his greatest aim and he would do anything for it, commit any evil for it. Iris felt disgust clawing at her stomach. Sweat started forming on her palms. 


She suddenly saw Harry appear behind the chair of the professor. His finger was on his lips in the clear signal to remain calm and silent. She didn't even have time to be frightened as he appeared for her. A small smile crossed her face which didn't go unnoticed by Lockhart.


"Hmm, it seems you are up for it, seeing your smile. This will be even new for me. You see, I never had to resort to magic for sex. With this handsome face, I had so much fun during my teenage years and after becoming an idol for the wizarding world, women threw themselves at me. I had enough action that I never had to do something illegal for sex. But today it will change. Today I will enjoy it in a new way. Though doing that to an eleven year old feels uncomfortable to me but I must take my revenge. You understand, don't you?" he said thoughtfully as he stood up from his chair. But at that moment, Harry snapped his finger and Lockhart fell back in the chair and couldn't move anymore. Lockhart tried to yell but he was silenced. Harry walked around the desk and stood beside Iris. The rope disappeared and she pulled him in a tight hug. She was scared there, just for a short time but she was really scared. Scared to forget him, scared to forget his lovely smile, scared to forget his warm hug, scared to forget her immensely improved life. He kissed her head and pushed her back.


"I will send you to your room. Okay?" he asked. She nodded and kissed him deeply on the lips. He reciprocated the kiss, his lips reassuring her, calming her. His hands snaked around her waist, trying to merge her body with his. Lockhart's eyes widened at seeing the 11 year old girl kissing her elder brother. Iris didn't care now. She was convinced that Lockhart wasn't going to come out of the room. She wanted to stop Harry from doing something cruel but she knew if she stopped him now, he would be angry at her. She already had made a mistake by not summoning him immediately. She didn't know how he was here. She knew he was going to be angry at her for not calling for him. She didn't want to anger him any more. She could feel the tenseness in him. His anger, waiting to be unleashed.


"Okay." she said curtly. He nodded back. Her body disintegrated in a golden mist and she was teleported safely to her room. Harry turned towards Lockhart who was yelling but not a whisper was escaping his throat. Harry smiled cheerfully at him. No one seeing that smile could have predicted what Harry was going to do next. The smile was of an excited child who finally got a toy which his parents were trying to keep him away from.


"I really tried not to kill you for the whole year as advised by my best friends. I was waiting for a chance, a mistake from your part which would satisfy the few morals left in me and convince my best friends that you were a threat. You see the little Harry in my head doesn't like to hurt someone who hadn't hurt me before but seeing that you just tried to hurt Iris, little Harry is screaming at me to give you a very painful death. And I always try to follow my little Harry. Death for you is certain today. I won't lie and say that it doesn't give me immense pleasure in torturing you, that I am just following my duties but that would be a lie. I will love to hear you scream. In fact you will be the first in the last two years who will get tortured by me. Scream for me." Harry said gleefully, an innocent happy look on his face which just made it scarier for Lockhart. Harry walked towards him with a spring in his step.


"Mercy! Please forgive me. I won't do this again." Lockhart tried to say but it was just his lips moving silently. But Harry understood that.


"Mercy and forgiveness? Pfft. I keep that just for my friends. For enemies there are only two things. Pain and death." Harry grinned maniacally, waving his hand. The chair on which Lockhart was trapped hovered in the mid-air. Lockhart yelled but still no sound escaped him. Red mist surrounded him and he spent the next five minutes silently screaming in pain. He was in a daze. He could only see red and feel only pain. He was slumped in the chair. His body was twitching. His eyes were wide open. His mouth was opened and his tongue was hanging from his mouth. Harry had enjoyed the last five minutes. It had been nearly two years since he last used the red must. Using it always made him feel better. But he was still not fully satisfied.


"Say professor? Weren't you planning to rape my precious sister on the desk. Hmm, I wonder how you would do that if you didn't have the necessary instrument?" He smiled kindly. He waved his arm again and the professor was deposited on the desk. He was unresponsive. His mind was on the verge of breaking. His clothes disappeared as he laid on the desk on his back, naked.


"That is disgusting. I don't even know why I tried to see another man's banana. This will be the last time I will see a penis other than mine." he said as he made a gagging noise and turned his head away. Lockhart was just silent and unresponsive. His sightless eyes staring at the ceiling but not seeing it. Harry snapped his fingers and a second later a response finally came from Lockhart. A wailing sound filled the room. His balls and penis were brutally removed from between his legs. Blood was pouring out from between his legs. Crimson liquid flowed on the mahogany desk. Lockhart cried and screamed. He tried to stop the rapid blood flow by putting his hand between his legs but it heightened his pain. He yelled in misery as he looked at Harry, asking for help. Harry meanwhile was just admiring the blood flowing out from him. His eyes glazed as if he was in a trance. He finally looked at Lockhart's pitiful body spasms.


"Do you want me to kill you? End your pathetic life? Stop the pain?" Harry asked sympathetically. Lockhart nodded. His eyes pools of tears, drools hanging from his mouth.


"Nope. You die painfully and slowly." Harry said cheerfully as he snapped his fingers again. A golden mist came out from him and hovered over Lockhart's body.


"No, I am not killing you, not yet. This mist will just take care of your body and this pool of blood after you die and also all of your possessions. Goodbye. Say hello to lady death for me." he grinned sadistically, exiting through the door. A paper formed out of nowhere and rested on the other desk. The letter said that Lockhart was gone from Hogwarts. That he was bored from teaching the students. That he was going on another adventure for his brand new book.


Professor Lockhart died painfully and slowly after one hour from blood loss, staring at the golden mist above him. When the last breath escaped him, the mist devoured him and the blood, leaving nothing. A part of the mist tore away from the large golden mist and devoured the possessions of Lockhart like a swarm of piranhas. After fulfilling its job the mist went back in Harry's body. The office of Lockhart was silent and clean. Nobody could say that a man was just tortured here to death an hour ago.

Next chapter