
story for my best friend(Rwby of ragnarok)

As the title states my best friend asked me to do a story for him,so this chapter is just for him,mind you I have never read or watched record of ragnarok or rwby,but this is for him.

Also if you all enjoyed this,please don't hesitate to make this a new series to continue this story.(again I've never read or watched both series,just going off google for now)


You know what? Life is a bitch!

I just gave my first confession to my childhood friend,which not only she accepted,but our first date was today! Now I'm guessing you're wondering,'but you are dating your childhood friend now,so why do you say life is a bitch?'

Two words, godly kidnapping . Right when I was about to meet up with my now girlfriend,a literal FUCKING grim reaper kills me! And you know what I see in the afterlife?

A bald heavens gate looking motherfucker!

"Hey man,I get that your mad,but that was hurtful!" The bald man says looking saddened by my comment about him.

Seeing the supposed Diety start tearing up,I take a few breaths to calm down,"you're right,I'm sorry. I'm still a bit mad,but you admitted it was a mistake,so what now?"

The bald Diety clears his throat with a cough before speaking,"Well Adam,can I call you Adam? Or would you prefer me to call you Mr.Lee?"

"You can call me Adam." I responded to the Diety,who sighed as if preparing himself to say some bad news.

"Well Adam,I'll be blunt…you angered my brother,remember that child you saw at that convenience store?" He asks me,and I was puzzled at what he meant until it hit me.

"You mean that boy who wanted the last ice cream I bought?" I say as I remember what he said,"I'll come at you when you are at your happiest,mark my words!" Before he ran out the store,I just scoffed at the boy thinking he was a chuuni.

"Yes,that was the god who commands all iterations of death gods,from the grim reapers to shinigami's,and he's my little brother." He said with a look of sadness and pity before continuing.

"My brother is unbelievably petty,and the other gods know what lengths he would go,but this time he crossed the line,and tried to reap a soul that wasn't supposed to die that day." He says as he tears up,and while sobbing he continued on.

"And because of what he did our father wanted me to take your soul to my domain while my little brother dies in your place!" He says whilst crying,Adam on the other hand couldn't believe it,he died because of ice cream?!

"So…." I say trying to remain calm,"what happens now?"

The god summons a box of tissues blowing his nose. "Well father ordered me to give you a brand new life as compensation for my brother's transgression,so I'll need to take a look at your karma through your life,past,present and future to see how many wishes you receive." He says before a prompt both of us see.

Adam rock lee


Age:17 (deceased prematurely)(age subject was supposed to die: 85)

(Cause of death: godly transgression)

(Good Karma:10million(beyond normal limits) ( bad Karma :500 thousand (average)(reason for abnormal good karma:finding the cure for cancer,and even treating people during the worst pandemic in the 21st century)

As I look at my good karma,I got confused,I found a cure for cancer? I learned chemistry as a hobby!

I turn to look at the Diety and I see his face,it was a look of absolute shock.

"H-how can this be?!" He exclaimed,making me even more confused,"um…god? What do you mean by that?"

He turns to face me,and starts to explain,"you see,for every 200 thousand good karma,you would normally get one gacha perk before being sent to the world the isekai gacha would land on,and to get said karma,you had to be a good person,it shows that you helped people around your neighborhood,and even help at school,that alone would have given you at least two gacha perks,equaling 200 thousand in good karma,you have 50 times the regular amount!"

I stand there gobsmacked,I couldn't even believe it,50 times the regular amount?!

"The max we can give for wishes is 10,so I'm going to have to give you 5 premium perks to exchange,you will get the choose what world world you go to,a system,race,choice of name and appearance,and finally a lottery on what age and who will find you will be in said world."

As he says that a list of worlds appear,I see my hero academia,bleach and many more,but as I glanced at the list,one caught my eye.

Rwby(morality reversal)

"I'll choose that one,but what does morality reversal mean?" I say point to the rwby world.

"You know how mineta acts around women in my hero academia? Well imagine a world where instead of men being perverts,women are the perverts." He says before making the portal to the world.

"Okay now for your system,please spin the wheel." He says pointing to a lottery wheel.

I reach out and spin,closing my eyes hoping I don't get anything bad,and I just listen as the clicking noises kept getting quieter and quieter until it stopped.

"Looks like you get the record of ragnarok template system,you really lucked out!" He says before a new list appears.




Daywalker(a vampire immune to the sun and doesn't need to drink blood for sustenance)



Surprise me(basically a randomizer)

Looking through them I didn't want to be a human,it was too normal,Faunus were discriminated constantly,so that was a hell no.

After about a few minutes I decide to go with daywalker,it wasn't human or Faunus,and I felt like angels and demons would be mistaken for the brothers of light and darkness.

"So you chose daywalker? Honestly nobody ever pays attention to that choose because it says vampire,so you chose pretty well."

Suddenly I feel a burning sensation all over my body,as my muscles condense and my bone structure was rearranged to handle the now ultra condensed muscles,and I feel my canines become sharper,as I bite down trying to bear the pain.

"Nice job handling the pain,honestly thought you would pass out,now then,what name and appearance do you want?" He says while a clipboard was in hand.

"For the name how about shirou emiya and for my appearance,how about Merlin from fate grand order?" I say as he writes down what I wanted.

As he was writing I couldn't help but ponder,what made the premium perks different from the regular ones,"hey I was curious,what makes premium perks different from regular perks?"

"Well when it comes to regular perks,you get not so overpowered things like systems or weapons,and you don't get a choice on what you get,but premium perks are the opposite,you not only get to choose what race,name and appearance you get,but the lottery wheels for systems are overpowered,in face your record of regnarok template system only needs you to do certain actions to gain percentages,for example if you get the Buddha template,you only need to meditate and just relax."

Hearing the explanation I felt like my system was broken,considering I'm getting templates from not only humans like Lu bu,but even gods,albeit possibly nerfed to high heaven to keep me on mortal levels.

"Alright,so do you have any idea how old you wish to be and on who finds you?" He asks while making the system I was getting.

"Yeah,I'll want to be 11 years before the main story,and as for who finds me,just make it a random summon gacha for who my parent will be."

"Oh a risk taker! You do know that if I do that you may get someone like Salem or a god from record of ragnarok right?" He asks with some concern in my choice.

"Yeah,but what's life without risk?" I say before he hands me the summon gacha I wanted.

"Well looks like everything is in order,just walk through the portal and your story will begin." He says before disappearing.

And as I walk through the portal,I knew there was no turning back,time to show the world what true power looks like.


So this is my request story for my friend,im not sure how good this story is,but if you want me to write this as a new series,I'll be sure to do so,but this was just a preliminary chapter,but with that hope you enjoy and have a good day,peace😁✌️

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