
A New India

Author: Clautic
Ongoing · 569.4K Views
  • 130 Chs
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  • NO.200+

In 1947, as India welcomed the dawn of independence in an Alternate World, a soul from modern times is mysteriously transported back and unexpectedly ascends to the role of Prime Minister. Join us on a journey fraught with treachery and conflict, where the stakes are high, and the future of a nation hangs in the balance. Witness the emergence of a powerful Akhand Bharat, an India that rises above all challenges to claim its rightful place on the world stage. 1/2 Chapter Daily depending of the word count. For Bonus Chapters:- 200 Power Stone - 1 Chapter (If you like VRMMORPG with Hindu Mythology as background, you can read my other Novel "Yuga : The Eternal War")

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Chapter 1Rohan Varma Unexpected Journey

Rohan's life in 2024 was a solitary pursuit of knowledge and ambition. As a PhD student in International Relations at the University of Pune, his days were consumed by intense study of geopolitical strategies and historical conflicts.

Driven by a hope that his research might one day influence India's policies, Rohan's dedication to his academic journey was unwavering. However, his commitment came at a very personal cost.

Rohan's mornings began in the early hours, often before the first light of dawn. His modest apartment was cluttered with books, articles, and papers, a reflection of his relentless pursuit in academic excellence.

The walls were adorned with maps and charts, each one meticulously annotated with notes and theories. The air was thick with the scent of coffee, his only companion during the long nights of study.

His days were a blur of lectures, seminars, and lonely hours in the university library. The library was his sanctuary, a place where he could lose himself in the maze of knowledge.

Rohan's interactions with his peers were minimal. His intense focus on his studies left little room for socializing. He admired some of his classmates from afar, like Kavita, whose insightful questions during lectures often sparked new ideas in his own mind.

Then there was Arjun, a fellow PhD candidate whose work on international law was both inspiring and intimidating. Rohan envied their ability to balance academic rigor with social connections, a balance he had long since forsaken.

The isolation weighed heavily on him. He often found himself questioning the purpose of his relentless pursuit.

Was he making a real difference, or was he merely chasing shadows in an academic echo chamber? The pressures of his journey led to sleepless nights and moments of crippling self-doubt.

One evening, after an especially grueling day of research, Rohan found himself wandering through the university campus.

The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the buildings. He passed groups of students laughing and chatting, their carefree camaraderie a stark contrast to his solitary existence.

A pang of longing shot through him as he watched them, a reminder of the social connections he had sacrificed for his studies.

The evening grew darker, and the campus slowly emptied. Rohan lingered by the library entrance, reluctant to return to his empty apartment.

He watched as the lights in the nearby student union flickered on, illuminating the bustling activity within.

The sound of laughter and music drifted through the air, a tempting reminder of a life he had left behind.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Meera, a junior faculty member who had recently joined the department.

Meera was known for her engaging lectures and approachable demeanor, qualities that had quickly earned her the respect of both students and colleagues.

"Rohan, it's getting late. What are you still doing here?" she asked, her tone both concerned and friendly.

Rohan shrugged, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Just lost track of time, I guess. How about you?"

Meera chuckled. "Same here. The curse of academia, right? Always something more to read or write."

They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, the sounds of the campus fading into the background.

Meera's presence was a welcome distraction from the solitude that usually enveloped him.

"You know," Meera began, her voice thoughtful, "it's important to find a balance. Your work is impressive, Rohan, but don't forget to live a little. Make time for yourself and for others."

Rohan nodded, her words resonating with the doubts that had been gnawing at him. "I know. It's just hard to see beyond the immediate goals sometimes."

Meera smiled, her eyes warm with understanding. "I get it. But remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Don't lose sight of that."

As they parted ways, Rohan's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Meera's words lingered with him as he walked back to his apartment, the city streets illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights.

The isolation of his academic journey felt even more pronounced, a stark contrast to the vibrant life bustling around him.

The following weeks brought little change to Rohan's routine. His days remained filled with lectures, research, and the solitary hours in the library.

Yet, Meera's words had planted a seed of doubt in his mind, prompting him to question the path he had chosen.

The isolation weighed heavily on him, and he found himself longing for connection and meaning beyond the confines of academia.

