
chapter 2: 7 year training plan at the ultima volcano

Just as fast as it went dark,I opened my eyes,feeling a searing heat.

Looking around I fount myself on a volcano trail,"where am I?",I pondered. Just as I said that a note appeared in from of me from the two gods that gave me this new life.

'We forgot to tell you,but we placed you in the ultime volcano trail which is a lot stronger than the other strong magic regions,but we are giving you a care package which has a change of clothes which are moderately magic resistant and self repairing.'

'As well as an explanation to how your guns and bullets as well as magic will work in this neat little book,we also made your body won't need to consume blood for food,and have given you alucards eyesight,so how you live now is up to you,enjoy.'

After reading the letter it faded to dust and was replaced with alucard's outfit and two pistols and a book explaining my guns design and functions.

I look at the clothes and it consists of a deep crimson trench coat and for the time a deep crimson shirt and a vest and deep black tie,as well as his signature hat,glasses and gloves.

Not the pistols they were his signature jackals,on both guns laid the phrase 'Jesus Christ is in heaven now.'

'Well this is cool',I thought to myself as I read the book I was provided.

"Okay,so I have bullets that won't kill anyone unless I mentally command it to,and the healing and binding magic bullets need to be shot at the target for their magic to work,and it seems like the two gods gave me the bullet control of rip vanwinkle,well this about sums up everything including the fact my mana is the bullets I done need shells,sweet."

As I finished reading the book turned to smoke and entered my mind and implanted the information.

Sniffing myself I realized I reeked of sweat due to the heat."hmm,if I remember correctly there should be a hotspring near me,I'll take a bath and after that I'll begin my special training for the next seven years."

So I climbed up the trail killing any mana beasts that come my way and I discovered that indeed a piece of their soul enters my body giving me alucards signature extra life regeneration he demonstrates in the show.

And soon enough I reach the top of the trail and see a beautiful hot spring,"Finally I made it up! Time for a bath" I think to myself

Taking off my clothes and placing them near the edge,I walk towards the water.

Right as I put my left foot in the water I hear a woman's voice followed by mana that felt like I was being observed by a lion,"hey kid,you shouldn't be here."

Turning around faster than a normal kid I summoned my jackals and come face to face with a nude royal I know all too well…shit.

okay so someone commented I got the idea of robs wrong,so I changed them to gods,but other than that I’d like to say I might be doing a pretty good job for a beginner.

also this will be an r18 story with a pretty small harem,who will be in it,you decide!

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