
Chapter 142

"Thank you, Harry," nodded the father of his now girlfriend, before the man seemed to want to return to whatever else he was doing in the office before he'd turned up.

"Thank you, Wendell," he replied, standing and making his way out. He was holding the sheet of paper in his off-hand as he left.




Meanwhile, Monica and Hermione were talking out on the patio. At first, Hermione was talking a mile a minute and Monica was just listening and trying to make sense of it all.

Finally, the girl calmed down enough Monica was able to ask her daughter the how, the what and the when.

She then got the story from her daughter what Harry told Wendell, but from Hermione's perspective.

"I was sooo worried," Hermione said. "It wasn't until he said he thought he might be in love with someone and wanted to ask me something that I realised I loved him!

"I thought he was going to ask me for help in asking another girl - I would have, of course - I'm his friend and that's what friends do for each other. But, I felt like he might as well have kicked me in the guts for how bad it made me feel."

"Buuuut―" urged Monica.

"But, he was trying to screw up his courage to ask me if I would be his girlfriend. It made me just so happy! I felt like I was going to float up into the air and away, right there! That's when I knew I had to say 'yes'."

Then she sighed while staring off into nothingness.

'She's smitten,'' thought Monica. 'No doubt about it. It's about time and this will make things easier.

'Wendell will be talking with Harry about calling his godfather to come visit. No need to worry Hermione about it. We'll let her know when it's practically a done deal.'

Looking to her daughter she firmly said, "Now that you two have finally recognised your feelings for one another, there are rules you're going to need to follow."

Hermione instantly blushed and looked away. "Mu-uum!" she whined.

"No. Listen!" her mother pressed. "Your father will be giving Harry a similar set of rules―"

Hermione immediately looked horrified. "B-but that could scare him! He's... his relatives―"

"Hermione. Stop!" her mother firmly interrupted. When the girl did she continued, "You know very well your father and I are trained in how to handle children, even one's as mature as Harry, who were the victims of child abuse. Your father is not going to do or say anything that is going to send Harry running for the hills; and you know it.

"As I told you, you and Harry seemed to be the only two people who have passed in and out of this house over the past few days who didn't know you two loved each other. It was only a matter of time before you two figured it out."

"Harry told me Daddy told him he needed to analyse his feelings," explained Hermione. "I thought it was for another girl."

"Nope," said Monica. "Therefore, we've had a couple of days of discussing it and working out how we were going to handle it. And remind me to send a thank you gift to Missus Landringham for sending Harry to your father as soon as he got back."

Hermione just looked worried.

"He'll be fine," said her mother. "Now. Back to the subject of rules―"

"Mu-uuum; I know the rules," she said.

"And I'm going to go over them and sharpen them up a little," her mother firmly stated. "You and I have already discussed how you're on birth control potions and why. And, as I said at the time, I can see the wisdom of that. However, just because you're on birth control, does not give you licence to have sex."

Hermione blushed again and muttered, "I'm not ready, anyway."

"Maybe not," said Monica. "But, your body is. And you know there are certain chemical reactions that will drive you to want to - 'Nature's imperative'. It will be up to the both of you to ensure you retain enough power of will to overcome it. And your knowledge of you being on birth control may warp your thoughts into thinking there'd be no consequences.

"Your father and I... mainly me, I guess... have worked hard to instil in you the responsibility and courage to stop before things get... out-of-hand."

"I don't know if Harry―" tried Hermione.

"That is not our, or your, responsibility," said Monica. "That is the responsibility of his godfather. And Wendell will be telling Harry to invite him over so they can talk."

Shocked, Hermione squeaked, "Daddy and Harry are going to talk about―"

"No. Your father is telling Harry to invite Sirius over so Sirius can talk to Harry about that," her mother corrected. "Your father and Sirius need to talk about something else. It's a business issue."

"About what?" she asked.

"A business issue, Hermione," Monica firmly stated. "You know better than to ask questions like that. If Sirius thinks you should know, he'll tell you."

Hermione blushed at the rebuke, this time; rather than in mortification. The nature of her father being a JP and her mother being a CD meant there were both business and law issues she was not allowed to be privy to - and she'd forgotten that.

"Sorry," she muttered. "I've been away for so long, so often..."

Monica nodded and said, "You're forgiven. The reminder was more than enough."

Of course, Monica also felt a little bad about it because she was using the nature of their 'after hours' jobs to keep something from her daughter. That was not a little dishonest of her.

"Next," she said. "Your father raised a little girl to almost twelve, when she suddenly disappeared into a different world. After that, he saw her for two months during the middle of the year, if that; then two weeks over Christmas; and two weeks over around Easter. Because of that, he hasn't had much of a chance to... internalise... that the eleven year old little girl he helped raise is now a fifteen year old young woman, wise beyond her years. That's why he slips up every now and then and calls you, 'Princess'.





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