
Approaching Madness

[ Stussy POV ]

Boris was worrying me.

From the moment I had woken up, I could tell that he had been in a foul mood. He was smoking more often than he normally would, and he always looked like someone was trying to annoy him. At first, I initially thought it was because of me, but now I'm not even sure anymore. Every once in a while, I would see him clutching his head as if he had a splitting headache.

I didn't make it obvious, but I did always keep some medicine for headaches on my person for him. I'd often slip it in his drinks before I gave it to him. I wasn't sure whether he noticed or not, and I also wasn't sure whether they were working; but I sure hope they did. I also had Ken take over the entire operation on getting the ship fixed and replenishing resources, and told him to report to me should problems come up.

I wanted Boris to have as much rest as he could get. Something was wrong with him, and if it concerned the dragon that he turned into. I did not want it having a good reason to take advantage of him. Boris was currently sleeping within the cabin of the ship. He had been sleeping since his little scuffle with Borusalino. 

Speaking of which, Borusalino was still standing near our ship. He had been smoking casually while looking blankly off into space. The crew just went out of their way to avoid the man, but my worry was the World Government. It had been a couple of years since the God Valley Incident, but I still didn't know what the World Government would do to me after finding out of my betrayal. 

I was sure that they wouldn't do anything because I fell under Whitebeard's protection, but I wasn't sure for how long that this protection would last. I could only hope that they wouldn't be rearing their ugly heads anytime soon. However, that was for a later time, right now I needed to do a bit of damage control.

Boris had just let out a massive wave of Conqurer's haki from the cabin. The crew had begun getting used to this stunt, but they still fell unconcious after the wave hit. 

I quickly rushed down to the cabin to check on Boris, he was still in bed; but two dragonic heads had emerged from both sides of his shoulders. They looked at me with their hostile gazes as they growled quietly. Something was wrong with Boris, I had heard that Zoan devil fruits often had wills of their own.

'Could he not have awakened his own Devil Fruit?'

This wasn't good, if he really hadn't awakened it. It meant that the rampage he went on when he fought Shiki was a minor possesion of the Devil Fruit. I can't even begin to fathom how much he had been holding back such a monster. I needed to find a way to stabilize him quickly, even Borusalino wouldn't be able to handle that monster.

I quickly began fumbling for the headache medication I had been keeping. I grabbed a pill, and went to lift his head so I could make him swallow it. However, the two dragon heads wouldn't let me. They would snap at me everytime I would try and reach for him, I could hear Boris groaning quietly in pain. 

I quickly used my Observation haki to keep an eye on Borusalino, and by the looks of it, he had already noticed and was slowly beginning to make his way to the ship. Annoyed, I quickly used finger bullet to keep the two heads away from me when I reached for Boris again. Blood spattered all over the bed as the two heads laid their lifelessly. I really hoped that I didn't unintentionally kill him or something. 

I quickly placed the pull in his mouth and made him swallow it. It was a bit dry, so I had to grab some water and make him drink that as well as he swallowed the pill. Suddenly, I heard another annoyed growl from Boris' side. The dragon head's had healed from their wounds, that wasn't all, they had begun to shrink little by little back into Boris' shoulder as his deep breaths began to cease. He had become stable, for now.

I removed the bloodied blankets that were covering him and replaced them with some fresh ones. I now needed to make a quick stop to the shops of the island to get new bed sheets. I quickly left the cabinate to check on the rest of the crew. They were fine for the most part, and the ship was still intact for the most part. However, the only difference was the presence of a certain gray suited man with a gray hat on his hand.

"Oh~ what could have possibly gone wrong with him?" Borusalino asked curiously.

"Mind your own business Borusalino, and get off our ship while you're at it." I replied coldly.

"Abnormal bursts of Conqurer's haki~ could it be that he hasn't awoken his Devil Fruit?" Borusalino continued prying.

I couldn't react in any way, doing so would only confirm his already correct suspicions, I only smiled coldly before saying.

"Maybe, he doesn't appreciate pieces of shit like you walking on his ship."

"Oh~ how scary~" Borusalino quipped as he started making his way towards the entrance to the cabin.

I wasted no time appearing right in front of him, hindering his approach towards the cabin. I had some hints that they had little information about him. I'd prefer to keep it like that, at least for now, Borusalino looked unamused as he stood in front of me. 

"Your orders were to keep an eye on us, not to intrude upon our turf. Do you honestly believe Boris would let this slide?" I asked coldly, my fists slowly coating themselves in haki.

"Oh~ if he wasn't so tolerant, why isn't he coming outside right now?" Borusalino inquired curiously.

"Maybe, because I remember warning you that if you keep bugging me, I would kill you." A cold voice boomed from the other side of the cabin's door. 

An even larger amount of Conqurer's haki burst from the door of the cabin. Borusalino and I started taking a couple of steps back from the door. This voice....it was different from what he normally sounded like. 

"Boris, are you okay?" I asked nervously.

The door opened as Boris stepped out. His hair had striped from his complete head of dark silver to stripes of silver and black. His eyes, which were normally pitch black, had a glow of silver eminating from his vertical slits that he had for pupils.

"Okay?" Boris laughed at my question cruelly, "I feel beautiful."

Sorry for the late drop.

I'm thinking of changing Boris' Character image, y'all ok with that?

Love y'all!!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts
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