
(48)a war on two fronts! my mana zone awakens! part finale

(Fana pov)

"If I could use my 3 healing magic spells to help bring your elven friends back,would you help me?"(alucard)

What did this human say? He wants to bring back the elves…after all the humans have done to us? And he expects us to forgive them!!!


"I'm sorry what?"(alucard)

'I won't for give them!!!'

"ILL KILL YOU!!!" I yell at this human and salamander shoots a flame hotter than any flame magic and sets the human on fire before it charges in and slams its body on this human scum and begins spewing flame magic until only a charred body and behind the human's body the cliff face turned into magma that was slowly flowing down.

"…good riddance." I say to the now dead human before flying away to kill the other humans.

'No matter what they say,I won't trust the humans,not this time.' I think to myself before I freeze as an extreme chill in the air as I feel something was happening at the mountain where I left that human.

Before I could even register what was happening the mana spiked in the dead human.

"What is that ungodly amount of mana?!"

I turn around and see the charred remains of the human begin to stand and I feel dread unlike anything I've ever witnessed as the human opens its eyes and I see eyes showing the deepest crimson.


All I saw and felt was red hot flames as I see all the souls I've accumulated over the year training under Merleona disintegrate inside me leaving me all alone in a dark void.

"Damn…I really messed up didn't I? Sorry guys…I let you down." I say to myself in this void as I float for what felt like a minute before I blink and find myself in a giant basement and in front of me is a man with a red trenchcoat and hat sitting in a chair with a giant 70 inch plasma screen tv in front of him.

"Is that adventure time?" I say to myself thinking the man couldn't see or hear me but boy was I wrong as the man turns to where I was and smiles.

"Oh good my entertainment is here!" He said before I clued in on who he was,this was the abridged alucard!

"Hold on alucard I'm not your entertainment! I'm from another world." I say showing my jackal and cassul making him raise an eyebrow.

"Well I don't remember having kids so I'll just say I believe you,so sit back and reeeelaa-"

"Want to go for a walk and talk?" I suggest to him as I see him smile and laugh hard,"do priests like little boys?" He says before getting up and walking out into a mansion area with guards and everything.

"Never did get your name otherworld man,I'm alucard." He introduces himself as I respond,"my name is also alucard." I say as we both see a woman who looks like she didn't see me as she tells alucard about a vampire in cheddar at which alucard laughs and says he'll go for a run and we begin sprinting.

"So why do you think you're here?!" He yells and I begin to explain how I'm from a world where magic is everything and I tried to right the wrongs of another extinct race and how all my souls disintegrated leaving me in a void until I met this worlds alucard."

"so you're telling me this basic elven bitch wants to take down humanity and she got angry at you for trying to right a wrong?!" He says as he chuckled and shoots a vampire priest that was charging at him.

"That about sums it up yeah." I say before I see him look at me,"so if your a younger yet different me does that make me your daddy?"

"No…but how will I take out the soul that's possessing that human? And how will I get back?" I ask abridged alucard.

"Well if movies like the hulk have taught me anything you need to grasp your power and embrace it." He suggests before handing me his guns and I feel my power radiating out of them,and I didn't know how that was possible.

(A/N: because I make it happen)

"Take my guns and my soul." Abridged alucard says before putting his guns in my hands.

"Wait then what will happen to you?" I ask as he laughs,"oh that human side of you is adorable! And besides…I'm only around to give you a power up so the readers and writer can see plot armor in action! So…let us both go for a walk." He says before his body turns to dust and flows into me.

[wow I never thought I'd penetrate myself.now let's go have some real fun]

I hear his voice in my head before I find myself back in my own world and find my mana has vastly increased again and with vastly better quality.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I hear the elf fana shout with absolute horror in her voice and face as I turn to look at my squad mates who were being overwhelmed by both the diamond kingdom and eye of the midnight sun alike and then I begin to speak.

"̵T̵h̵e̷ ̵b̴i̵r̵d̷ ̴o̴f̴ ̸H̷e̶r̶m̷e̶s̶ ̸i̴s̵ ̷m̸y̶ ̶n̸a̵m̵e̷,̵I̷ ̵e̴a̵t̵ ̷m̸y̷ ̸o̶w̶n̷ ̶w̶i̸n̷g̴s̷ ̶t̸o̸ ̵k̸e̸e̸p̶ ̷m̷y̸s̵e̸l̷f̶ ̸t̶a̷m̴e̴,̸m̶a̸y̴ ̶m̴y̸ ̴l̴e̴g̸i̴o̵n̵s̵ ̷r̸i̴s̷e̴ ̸t̴h̵r̵o̵u̴g̸h̷ ̷m̴y̸ ̶r̸a̵g̵e̵,̵a̸n̵d̶ ̴s̴e̶t̴ ̶t̴h̶i̴s̵ ̴i̸m̵p̷u̴r̸e̴ ̸w̷o̵r̴l̸d̴ ̶a̶f̴l̶a̶m̵e̶.̷"̷

̶"̷R̵e̸l̷e̴a̷s̶e̵ ̸r̸e̴a̵s̴t̶r̴a̸i̶n̸t̷…̷l̷e̶v̵e̷l̶…̷o̸r̵i̵g̵i̵n̴s̴:̸d̸e̶a̷d̷ ̷m̴a̸n̶ ̴w̶o̶n̷d̴e̷r̷l̵a̶n̶d̵"̷


So for those confused I had alucard(Mc) die and then meet the abridged alucard who pulls a nail and fuses with alucard(Mc) and now alucard(Mc) has unlocked an even greater power so in terms that might make sense.

Lucious(Julius' other half) is a world breaker in terms of power scaling for black clover.

So right now after this chapter alucard is at country level right now and he will only get stronger,so I'm planning on having him meet the other variants of alucard with the next one being castlevania alucard when he gets isekai'd due to staying behind in that shadow castle and he helps alucard(castlevania) kill Dracula who is connected to a literal universe called the chaotic realm and will come back when the quiloph arc happens.

(Question:should I do anime castlevania or symphony of the night which I'm more familiar with?)

Also if you're wondering how will he bring back the elves when he's not there he will make an orb with his mana that will activate a trinity healing magic effectively bringing the elves bodies back.

So I hope you all understood that and I hope you all enjoy this much overdue chapter.

Thank you all and I'll see you next week,peace😁✌️

have a good holidays!

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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