
Chapter 4: Guess who showed up.

"Ok, Sir. Have a nice day Sir." Clint replied before the call ended.

He checked his status bar and pressed the power button before dropping the tech box on the table. He reached for the intercom, entered some digits and dialled. 

"I'm expecting a visitor from Prime Constructions by 10 o'clock today." He informed Jane, his secretary over the phone.

"Okay, sir," replied Jane's feminine voice from the other end of the phone.

"When are those guys from OMAN coming?" He asked.

"11:30, sir."

"P.M?" He queried, repeatedly hitting his his index finger on the desk.

"A.M, sir"

"I have told you severally, always be specific."

"I'm sorry, sir," the female voice replied.

He dropped the intercom and turned to his desktop computer. 

Clint maintained his focus on the monitor before him. His hands guided the mouse around the table, clicking it at intervals, when intercom rang again.

"Let her in," he instructed through the phone and turned to his desktop screen again.

The presence of his visitor took his attention off the computer system. He stood in courtesy as she approached his desk, devoid of any facial expression. 

"Hello. Good morning and welcome." He exchanged a handshake with her.

Write- Tina took his hands (Tina's inner thought)

With his hands locked in hers as much as their eyes did, Clint was as good as lost. He felt the smoothness of her small fingers, like he did at the party — even better now that he could see her up-close under the sunlight that illuminated the room. 

"Please, sit," he offered, pointing at the swivel seat nearest to her.

Tina's facial expressions didn't sit well with Clint. Although their last meeting wasn't very pleasant, Clint expected a level of familiarity between them, but Tina deadpanned. It's either she has forgotten or she decided to ignore him, like she did on Instagram, Clint thought, and the latter was more likely. If that was the case, he knew it was only wise to flow with the tide. 

Clint continued the meeting fighting all urge to bring up their last encounter. He wasn't so pleased, but he continued anyway.

moments into the meeting, Clint caught Tina peering at him, as though she was trying to figure out something. "I'm Clint. We meet again," he introduced himself for the first time in the room. A flash of smile swept through Tina's face. She slipped out her phone from her bag, unlocked it and typed something before handing it over to Clint. 

"The angry guy from the party/Instagram stalker," he read out aloud. "Oh, you remember?" He asked, to which she nodded in affirmation.

He released a breath, "I'm not an angry bird, and I don't stalk people. I apologize. I was tipsy and you won't blame me. I never knew . . . ," he stopped, not knowing how to put his words, "and I didn't mean to stalk you either. It's just my way of making up for that night."

"Now you knw, pls, stop the stalking too. I don't blame you for anything," she typed and showed him.

"Don't be mean. I'm sorry. I really am." 

"I'm already doing that." She showed him.

He rubbed his hand across his face. "This is not good. Let me make it up to you?"

Tina covered her left eye with her hand, in an "I don't trust you gesture".

"Ok. Fine." Clint conceded.

She typed on her phone again and showed him, "let's get to biz. Dad sent me."

"That's right," he concurred. 

"Ozo said you will take over the project henceforth. That's all he said. He forgot something anyway."

"What?" Her facial expression asked.

"He forgot to leave a warning on how gorgeous you are. Pardon me for drooling over that." He reached for his laptop.

Tina rolled her eyes at the wake of his comment. "Cut it," she signalled.

Clint Projected An image on the large screen next to them. He swiped through the designs and explained the concepts to her as she looked on. 

Done with the presentation, she complimented him and proceeded to study the tile designs more carefully. 

"Thanks, once again. Here are the documents." He handed over some papers to her. She took it and skimmed through them before putting them inside a large brown envelope that he provided.

"How about we have launch?" Clint asked.

Tina looked up to his direction at the sound of that. 

"Just lunch, nothing more," he explained, "don't say no; it's my way of making up for that night," Clint said, his tone more demanding than pleading.

Tina rolled her eyes for the second time that morning. She grabbed her phone on the desk and started typing. "Unprofessional. I still get to make the choice too."

"Thanks for the reminder, but nothing is attached. It's my way of making up for that night. Tomorrow at noon, what do you think?" He swung his chair to move at the same speed with the tempo of voice.

"Some other time maybe, but not tomorrow. Chat me up," Tina typed.

"WhatsApp would be better, save that I don't have your digits." Clint said, handing his phone over to Tina.

"You know where to find me," Clint read out from Tina's phone slowly. 

Tina: Guess who I saw today? 

She text-walked to her car. She felt Clint's eyes moving her out of the office into her car. Maybe he thought the eyes would suffice after she declined his offer to walk her to her car. She was glad he didn't insist, as she already had enough of him for a day.

Chidi: Who? 

Tina: Mr Stalker

Chidi: Who is that?

Tina: The guy from the party

Chidi: Oh wow!


Tina: Happens that he's my Dad's supplier. He runs this tile factory.

