
(4) punching out weevil,and meeting my monsters.

"Hey,is that spot next to you taken? I want to enjoy the view of the ocean." I ask Mai as she was also enjoying the view of the sunset over the ocean.

Mai hearing Jonah ask about the spot next to her turned to speak back,"you can take that spot,so do you also enjoy the view?"

I nodded at her question,"yeah,I'm Jonah by the way,Jonah kamijo." I say holding out my hand.

She looks at me before looking back at my hand,"I'm Mai valentine,sorry kid,but I don't do handshakes." She says as she walks away and meets a man with a red beanie,who leads her into another room on the boat.

"Good grief" I say,remembering how she played Rex raptor as a fool to get his room,using various perfumes to play the act of a psychic.

'Well she learns her lesson after duelist kingdom,so I can't say she's a true cheater.' I think to myself as I see a shit-eating bugbrain.

' god his voice is even more obnoxious in real life.' I think to myself and I see the exact scene of yugi losing exodia to the sea,even remembering it from the show pissed me off.

"Say bye bye to exodia!!" I hear him say as he throws the cards overboard,as I watch the part play out I decide to do the one thing I always wanted to do as a kid watching this show on Saturdays,punch out weevil.

I walk over to him as he is walking away laughing,and I clench my fist in anger at how he shows no remorse…like my opponent in my last life.

"Oi!" I say which got his attention,and as he turns around to look at me,I throw a full force right hook on his face,his eyes widening in shock of what I did,before his eyes went white,and he falls down the wall slowly,not moving only with the occasional twitch.

"Hoo! That felt good!"

"Jonah!" I hear tea shout as she and Tristan ran towards me.

Tristan not knowing what happened looks at me with anger before grabbing my shirt,"hey what was that for?!"

"That sad excuse for a duelist threw yugi's exodia cards into the sea,and seeing that I punched his lights out in retaliation."

After they both hear this,both tea and Tristan turn to look at weevil I. The utmost disgust,like a cockroach he was.

"Well considering what he did,what should we do with him Jonah?" Tristan asks,trying to hold in his anger.

"Well considering I punched him with enough force to put a strongman in a three day coma,I say leave him on this ship for the entirety of duelist kingdom." I say as I reach into my backpack and pull out some heavy duty rope and duct tape,as well as a blank wooden sign with rope attached to two of the corners.

As tea and Tristan were helping joey get back into the ship,they both were filling in the two on what I was doing,and they go to where weevil and I were at,and as they get to me, I was already done.

Weevil was stripped down to his nettle patterned undies,with a sign that had,"I'm a cheater who threw my competitors best cards into the ocean",and he was tied up in multiple knots,ranging from an anchor hitch to a simple bow.

"Oh hey,you guys made it." I say as I hear their footsteps approach me.

"HAH! That's what you deserve for throwing yug's cards into the sea!" I hear Joey say looking at the still unconscious weevil.

"Hey Joey,you want his stuff?" I say pointing to the three cards layer in a meat pile next to a dueling glove and star chips.

This is great Joey! Now you can compete!" I hear yugi say as Joey puts on the glove and inserts the starchips.

"Yeah!" Joey says as he does his Joey face,"money for serenity's treatment here I come!" He says punching his fist up in the air in excitement.

I look over at the group as I stuff weevil into an empty crate.

"Alright then, I'm going to get some shut-eye,you guys get some sleep too,we'll arrive by morning." I say to the others who followed me to an empty spot on the ship,and as we they get comfortable,I close my eyes.



I open my eyes to continue my training under Lisa Lisa,but I didn't see the usual surroundings from the previous training,instead of an infinite staircase,I see what looks like an auditorium,and I wasn't alone.

"Hey Bruno! There's a new guy!" I hear a voice say to another person who responded.

"I can see that nerancha." I hear the voice say to the first voice.

"Hold on…Bruno buccarati and nerancha?!" I say in surprise as I see every stand and stand user in my deck appear in front of me.

