
Chapter 143

"So, the idea of you kissing... and being kissed back... by a fourteen year old boy he also knows is recognised as an adult, is rich and famous and is politically powerful might be a bit much for him to see, for now."

"I've only kissed him like that once," she blushed. "That was when he asked me to be his girlfriend and, even then, Missus Landringham interrupted us."

Monica laughed. "So you told me," she grinned. "But, I told you that so you can... save your father the dyspepsia... of seeing his little princess effectively snogging with her boyfriend."

Hermione grinned back and said, "I can see that... yeah. Alright, I'll make sure we don't do something that upsets Daddy's senses."

"Thank you," her mother said. "Next..."




Harry had gone back to his room and pulled out his mirror. He sat there looking down at it for a moment as he thought about what he wanted and needed to say to the man.

With his mind still a little fuzzy from his asking Hermione to be his girlfriend and then talking to her father - who then up and surprised him, too - had him hesitating.

'Right,' he thought. 'Another list, first.'

Setting the mirror aside he pulled parchment and quill before himself and uncapped his ink bottle.

When he finished the short list of subjects, thought about if he needed to talk about more than that and not thinking of anything relevant for the time, he picked up the mirror again.

"Padfoot", he called.

A few moments later Sirius appeared. "Prongslet!"


Sirius took a long look at Harry's face, and asked, "Aaaaaallll-right! What's going on?"

"I'm going to tell you some big news, then I'm going to tell you some surprising news, and then I'm going to ask you to do some research for me," he replied. "After that, I need you to come visit with us tomorrow."

Sirius gave him a long look as a smirk suddenly appeared on his face. "Finally asked her, did you?"

"Yes," he replied, before he realised. "Wait. What? You knew? Damn! Wendell said you did, but I don't think I believed it."

Sirius laughed and said, "Settle down, Pup. You asked her. What did she say?"

"I was surprised," he replied. "She said, 'Yes'. Then she tackled me to the ground and kissed me so hard I think she bruised my lips."

Sirius laughed and then asked, "I take it that was the big news?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't sound so big for you," said a slightly dejected godson.

"It's still big news, Pup," replied Sirius. "What's the... surprising news?"

"He knows about the wizarding world's Betrothal Agreements, Sirius," he quietly replied. "He wants to discuss the subject with you."

"He does?" asked a shocked godfather. "Then... wow! That is surprising news. How'd he find out?"

"No idea, if you didn't tell him," he replied. "If it wasn't you, then it must have been Hermione. And, if it was Hermione, I'm wondering...

"Oh!" he suddenly exclaimed. "Of course! Malfoy and Parkinson."

"Pardon?" asked Sirius.

"Back in First Year, I remember Hermione asking, in general terms, why Parkinson - Pansy Parkinson, that is - was fawning all over Draco Malfoy," he explained. "Ron said something about 'They must be in a Betrothal Agreement, I guess.' And a few other not very flattering things, but that's beside the point. And, that got Hermione asking more about them.

"She then must have told her parents all about them in one of her letters home, or when she was home talking to them."

"Seems the likely scenario," nodded Sirius. "But, since he does, it's going to make things a great deal easier."

"Easier?" he warily asked.

"Easier," his godfather immediately and firmly replied. "Harry, you're a Lord of a Noble and Most Ancient House. As such, you really need one. Especially, since Hermione is a muggleborn."

"So, I take it my parents had one?" he asked. "That was going to be my next question, by the way."

"Yes," replied Sirius. "Your father had one drawn up, with your mother sitting by his side as he had it done, once they decided to make their engagement public.

"But, I want you to also remember that both of your parents were of-age when they did it. Because Hermione is not, it is up to her magical guardian to complete one in her stead."

"And, who'd be hers?" he asked. "I thought it'd be Dumbledore. But, as he's no longer headmaster―"

"As a muggleborn student attending Hogwarts, if she didn't already have one by default, it devolves to her Head of House," explained Sirius. "However, that was Minnie McGonagall; and she's now gone. I'd have to look it up, but it could still be her since her magical guardian could be identified by name, rather than title. If it's by title then, since there's currently no Head of House for Gryffindor, it would devolve to the Deputy Head. As there's no Deputy Head at the moment, it then devolves to the Head. That would mean her magical guardian would be Lady Griselda Marchbanks."

"That's―" he began.

"Hold your horses, Pup," his godfather interrupted. "Just a minute. There's something else you need to know."

When Harry nodded, he continued, "I've had Ted looking into what's needed to have magical guardianship transferred from one person to another without the current magical guardian having any say in the matter. And I had him doing it with Hermione... and this matter, truth be told... in mind.

"Your ructions across the hierarchy of Hogwarts have presented an opportunity. As Minerva McGonagall has now been found to be guilty of crimes against children, she is no longer eligible to hold a magical guardian position. So that covers the chance she was Hermione's.

"Secondly, if it was by title, then without a current Head of House for Gryffindor or Deputy Head in their stead it has likely devolved to Griselda. And Griselda would never refuse to allow a transfer of magical guardianship to another if she believed the muggleborn's parents wished it so of their own free will.

"Even if she does, it can be lawfully argued that Hermione's parents effectively signed over magical guardianship to Minerva McGonagall and no one else. Therefore, they would have the right to choose another if they so chose. And the current magical guardian would not even need to know until it was done."

"Well, I certainly hope you intend on discussing this with Hermione's parents, first," Harry huffed.

"Of course," said Sirius. "Talking to her father about Betrothal Agreements gives me the perfect opportunity to talk to him and Monica about her magical guardianship.

"Now, what's the... research you want me to do?"

Harry was a moment glancing at the written list before he looked back and said, "I'd like you to have a look at what hardcore Betrothal Agreements are in the Black records. Only those you can share, of course. I want Wendell and Monica both to have a full understanding of just how... vicious... some of them can be. Forewarned is forearmed."

Surprised, Sirius said, "I'll see what I can find. You might also want to write an authorisation for me to look into the betrothal records for the House of Potter, while I'm at it. Write it down and have Dobby deliver it. Then I'll head for Gringotts and go through the records of both Houses, there."

"Good idea!" he grinned. "And, since my parents are deceased, see if you can find that one, too. Since it's a modern one between a Lord and a muggleborn it will be a perfect example."

"You got it," nodded Sirius.

"You've got time, too," said Harry. "Tomorrow's a work day, Monday, so both Grangers are going to be at work until after 6.00pm."

"Only the one day, huh?" asked Sirius. "My! You must be eager!"

"Sorry," he blushed. "It's just... I don't know how long it's going to take you... And I just wanted to warn you that for the next five days they won't be home until after six. Plus, Wendell asked for it to be tomorrow."

"Home alone with the delectable Miss Hermione Granger," Sirius mock-sighed. "Can you two be trusted?"

"Alone?" he snorted, before wryly adding, "Hardly. Not with three aurors watching over us."

Sirius laughed. "I'll get it done."

"Thank you, Sirius," Harry said gratefully. "I really appreciate this."

"That's fine, Pup. That's what a godfather is for," smiled Sirius. "However, since Andi's going to go off at me about gallivanting all over the country again; when she finds out, I'm telling her you made me do it! Ha! Mirror off!"

As Sirius's image blurred away to be replaced by his own, it was a moment for Harry to realise just what his godfather had done.

'Bastard!' he thought in humour. And chuckled. 'Oh, well. All she can do is tell me off.'

Then he pulled a fresh sheet of parchment before himself so he could write Sirius his authorisation for access to the Potter family records at Gringotts.





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