
chapter 36:meeting captain charlotte and making a new friend part 3/4

Authors note:and the results are in and the winning option is option 4(but I'll add a bit of option 1 just to spice it up.

Now let the observing begin!!


As the carriage was in the air I was giving puli directions to the cabin and when we were going to our destination puli asked Arata a question.

"So host you're an engaged man huh? Well I'm happy you fount someone,but to think you tamed the untamable lioness of the clover kingdom,oh I'm puli by the way."

"I'm Arata and I'm hoping to help your captain finally become a couple with yami,want to lend me a hand?"

Puli hearing Arata wanting to help her captain smiled at Arata,considering she's been trying to get yami and charlotte together for a while now,she's happy someone else is doing the same."id like to help as well."

"Oh puli now descend and the cabin will show itself down below,my senior was assigned to clean the place while I was at my dungeon mission so it should be tidied up."

Nodding puli descended and saw the cabin she was shocked by how big it was,'when I was told the cabin was big, I didn't think it was this big,it's not a cabin it's a lodge!'

When everyone got off the carriage and looked at the cabin itself they all looked at Arata in awe considering they heard how he made it.

"Alright everyone the first floor rooms are for guests the door that's red is the master bedroom,so get comfortable while I make-lunch?!"

Everyone who heard my shout and saw my shocked gaze followed it until they saw a red headed woman smiling at Arata.

"Merleona when did you get here?!"

"I was here for ten minutes before you arrived,so I waited,now what were you making for lunch?"

All the blue rose knights present put the dots and realized this was their hosts fiancé .

"Well I was planning on making pasta for lunch since it pairs well with wine,I'll also add some chicken on top as well"

Merleona glanced at all the people around her and locked eyes with charlotte.

"Welcome to our cabin lodge,hope you all enjoy your weeklong stay,im going to spend time with Arata in our room to,'catch up'"

Everyone who caught on to what she meant by catch up and immediately went outside to do some moderate training,leaving only the captain of the blue rose,Arata and Merleona.

"Well before we do our training we'll let you enjoy each other so don't take long,we'll be done in half an hour."

And as charlotte walked out Arata attempted to walk out as well only to have a flaming lions paw grab his head,and heard a chuckle.

"She said thirty minutes right? Well then…I'm going to enjoy these thirty minutes!!"

"Wait master Merleona let's wait till night comes around,because I want to play a good hos-"

"If I don't see you in our room in ten seconds I'll make you do anal for a month,and I'll be the one giving you anal!"

"Yes ma'am!" Arata says panicking at her threat and sprinted to the bedroom with Merleona following close behind locking the door behind her.

While nobody could hear what was going on in the sound proofed room,they all knew what was going on and they prayed for their host,knowing he will need it.

hope you enjoy.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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