One particularly stormy evening, as he made his way home from the library, the city was drenched in a relentless monsoon downpour.

The rain fell in heavy sheets, drumming against the pavement and cascading from the rooftops. Rohan's umbrella offered little protection against the deluge, and he was soon soaked to the skin.

The streets were nearly deserted, the usual bustle of the city silenced by the storm.

As he crossed the street, his thoughts were miles away, lost in the pages of his latest research.

He barely noticed the sleek Porsche speeding down the slick road until it was too late. The car's headlights blinded him for a split second, and then there was a deafening crash.

The impact was sudden and brutal, throwing Rohan into the air. Time seemed to slow as he fell, the world a blur of rain and headlights.

He hit the ground with a sickening thud, pain exploding through his body. Darkness crept in at the edges of his vision, and he could feel the life draining out of him.

His dreams, his ambitions, his unfulfilled desires all of it seemed to slip away in that moment. The rain continued to fall, mingling with the blood on the pavement.

As consciousness faded, his last thoughts were of all he had left undone, all the dreams that would never be realized.

When Rohan opened his eyes, the world around him was both unfamiliar and unsettling.

The first thing he noticed was the muted glow of oil lamps casting flickering shadows across the room. The air was thick with the scent of sandalwood and something else something old, like the pages of an ancient book.

He lay on a bed draped with heavy, richly embroidered fabrics that felt foreign against his skin. The room itself was large, but it carried an intimacy that made it feel smaller, as if it had been lived in for many years.

The walls were adorned with intricate wooden carvings, their designs swirling and interlocking in patterns that seemed almost alive in the lamplight.

There were no signs of the modern world he had just left behind no buzzing electronics, no sterile white walls, no clutter of papers and books.

Instead, there were shelves lined with leather-bound volumes, a large wooden desk with quill and parchment, and a tall, ornate wardrobe standing sentinel in the corner.

As he slowly sat up, the silk sheets slipping from his shoulders, Rohan's mind raced to make sense of his surroundings.

His body ached, a dull throb that reminded him of the impact that should have ended his life. But here he was, alive, in a place that felt like a relic from history.

His eyes fell on a portrait hanging on the wall across from the bed. It depicted a man with a strong, confident gaze, draped in a simple white khadi cloth, his posture exuding authority and purpose.

The man's eyes seemed to follow Rohan, filled with a wisdom and burden that he couldn't quite place. Beneath the portrait, a plaque bore the name of the man Pandit Neelkanth Rao, the recently deceased leader of the Democratic Congress Party.

The realization hit Rohan like a wave crashing against the shore. He wasn't in some strange dream; this was real.

He had somehow been transported to a different time, a different life. And not just any life he was in the room of a leader, a man who had held the power to shape the future of a nation.

The death of Pandit Rao, the leader who had fought tirelessly for progress and unity, had left a void in the party. A void that Rohan now found himself filling.

Panic rose in his chest, followed quickly by a surge of determination. The dreams he thought had died with him on that rain-soaked street dreams of influencing the world, of making a difference they weren't gone.

They had simply taken on a new form, a new urgency. He was no longer the solitary PhD student lost in the labyrinth of academia; he was the Prime Minister of India, thrust into a role of immense responsibility at a time of great uncertainty.

Rohan's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It swung open to reveal a man in his fifties, dressed in a simple but elegant kurta.

His face was lined with worry, but his eyes held a glint of respect as he looked at Rohan.

"Sir, all the party leaders are waiting for you," the man said, his voice steady but urgent. "The nation needs your leadership now more than ever."

Rohan took a deep breath, trying to steady the storm of emotions within him. He wasn't ready how could he be? But as he stood up, feeling the cool floor beneath his feet, he realized that he had no choice.

His ambitions, his desire to shape the future, would have to be realized in this world, in this time.

As he walked toward the door, Rohan glanced back at the portrait of Pandit Neelkanth Rao one last time.

The man's eyes seemed to speak to him, urging him to rise to the occasion, to carry forward the torch of progress and unity.

With a final, resolute nod to himself, Rohan stepped out of the room.

His dreams had not died they had only just begun to take shape.

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Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Volume 1
Volume 2 :Volume 2
Volume 3 :Volume 3

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