
(24) a talk about my decks origins! I have divine cards?!

Well folks I looked at the last post about whether my ultimate stand and ultimate stand-user cards should be god cards, and TheOneThatNeverWas said those that stop a function of reality like time should be divine-beast types.

So after some thought over that I decided that on that subject I'll have the ultimate stand and ultimate stand users be god cards, and stands that deal with time or reality like wonder of u will be divine-beast types.

Also I've decided to take out stand disk smooth criminal and the finest science in the world and put giorno and golden wind into the deck as well as golden wind requiem.

And with that onto the chapter.


"Okay…I'll take out smooth criminal, and maybe the finest science in the world…and there! All finished."

I was in my room contemplating how to include giorno and golden wind into the mix, I wasn't even sure I was allowed to have more than forty cards.

'Maybe I should ask Pegasus, but in the meantime.' I think to myself as giorno, DIO and the others came manifested around me.

"So have you finished adjusting you deck?" Giorno asks as I head to the door, "yeah I added you and golden wind into the mix with buccarati and the others." I say to giorno as I walk down the corridor where I see a maid carrying some fresh linens in a basket.

"Excuse me. Would you happen to know where Pegasus is at do you?" I ask nicely as she looks at me before smiling.

"Oh master Pegasus is in his main office dearie, I'll call someone to guide you there." The kind lady asked as she reaches into an apron pocket and calls for a coworker to guide me.

"My granddaughter will be here shortly." She said before promptly leaving to put the linens away, and after a few minutes another maid came and led me to a door.

I reach out and knock a few times and after a few seconds I hear him, "come in." Pegasus says as I open the door, and after the maid bowed at Pegasus she promptly left leaving only myself and Pegasus.

"I must admit jonah boy, I was expecting you to not make it until an hour from now, but no matter, I take it you know why I wish to talk about your deck?" He says and I nod, I had a feeling this would happen sooner or later.

Taking out my deck I place it on the table between us, "well my decks origin is an interesting one, but to make it long story short I wanted to make manga but all I was good at was storytelling, and because I wanted them to be real they somehow became the cards of my deck." I explain as Pegasus listens before he reaches under the table and pulls out a couple cans of moka cola, and he hands me one.

"Well jonah boy, I am quite surprised that duel monster cards can be made this way, but to find out you wanted to be a manga artist surprised me even more!" He said as he opens his can of soda and takes a sip.

"Well jonah boy, do you know where all the monster from duel monster come from?" He asks as he puts his soda on a coaster before leaning forward.

"Not really, but if I had to guess, outside of the normal realm(the real world) where you and I reside and the shadow realm, there must be a third realm meant for duel monsters." I say to Pegasus as he looks impressed.

"You are quite close jonah boy, but I believe that the realm where duel monsters are from are like a separate universe entirely." He says as he waits till I finish taking a sip of soda before continuing on with his lecture.

"You see this realm where all duel monster cards are from there are instances where cards or deck concepts exist, and I believe your deck is a new concept only unique to you!" He concludes as he reaches and draws a card.

"Hmm…I may not have the millennium eye but I sense a lot of divinity in each of your cards, which means that some divine being created your deck, do cards somehow randomly show up?" He asks and I nod, as I recount hearing a voice and finding a new card in my hand just recently.

"Then that means you are blessed by a very powerful individual, and that means these cards will only answer to you and you alone." Pegasus says as he takes another sip of his soda.

"Huh…well I guess you aren't wrong." I say vaguely since I'm pretty sure the goddess who created everything wouldnt like another diety entrenching upon her world.

"May I take a closer look at your deck?" Pegasus asks and after giving the okay he looks through, but his eyes widen when he sees the front of the deck where I keep my stands and extra deck.

"This shouldn't be possible jonah boy! Some of your cards are divine beasts!!" He says as he continues to explain, "how you haven't been cursed by the Egyptian god cards is a complete mystery to me, since these were the only ones that should have the type of divine beast monsters!" He says handing me my deck back.

Well…I guess that means they don't know I exist somehow, maybe it was the goddess' doing? I may have to ask her next time I see her.

After that conversation Pegasus stands up and goes to his desk and pulls out a box, "well jonah boy you are in for a treat! I'm planning on introducing this archetype to the stores and you will be the first to look at it!" He says to me with the tone of a child excited about going to the zoo or movie theater.

"Introducing the alien archetype! These cards are capable of taking control of the opponents monsters!, and I'm planning on testing it out myself against the winner of the whole tournament tonight, so I'm not going to use my original deck." Pegasus says as I take a closer look at the deck, it really would be a headache to deal with when it comes to its control capabilities.

"These really will be a nightmare for any duelist to deal with." I mutter as we hear a knock on the door and hear a maid.

"Pardon me master Pegasus and master jonah, but the kitchens say lunch is ready to be served at your leisure." The maid said as we both hear her footsteps fade in the distance.

"Well jonah boy, let's go to the dining area, we're having barbecue!" Pegasus says with glee as we both head our way to the dining area.

"Hey jonah, is what buccarati told me of your lover true?" I hear beside me as I look over and see Giorno manifesting beside Pegasus and myself.

"Yeah, she's the head of the vertinelli family in the downtown domino area." I explain as I see the familiar doors to the dining hall and smell the oh so tantalizing smell of grilled hamburgers as we walk in and see everyone enjoying some really good looking cheeseburgers.

I see Joey going to town with his burger, eating like a dog who hasn't eaten in days. Rosaria was seated near the end with an open spot for myself.

I took my seat and giorno manifests again and says hello to rosaria and just as I sat down a cheeseburger with some French fires were placed in front of me.

And as we all dig into our food I couldn't help but wonder, if god cards couldn't find me, how would people like ishizu react when they can't see my fate?


Hope you all enjoy this chapter, I managed to find my old alien deck and decided I'd make my own plot point and have Pegasus test out a new archetype during his match with jonah.

But besides that please! Feel free to comment ideas on new stand and stand users! I'll take a look at them and maybe you will see your creation in this series.

And with that I'm out,peace😁✌️

have a happy holidays all!

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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