"Good,you know me,now talk,is this your stand ability?!" Bruno asks as he walks closer to me,the kanji for menace appearing in the background as he walks closer to me.

"No Bruno this isn't a stand! This is a new world!" I say as he licks my cheek ,to see if I was lying.

"Wha- you're telling the truth!" I hear Bruno say as nerancha looks more confused but still ready to attack.

"A new world…interesting…" I hear another voice to my right and I see two figures,a man who looked like a priest and a blond muscular man who had vampire fangs.

"You're DIO and that man next to you is enrico pucci!" I say pointing at the two,DIO chuckled at my realization.

"So tell me,who are you boy,and what is this new world you speak of." I hear DIO say,as everyone else with the exception of moody jazz and the other stands without a user nods.

"What a pain,alright listen up,any of you hear of reincarnation?" I ask getting a few nods,DIO and enrico being one of them.

"Well I died trying to save a goddess,and she decided to send me to this new world where you can make a living playing a children's card game called duel monsters here!" I say as everyone else was listening intensely.

"So as I died,she said she'll give me a system that allows me to summon cards based on an anime in my previous life,where you all come from."

That was the straw that broke the camels back as nerancha starts having an existential crisis.

"WAIT SO YOU MEAN WE WERE ALL NEVER REAL?!" I hear him say as Bruno tries to comfort his subordinate.

"Well I'm not sure,I'd say since there is an infinite possibility of your world existing,then maybe we were all brought together by fate." I say to nerancha who calms down.

"So basically,while you guys were not real in my past life,now you guys are real,albeit as my deck,but know I'm taking up to the top!" I say as everyone looks at me with a small smile,well everyone except for DIO and enrico who just nodded at my declaration.

"So this system…can it allow us to enter this new world?" I hear enrico say,catching the attention of everyone else.

"Well I'm not sure if I can,but I do know that as I bond with each of you to 100% I can gain abilities from you all,so far im learning hamon from Lisa Lisa,and so far my bonding to her has reached 6%."

"Holy shit this is cool! That means we can see a new world!" I hear nerancha say as I clear my throat.

"So are you all okay with joining me on this journey as I show the world what you all can really do?" I ask to everyone else.

"Alright then boy,my name is DIO and I'm going to teach them what it means to fight us!"

"If master DIO is onboard them so am I"

"I don't see why not,let's have fun nerancha."

"Hell yeah!" I see nerancha jump with his fist in the air as everyone else agrees to join me on my journey.

"Then my name is Jonah kamijo,let's work together!"

[system update]

We all hear a feminine yet mechanical voice speak all around us.

[due to having all your current cards agree to join you on your journey to be the king of games,you have now gained a new skill as well as (special artifact:mystic stand necklace]

I look down as I see a necklace with a stand arrowhead on the end of the string.

[installing skill (stand guardian summon)]

I couldn't help but look at the new skill i gained with shock as I read out the ability.

"Stand guardian summon- a sub skill of the skill spirit bond,this skill will allow a stand user to use their stand to protect you from enemy forces.(current limit:1)(will grow count when you reach 100% on a stand user and their stand)"

The others look at me in shock as they hear this skill.

"So I already know who I want to have as my stand guardian,nerancha I choose your lil bomber!"

"Huh?! Why my stand,mines weak compared to the others!" I hear nerancha say,as some of the stand users nod.

"Your stand may be weak,but your radar ability is the best option for me since we are going into enemy territory." I say which made nerancha consider what I've said.

"Well…I'll trust you,pleasure working with you Jonah!" Nerancha says as he gives me a goofy smile.

I see the dreamscape dim around us and I knew I was about to wake up.

"It looks like I'm waking up,see you all next time!" I say as my eyes open,I see tea shaking me awake.

"Wake up Jonah! We're almost there!"


I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

And does anyone like this new sub skill I added to the spirit bond? I added it since it would take forever for one to reach 100%.so this skill will allow him to bond easier.

Thanks to all who enjoy this chapter,love you all,peace😁✌️

have a beautiful day all!

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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