Chidi: Interesting 

 What a coincidence.

 How did it go?

Tina: Nothing much, save that he was flirting in a business meeting. He offered me lunch.

Chidi: No way! [Smiley face emoji]

 Such a fine gentleman

 That's cute of him.

Chidi gushed over the text.

Tina: Nah, I don't think so. 

 He's just a flirt doing what he knows best to do.

 Who flirts with his client in a business meeting?

Chidi: Did you accept it?

Tina: Not really 

 I'm not falling for that.

She reached for the car door.

Chidi: Rude!

Tina: Thanks for the remark [Eye roll emoji]

Chidi: Sorry Ma'am, but that's true.

Tina dropped her phone on her laps to fit in her seat belt, before picking it up again.

Tina: Bye


She dropped it again and ignited the engine. She reversed into the driveway. Just then, through her side mirror, she saw him re-enter the building.


CLINT: GUESS WHO showed up at my office today?

Iyke: Hian, guess kwa?

Clint: Are you guessing or not?

Iyke: Nah by force to guess?

 Abi d guessing nah ur own?

Clint: U knw you ain't ok, right

Iyke: Old news. Nah both of us follow ment d same time [Smirking emoji]

Clint: Have a nice day

Iyke: Waite, u never talk wetin u wan tell me.

Clint covered his face, laughing. He was only pulling his leg. He knew Iyke wouldn't let go without hearing what he has to say.

Clint: Gawwd [Laughing emoji], whc kin human being be this?

Iyke: U go tell me, abi u no go tell me?

Clint: I no wan tell again

 Hold ur guess make I hold my gist [frowning emoji]

Clint continued; ready to drag the conversation further.

Iyke: Oya chop ur gist

Clint: U no fit dey serious for once in your life 


Iyke: Said by the most carefree person on earth 

Clint: Start guessing already 

 I have lots of work to do

Iyke: You don get another babe

Clint: Mtcheew

 Nah you find that one give me?

Iyke: Kamso, showed up again

Clint: It's ok. Let's call a quit for the guessing.

Iyke: Oya, tell me 

Clint: Tina

Iyke: Tina ke?

Clint: That babe from the party

Iyke: Chill Baba, make I call you first.

Clint swiped at the green button on his screen. 

"My maaann!" Iyke laughed. "Give me full details." He demanded.

Clint went on to detail him about Tina. Explaining how she was related to Pete in the process.

 "Wow! So Pete has a sister. Where she com dey all this while?" Iyke asked.

"Nah me you dey ask?" 

"So what happened?" 

"Nothing," Clint replied, getting busy with his free hand. He went back to working with his system.

"You sure?" Iyke asked 

"No dey ask me that kin question Oga." 

"If you say so. You shaa gats be careful Bro. Business is involved here." He advised.

"I always am." 

"Thank God for your life," Iyke teased, "just be careful shaa."


"But, how did she come about?" Iyke asked.

"Latest member board of directors, maybe. Don't know, just saying. Her father owns the company, you know. That kin thing."

"Hehe, such a hot director," Iyke teased.

"As in eeh."

"Bye, I have lots of work on my table."

"Hey, have you sorted things out with the head office."

"Yeah, they have agreed to compensate me for that. Talk later, got drinks to distribute." Iyke echoed again before ending the call.

Clint dropped his phone and concentrated on his desktop, smiling.



Because Of His busy schedule, Clint never contacted Tina again after their encounter at the office. He almost forgot about her till he came across her post. He had attended a church service after what seemed like forever. Thanks to his neighbour who had their child's dedication. 

Back from service, Clint relaxed in his sitting room, busy with his phone, yet to change from his outfit—an ash coloured dress, made from cashmere, commonly known as senator.

For a moment, he dropped his phone to pull his shirt. By the time he picked the device, he had only white singlet and his trousers on. He came across a group picture on Tina's Instagram handle, a family picture taken after church service. Pete was missing from it.

"[Love emoji]'ly family. (Lovely family)" He typed into the comment box.

Clint: Xup Babe

 Happy Sunday

He proceeded to chat her up, after which he continued swiping through the app.

His phone beeped ‒she liked his comment. Another beep, she replied to his message. 

Tina: Good

 Wish u the best of today, sir.

Clint: Thanks 

 How is your day going?

Tina: Amazing as usual, sir

Clint: "Sir?" 

 I prefer "Clint"

Tina: Ok, sir

Clint: Can you pls stop that

Tina: Angry?

 There you go again

Clint: Fine 

 Have a nice day

Tina: You too

He stood from the couch, picked his shirt and left the sitting room for his room, muttering barely audible words about ladies and their problems. 

Minutes later, he walked out in a new outfit with headphones, singing loudly to 'Finesse' by BNXN. He walked to the kitchen to make himself breakfast.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I'm counting on your support.

Zen_ithcreators' thoughts
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