
Chapter 22: A Meltdown At The Facility!: Enter Mugino Shizuri, Meltdowner! A Plan With Explosive Results! (Part 2)

Date: August 19, 2009

"Hello viewers, Keiko here. Yes, it's been awhile hasn't it? Anyway, enough of that. Let us now continue on to the long awaited second part of the previous chapter. And so, with that in mind, on with the chapter."

Okay, so things hadn't gone exactly how I figured that they would've gone when I had followed Misaka to the facility that was one of the remaining two that were running the Level 6 Shift experiment. And to tell you the honest truth, I still wasn't going to allow her to continue to go off on her own night after night. In fact, I was even considering telling the dorm supervisor about what had been going on the past week or so. But, seeing as how that was not only a poor decision to go and do, but it would've wound up compounding me as well. I decided immediately to go against doing that. And as for our current predicament regarding one Mugino Shizuri, and the rest of ITEM? Well, I wasn't just going to leave her alone with a Level 5 Esper like Meltdowner. Even though I was pretty sure that she could handle it herself.

However, given that I had interrupted them both in the middle of the confrontation. I had not only unwillingly put myself at risk, but I had also gone and put other things in motion, that wouldn't become more clear until much later on. And as I stared down a currently surprised Misaka, and a not so happy Mugino. I knew, that my troubles, were far from being over.

In fact, the next sentence out of Misaka's mouth, was...well...

"Keiko, what are you doing here? I don't want you getting involved in all of this, I said before that I can handle it myself!" Misaka said, as she was staring me down, with an all too familiar blush on her face. Which, to be honest, wasn't helping her situation.

"What, so I am supposed to just sit around and do nothing, while you go off and do who knows what?! Need I remind you that this isn't just our fight anymore?! Has the *ahem* incident from weeks back, taught you nothing?! Because in case you haven't noticed Misaka, we are not the only ones that are literally fighting for our lives here. Perhaps you would like to explain to the viewers, for those who have skipped to this portion in the story, why exactly..."

Unfortunately, I never got to finish my statement, or have Misaka respond for that matter. Because halfway through my statement, Mugino decided to cut me off. "Okay, I would love to listen to the two of you tell stories to each other all day...but I..."

And, it was at that moment, that Misaka. Decided to fire a bit of electricity in Mugino's direction. And, although it had missed her head by mere inches, it still caused her to flinch slightly. And...well...I just couldn't resist speaking up on Misaka's behalf. "Oh, I'm sorry, Shizuri, were we boring you?...You know, it is not very polite..." I began. "Keiko, this is not the time for that!" Misaka wound up interjecting with, now not quite pleased that I had decided to speak up for her.

And unfortunately it was at that moment, that Mugino, who might I add, was more pissed off then before, decided to start firing her laser based attacks at the both of us. "We can discuss this later Misaka. Because right now, we have Mugino to deal with. And furthermore, I am going to need to have you tell me everything that you have been doing, and what exactly has been going on lately. And no, that is not a request," I said, right before me and Misaka began using our electricity to counteract Mugino's lasers.

And, about a few minutes later, after we had been locked in a stalemate. A thought then came to my mind. Well, it wasn't really a thought, so much as it was an idea that would help get me and Misaka out of this mess. At least, for the time being.

So basically, the tape that I had noticed from when I had been making my way through the facility, was wired to several dolls. That from when I had been making my way through the facility had made me realize exactly what it was that Frenda specialized in. Mind you, it took a rogue stray of electricity hitting one of those dolls, and prompting it to instantly detonate, that had brought the idea to my mind. And...well, I had gone and taken one of those dolls, and had sort of brought it along with me. Mind you, it was behind my back the entire time, which was why neither Misaka, or Shizuri, were aware of it. And so, when I saw that Misaka, was also not only aware of the dolls in question, and was now resorting to throwing several of said dolls towards Shizuri. I then couldn't help but crack a small smirk. As I then decided, without letting Misaka know exactly what I was doing..."Hah, is that all you got!? Railgun!?" Mugino asked mockingly. As I then launched the doll in question, that I had had behind my back this whole time, and simply launched it at the side of her head, while her attention was focused on Misaka.

And, not surprisingly, the very action of it striking the side of her head at that velocity, caused her to fall to the ground, and lay there unconscious. Well, at least for now. "Geez...do you ever stop yacking!?...By the way, made you look!" I passionately and mockingly said. As I turned around, from the now unconscious Shizuri, only to be met with a less then pleased look, on Misaka's face. "What, you wouldn't have done the same?" I said, with a light pout on my face, and a bead of sweat then appearing on one side of my face.

And, as expected, Misaka wasn't able to give me a straight answer, because she knew that I was right. And with those thoughts very much in mind. We both took off towards the exit to the facility, and hopefully, what would be, our last encounter with Shizuri. But, unfortunately, this was not to be.

"Hey viewers, Shinko here. Well, that about wraps it up for the 2nd part...I will see you all in the 3rd and final part of this...See you all there. *Says the last part while waving*"

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