
A Turn of Fate

Finally, it could be seen by everyone watching close enough that Percy Weasley had made a decision. Little did anyone know that within a matter of seconds, his decision would forever make him a martyr.

"Those Aurors are Death Eaters!" Percy bellowed. "Fudge has signed a secret agreement with You-Know-Who!"

Commander Boggs snarled viciously at Percy and then in a startling move screamed the incantation for the killing curse. Dumbledore watched sadly as Percy Weasley was instantly hit and killed by the curse.

Everyone stood in shock and stared at the ambitious junior-under secretary's body. They were drawn from their shock when Mockridge, seizing the moment, stepped up to the podium and in a resounding voice issued spoke. "I refuse to allow Death Eaters to take over this Ministry or country! Get them now!"

William Boggs was not necessarily a stupid man and happened to be competent enough to fight and perhaps even lead the new Death Eater-Aurors to victory against the aggressive crowd. However, he was also a coward and was currently standing on the front line. He chose to retreat and gave the command for all those under his command to activate their Portkeys.

Dumbledore impatiently waited for the crowd to calm down as soon as the ballroom was void of the DE-Aurors. As soon as Percy had made his announcement, it had become perfectly clear to Dumbledore that more trouble was afoot than ever before. Time could no longer be wasted. If he quibbled about who was to become Minister of Magic, the Ministry could quite possibly dissolve. Mockridge was a competent person and now had enough popularity that he could make a tremendous difference against Voldemort.

With this in mind, Dumbledore threw his support behind Mockridge as he stepped up to the podium and managed to coerce the crowd to return to a sense of order. "The vote of certiorari will continue." he announced calmly. "Will all those in favor of making Cuthbert Mockridge the Minister of Magic please say 'Aye?'"

A reverberating 'Aye' came from the audience. When Dumbledore asked for 'Nays,' none responded. Dumbledore then finished the official formalities. "As leader of the Wizengamot, I hereby recognize the validity of this vote of certiorari and declare that by unanimous vote, Cuthbert Mockridge is the Minister of Magic."


After Mockridge had departed for the Ministry, Harry had opted to stay behind at Gringotts and discuss his finances and assets with the goblins. Now that supposedly Mockridge would become Minister, Harry's properties and other things would become accessible to him once again.

Once he had finished his business, Harry stepped out into Diagon Alley appropriately disguised and made his way to Florean Fortescue's ice cream shop to buy some ice cream and take it back to Nair'icaix to share with Bellatrix. He had noticed her eating large amounts of ice cream at random times lately.

An hour and a half after the negotiations had ended at Gringotts, Harry returned to Nair'icaix, ice cream in hand, to find a letter bearing the seal of the Ministry from Mockridge awaiting his pleasure on his desk.

Harry set the ice cream down, charmed it not to melt, and opened the letter and read the contents with surprise. He had not expected Mockridge to become the Minister so quickly. The details were sketchy as Mockridge had not had much time to write privately, but from them, Harry gathered with sadness that Percy Weasley had been killed and that there was a new nuisance to worry about in the form of one William Boggs.

Fudge's fall from power would not deter Boggs from carrying on with those who followed him. If Harry's suspicions were correct, the pseudo-Aurors would probably join Voldemort if they had not done so previously. The Death Eaters ranks had swelled.

Harry also feared that Boggs would lead a movement to overthrow Mockridge. Harry winced at his own cold-heartedness as he caught himself wishing that he could arrange for Fudge to be killed. Any such movement would certainly be led in Fudge's name.

All worries about the current situations were forgotten by Harry as his wife cheerfully entered his study. Bellatrix had apparently been able to detect his return. He smiled at her and pointed to the ice cream. "Hungry?"

"Always hungry for ice cream." Bellatrix said, grinning cheekily. She grabbed the ice cream package and made off with it.

"Hey!" Harry called after her in mock indignation, "You don't get it all!"

"I will if you don't come after me." Bellatrix yelled from the bedroom gleefully.

Harry made his way to the bedroom and found that Bellatrix had already served up the ice cream equally and was greedily digging in as she sat on the bed. Harry joined her and before they knew it, the treat was all gone.

The bowls, spoons, and empty carton automatically disappeared as Harry laid back on the bed. He looked up at Bellatrix and found her looking at him with a very satisfied smile from her sitting position next to him. "We should do that more often." he commented.

Bellatrix didn't answer as she shifted her position and laid down on her side next to Harry, propping her self up with her elbow. She reached out with her free hand lightly stroked Harry's chest. "There's something else we should do more often." she purred. Before he could answer, she brought her head down to his and initiated a long kiss.


The morning was nearly over before Harry woke up to find Bellatrix spooned against him, already awake, and lightly caressing one of the hands he had wrapped around her. She turned her head up to get a better view of his face from her position. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

"It's your fault that I was up so late." Harry whispered.

"You're the one who got the ice cream." Bellatrix murmured.

Harry unwrapped his arms from around her and the two sat up and stretched. They then proceeded to go through their morning routine and were soon enjoying their breakfast for lunch. Harry was idly wondering what to spend the rest of the day doing when Bellatrix spoke.

"I have some good news for you." Bellatrix said carefully.


Bellatrix looked at him carefully before proceeding. "Hermione has managed to cling to her belief of your innocence."

"I'm glad of that." Harry said. "It shows that she is not so weak after all. Maybe she'll get some others to believe as well."

"That's not all."


"She managed to get washed up onto the island. Captain Nailoff arrested her for trespassing and then Hiscophney identified her as a member of the Order. Nailoff then had her locked up in the dungeon."

This caused Harry to raise his eyebrows in surprise as he munched on a piece of toast. "Interesting. Why did she decide to seek me out?"

"I interviewed her yesterday while you were gone. She wants to talk to you, apologize, and all that stuff." Bellatrix informed Harry.

Harry's eyes grew slightly hard. "I don't think I want to talk to her. Tell her that I won't go and try to get revenge on her and to mind her own business in the future, then release her."

"You need to talk to her, Harry." Bellatrix said calmly and persuasively. "This isn't something that you can brush off."

This caused Harry to become rather grumpy. However, Bellatrix was his wife and he respected her and her sense about things. "All right, a small talk."

After lunch concluded, Bellatrix tracked down Nailoff and the three made their way down to the lower reaches of Nair'icaix's dungeons. They soon arrived at Hermione's cell to find that Nailoff had sent a guard ahead to prepare for the interview.

Harry stepped in the cell with Bellatrix on his heels to discover with surprise, a scantily-clad Hermione whose arms suspended above her by a hook connected to chains that shackled her wrists together. Hermione blushed slightly as she looked at Harry and squirmed uncomfortably.

Wishing to move along, Harry spoke. "Bellatrix says that you want to speak with me."

"I came to apologize." Hermione said weakly. "I'm sorry for believing that you were a murderer and I'm sorry for creating so much trouble for you. I'm also sorry for what I've said about you."


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