~~~~Episode 1~~~~~
Mr and mrs Eva was under the bridge taking a nap when they heard the cry of a baby. Mr Eva woke up and looked around the place trying to trace the baby voice but at the same time he was also scared.
You might be wondering why they are sleeping under a bridge, but it was because they were so poor that they couldn't even afford a room or any place to stay. So mr Eva woke his wife who woke up and was suprised to why her husband woke her up at an ungodly hour. It wasn't too long before she also started hearing he cry of the baby. So both of them trekked to another part of the bridge before they say something wrapped in a white cloth. Mr Eva was the first to go close followed by mrs Eva.
The moon light reflected on the clothe which mr. Eva opened with shaky hands. They saw a baby boy who immediately stopped crying on seeing them. Mrs. Eva thanked the moon goddess, because she knew that that was her doings because she prayed with all her heart.