I came here with little to no expectation but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not a master reviewer so I won't go too much into the details but here's my thoughts regarding the novel. I will update this review after I read some more chapters.
1. World building. Nothing groundbreaking as of yet but a good amount of care and effort was put into it. It works and that's what matters.
2. Characters. The characters are pretty fleshed out for your average webnovel imo, ofc there aren't many chapters yet and I haven't fully read all available chapters(I have read 36 ch as of now) but I expect to grow attached to the characters as the novel goes. The foundation is there.
3. Plot. Again, too early to properly judge but there are pieces planted by the author. I'm curious to see where it is headed.
4 Writing. The writing is heavily reminiscent of shadow slave imo, not that there's anything bad with being similar to shadow slave. I have read lotm and ss, and my expectations towards novels increased as a result but the fact that I was able to read this novel comfortably shows the writing quality is quite good.
If I had to name a small nitpick tho, it's that the writing style sometimes feels too similar to shadow slave. It kind of feels repetitive sometimes, but the author would probably grow and develop his own style as the novel progresses, looking forward to that.
All in all, a good novel to read. Recommended.