
chapter 19 revelation,and magic knights exam part 1/4


All was quiet in hage village that night,and soon after morning,and Arata was woken by sunlight on his face.


As Arata got his bearings he turned to his left and saw a nude Merleona sleeping next to him,'I have to admit,Merleona really looks cute when she sleeps',Arata thought to himself with a chuckle.

Stretching, he got out of bed and took a soak in the bath house,and went on to make breakfast.

"Hmm…I'm thinking eggs and a hop potato hash paired with boar meat" arata says to himself before going to work,and soon after he hears footsteps,"morning master,breakfast will be served in five,so take a seat." He says to Merleona,whom was blushing at remembering the night they both had together.

"…Arata I was curious,I looked at the bite you gave me but there is now a weird stigma on the area,could you explain?" Said a still blushing Merleona showing the mark.

Glancing at it,Arata saw a star with two circles looking like bitemarks," master I'm pretty sure that you gained a power similar to me immortality,let me check real quick to be sure." Arata says while pulling out his grimoires.(insert DIO meme here)

As his grimoires spawned out of his gloves,he looks through his first grimoire containing his first twenty spells,but no spells talked about the mark.

Thinking it may be in the other grimoire he opens it and finds something surprising,and sits next to Merleona for her to read.

[restraint level zero B: unity through fangs and blood: through the bite of this spell he can share the immortality with his partner,and upon the partners death reverts them back to their prime and makes them immortal to join the original vampire{race}]

(A/N : so I added vampires as a race in black clover considering what alucard is,they will be an extinct race up until Arata came into existence)

Merleona with her knowledge of magical races was shocked upon the realization," wait so does this mean you're a vampire?! They're supposed to be an extinct race!!" Merleona said while Arata who was also surprised,'so on top of the elven bloodline I also got the extinct vampire bloodline…so that means Merleona can become like me.'

"My mom and dad were humans,so maybe I'm a descendant of the vampire race,and that means I brought back the race."arata said to Merleona who was nodding in understanding of this revelation.

" so does this mean upon my death im still a mortal who will become immortal? So by partner it means…marriage…!" Merleona says putting pieces together.

Turning to Arata she asks," so what do you want to do now? Considering you are married to me through this mark?",Arata while in contemplation replies," I'm thinking of becoming a magic knight and make a peaceful society for us to belong in." Merleona understood what he meant,' make a peaceful society so they could live happily'.

" well the magic knights exams start in a week so we got time,let's head back to the capital so we can explain our…situation." Merleona said,eager yet cautious to explain she fount her partner.

Arata nodded,"well there's no turning back now."

so yeah Arata will be the progenitor of the new vampire race,who can walk in the sun without issue,but will have a 10 percent power loss.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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