
Chapter 23: A Meltdown At The Facility!: Enter Mugino Shizuri, Meltdowner! What To Do When The Odds Are Stacked Against You! (Part 3)

Date: August 19, 2009

"Hello viewers Keiko here, it is has been a while since the last chapter hasn't it? But enough about that, and let me ask you all a question. What would you say to another possible encounter with the meeting of The Four Aces again? Now just hear me out for a moment, as this does now require me to explain this further. As in, what if I told you, that what happened with the rouges gallery several chapters ago, was not an isolated incident? Now, I am not saying the villains or the entity responsible for their return is coming back. Far from it in fact, but, what if those that were present on our side during said fight, were to come back for some reason or another? Ah, now I have your attention, correct? So, what if Galaxia, wasn't the only villain, who was being controlled by said entity? But, I think that that is enough of me foreshadowing you for the moment. Let us finally get on with the chapter."

Well, this is just great, talk about the cat chasing the mice. Well, not exactly, but you get the jest of when I am trying to say. As me and Misaka, were currently on the run, through the maze of the facility, in an attempt to make sure that we weren't hit or grazed, by any of Mugino's lasers. However, in our bit of doing so, we still wound up experiencing several close calls and near misses. And I was, well...."Honestly Misaka, this is your idea of fighting her?! Keep dodging and playing cat and mouse, until we either escape or wind up dead?! Surely you must..." I said in a rant like tone, only to be cutoff mid sentence by Misaka. "Well Keiko, do you have a better idea, because if you do, then I am all ears?!" Misaka said in response, and in a less then amused sounding tone of voice, as we quickly dodged yet another laser that was fired at us both by Mugino. "Well..." I began, with a bead of sweat also becoming present on one side of my face. As I tried in an attempt to answer what Misaka had just asked me.

Only problem was, I was sort of cutoff mid sentence, by a certain someone shouting something out, in a less then pleased tone of voice. "Stop running, you are making it difficult for me to hit you both!" Mugino shouted out in a very deranged sounding tone of voice. As yet another one of her green lasers shot through the air, and once again barely missing both me and Misaka. "That's the point, or are you..." I began, only to be met with a less then pleased side-eye glance from Misaka. Which wound up earning another bead of sweat to appear on one side of my face. As I then chose not to complete my statement. As both me and Misaka, then proceeded to try and find a safe way out of the facility building.

And thankfully, we then found our way, outside, albeit, through quite a lot more difficulty in attempting and just barely succeeding, to dodge several more of Mugino's lasers. We then ran over a bridge, that was located just outside of the facility building. And once we had done so, we then stopped for a quick moment, in an attempt to try and catch our breath. And it was then, that I finally had a chance, to look at our respective outfits, and to tell you all the honest truth, we were quite filthy. However, that wasn't anything that a quick warm shower couldn't fix. And yet, we sort of had a more current pressing matter on our hands.

"Finally, I caught up to you both, now, what do you say that we finish this properly...Railgun?!" I heard the all too familiar deranged voice of Mugino shout out, which was then followed by Mugino then preparing to fire yet more of her lasers at us.

However, as I then took a quick look at the bridge that both me and Misaka had just crossed, I then noticed, that it had some pretty obvious cracks, in its foundation. Which, when I took notice of those cracks, it gave me a great idea. And when I briefly turned, to look at Misaka, I then realized, that she more then likely, had the exact same idea as I did. And this was due to the fact, that electricity, was already crackling through the bangs of her hair. And, with this now in mind, and now noticing that Mugino was now partway across the bridge. I then followed suit. But, not before I decided to speak up regarding Mugino's currently perilous situation. "Tell me something Mugino, do you feel weightless at all at this current moment? Because I think it is about time for you to take the fall!" I shouted, as once I had finished my statement to Mugino, me and Misaka, each fired a shot of electricity, towards the many cracks, in the bridges foundation.

And before Mugino could even have a reflex, the bridge wound up collapsing out from under her, and it sent her falling into the blackness of the hole beneath the bridge. "Okay, I am very certain that that takes care of her..." I thought to myself, as I then let out a big sigh. However, as me and Misaka turned around to leave, and head back to our dorm at Tokiwadai, we then heard the all too familiar sound, of Mugino screaming out to the both of us. "This isn't over, I will get you both for this!" Mugino was heard shouting from the pit of blackness. Only now, for the moment at least, both me and Misaka simply shrugged it off, as we both then took off towards our dorm at Tokiwadai. Only thing was, Mugino's statement, unfortunately, was going to wind up being 100% correct. "Well...sorry, Keiko here again viewers. So, when I said that her statement, would wind up being completely correct, what I meant by that, was that we would be seeing her again at a later point in this fanfic. That is what I meant by that. Anyway, see you all in the next chapter. *says while waving and smiling with eyes closed*"

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