
Penance and Redemption

"Fine." Harry replied. "You apologized. Now leave me alone."

"I'm not finished." Hermione said bravely. "I w-want to make things up to you. I want to earn your forgiveness so that we can at least be friends again. I'll help you with your fight against V-voldemort."

An irrational anger suddenly coursed through Harry's veins. With a snarl he stepped forward and delivered a stinging slap to Hermione's face. Instead of crying out, she turned her other cheek toward him. This enraged Harry even more and he slapped her again.

Suddenly, Bellatrix's hand was on his shoulder. "Calm down, Harry." she whispered.

Breathing heavily from anger, Harry looked at Hermione who was now looking back at him with silent tears streaming down her face, both her cheeks bearing his hand-print. "You can't earn forgiveness! It's a gift that I must choose to give!" he growled.

"I realize that." Hermione said, now sobbing. "But I can't accept your gift of forgiveness without feeling that I'm worthy of it in some way. Please, either punish me for my betrayal or allow me to do something that will make make things up."

Harry was not in a mood to keep talking so he made a valiant attempt to end the confrontation. "I'll see to it that you return home safely. I've accepted your apology and will not seek vengeance against you. Just leave me alone!"

"I'll come back." Hermione declared with resolve. "I'm determined."

"You want to feel worthy of my forgiveness." Harry stated. "What makes you think that I'll ever give it you?"

Hermione looked Harry in the eye for a moment before letting her head hang and then spoke despondently. "Please consider forgiving me, Harry. If you do, not only will I accept whatever task or punishment you set, I'll promise to serve you for the rest of my life. If you don't want to forgive me, then please- take my life. I can't bear to live without your forgiveness. You can even send for your count and have him chop of my head." At this point her voice trembled. "If you kill me, at least tell my parents that I loved them."

Harry didn't want to forgive Hermione, but neither did he want to kill or have her killed. The very idea repulsed him to no end. There were so many emotions running through Harry's mind that he was unable to think. Letting out a noise that was somewhere between a snarl and a sob, he bolted from the cell.


Bellatrix immediately exited the cell and found Captain Nailoff. "Which way did my husband go?"

Nailoff pointed back toward the way they had come. "That way, milady."

"Would you and your guards please go look after him until I come up? Don't get in his face, just keep an eye on him."

"Of course, milady." Nailoff replied. "Do you need our help with the prisoner?"

"She is completely harmless. If she was a danger, Harry would have remained." Bellatrix stated firmly. "I'll look after her."

"Very good." Nailoff said before quickly making his way with the other guard up to the main level of Nair'icaix.

Bellatrix returned to the cell and had the hook holding Hermione's arms up disappear. The teenage girl then sank to the floor slowly. The tears were still streaming down her face but she had stopped making crying sounds.

"It's okay." Bellatrix said in what she hoped was a soothing voice. "Don't worry too much."

"When is he going to do it?"

"Do what?"

"Have Count Trazkaban cut off my head." Hermione replied in a resigned voice.

Bellatrix regarded Hermione with a cool stare before following Harry's example and slapping the girl. "My husband is not a murderer." Bellatrix declared with gritted teeth. "I thought that you had just established that fact in your mind." Hermione took one look at Bellatrix and burst out into sobs again.

"I'm sorry." Hermione said as soon as she gained control of herself.

"Good." Bellatrix said. "Now, I know that Harry will eventually come around. It's only a matter of time. What is it that you want to do in order to make yourself 'feel worthy' of his forgiveness?"

Hermione considered this for several long moments. "I said that if he forgave me, I would serve him for the rest of my life in addition to my earning his forgiveness. Therefore, it'll have to be punishment."

"My husband doesn't administer punishment either." Bellatrix informed Hermione gently. "It'll have to be some sort of penance that you carry out yourself. I'll try to find some ideas. As soon as Harry calms down and has time to rationalize, I'll try to work on his feelings. Meanwhile, don't let yourself get too low."

Hermione nodded at the encouragement from Bellatrix. "Thank you."

"I'd better find Harry." Bellatrix announced. "I'll try to keep you updated."


Bellatrix then left the cell, making plans as how to best comfort Harry and calm the confusion that must be raging in his mind. He was obviously repulsed by the idea of killing Hermione and angry about her asking for forgiveness. Then of course, his initial reaction of slapping her twice would prey upon his feelings and cause a large amount of guilt. Despite the obstacles, Bellatrix was confidant that Harry would eventually forgive Hermione. For that, she revered him. 


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