
Chapter 5: You don't give up, do you?

"No Need, Sir, I will drop by the plaza this morning," Clint responded to the caller at the other end of the phone on that bright Monday morning.

"I will be waiting for you then," the caller responded.

"Ok, Sir!" Clint replied, heading out of his sitting room, his phone glued to his ear still.

Just like every other day, he chose when he went to work—he was the boss after all. When he finally decided to leave for work, he received a call from Engr. Chigbo Adubasim, the middle-aged man and a father of two, who ran PRIME Co. A big time building construction and estate management enterprise; requesting his presence.

Ózó as he fondly called him had amassed a fortune from handling building constructions for high profile personnel's and businesses, including government agencies, and real estate investments also. With him, business was always good. Although he is always a bit under the belt with his demands and strictness, it didn't matter to Clint, as long as the contracts kept coming and credits kept flowing in.

Clint opted to meet with him in the morning time; other engagements could wait. He opened the left rear door of his car, and dropped his briefcase, usual of him. He jammed it afterwards and subsequently opened the one to the driver's seat. He checked the time for the umpteenth time before boarding the car. Subsequently, he kicked on the engine and drove out of his apartment premises.

His car galloped as he drove through the un-tarred street of his neighbourhood, honking at his neighbour, Stainless Lady –the woman who owned the mini supermarket down the street, and her fifteen year old son who raised his two hands up in respect "Chairmoo!" Chairman, he hailed in his street parlance. The car's undercarriage frequently scrapped against the sand mounds of the rough muddy road that battle erosion for years now. It screeched and scratched till he got to the tarred major road. Swiftly, he steered the car to his left and floored the accelerator, drifting away in the busy road. A tricycle rider cursed at him, the adamant motorist who approached speedily was forced to slow down abruptly. He watched them from the side mirror, unperturbed while he drove off. 


In matter of minutes, Clint drove into the parking space of the vast busy five story building owned by Engr. Adubasim. The vast building which is nicely seated along the busy Aroma axis of the Enugu-Onitsha expressway, like a few other buildings in the area, is covered with glasses, but unlike them, it radiated an intimidating aura against them. 

Standing out on the street, the transparent anterior walls of the plaza allows you a clear view of the exquisite showroom of interior decor materials and electronic appliances elegantly displayed in the ground floor and the subsequent floors above it. The rest of the floor, which served as office complexes, is covered in opaque glasses.

He stood by the elevator and patiently waited to gain entrance, at the same time, he observed people go about their daily business. The elevator dinged and Tina alighted in the company of a staff that he perceived to be her assistant. 

"Hello, good morning." With a straight face, he extended his hand for a shake.

Tina received it. "Good morning, sir," the young lady beside Tina greeted.

"Good morning. You are new here?"

"Not really, sir," she replied.

"Ok." He dismissed the young lady. "How are you?" He turned to Tina.

"I'm very well. Thank you," Tina gestured.

"That's good." He paused for a while before he added, "Ózó requested my presence." He paused again, "and you look good this morning." 

"Thank you," Tina gestured with a little bow, followed by a bye. He hopped into the elevator, leaving the ladies behind.


Clint walked into the large office with a sea of art works hanging on the wall. Carefully, he observed the office and the artworks, scouting for the latest addition to the collection. He never seems to get enough of the frames and paintings during his visits to the spacious office. His curious admiration of the artworks was cut short by Chioma's presence. The corporately dress young lady who worked as Engr. Adubasim's secretary, who followed him into the office, unknowing to him had called his attention.

She dropped some files on a shelf and made her way out.

Clint breathed out to relax his nerves. He turned to the right end of the office where a thick dark skinned man in his late fifties sat on a swivel seat behind a large semi-circular modern office desk with two swivel seats standing before it. On the well-equipped desk, letters on a carved wooden attachment read, "Engr. C. A. Adubasim. Ózó nwelu ndidi. CEO"

Behind Ózó, a vault stood alongside an oak shelf, filled with neatly arranged books and files.

"Chioma," The bald man called the young lady who was almost at the door. 

Behind Clint ‒to his right, is a clear view of the city. The busy dual carriage expressway lined side by side with different buildings and, occasionally, billboards. From a distance, flyovers decorated by tall metal structures rising from its sides and joined at the centre, and a walkover interrupting the expressway that looked like a long snaky dark body of water. 

Unlike this office complex which shifted towards a less busy part of the city, this area buzzed with activities.

Before him, to the left and by the transparent wall that separated the large room from the hallway, was a set of expensive off-white settee with touches of golden spray, arranged in rectangular form with a thick transparent glass table at the centre. A small conference table with about six seats stood by the extreme right behind him, overlooking the city skyline.

"Yes Sir!" Chioma's intended polished British accent caught Clint's attention a whiff.

"Call me Bassey from Interior Design. He should come with Dr. Menakaya's blueprint."

"Ok, sir!" She left, closing the large transparent door behind her.

He turned to Clint whose mind had, again, trailed off to a particular artwork in the pool of many others in the large office. "There you go again with the artwork."

"Latest collection." Clint observed the life size AI generated paint portrait of Engr. Adubasim near the conference table .

"Not exactly new. When was the last time you stopped by?" 

"Three . . . four months ago. It's been a while now, Ózó." He returned and moved towards Engr. Adubasim.

The middle aged man stood from his seat; he pointed towards the couch. "Let's use the settee."

He sat on the single couch proximal to his desk. Clint took a position by the left — the couch overlooking the city.

A light-skinned young man, about five feet plus, dressed in a neatly ironed shirt and pants, entered the office, led by the secretary. 

"He's here, sir," Chioma notified Engr. Adubasim.

Bassey walked towards the duo. "Good morning, sir!" He made a slight bow towards the older man and offered a hand to Clint. 

"Good morning, Bassey. Let me have the design." Engr Adubasim requested, and extended his hand towards Bassey. Bassey placed a tablet on the extended hand.

"Have a seat." Bassey took the seat opposite Clint.

"This is what I wanted you to see. First of all, I would like to know your take on the designs," Engr. Adubasim's deep voice turned to Clint, handing over the tab to Clint. "That mall will have a game centre and a theatre. The other blueprint is the one for the Owerri mall. Doc says he needs something similar but better," he added.

Clint took the phone from him and began swiping through the slides of designs. 


After the meeting, Clint left the office with Bassey trailing behind him. He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out his phone. He launched his Instagram and messaged Tina.

Clint: Done with the meeting.

 Where is your office? 

 Can we see?

The elevator dinged. Two men stepped out of it, and he hopped in with Bassey.



Tina And Chidi engaged an online jewellery vendor on Instagram. Tina's screen was graced with a picture of a silver necklace. Soon, it was replaced with a chat box containing the ongoing chat with the Instagram vendor. 

Claudia.Stores: 750k

"What's the peg?" Chidi asked. Tina showed her the screen.

"Costly. Ask her for a discount." Chidi suggested. 

They fixed themselves on Tina's phone. 

Tina: Can I get a discount

Claudia.Stores:Yes, we offer a 5% discount.

Tina: Only?

Claudia.Stores: Yeah 

"Let's check it at the store. This is costly. We will get back to her if we can't get it there," Chidi suggested, just before Tina received a message from Clint.

"Our cute supplier," Chidi gushed over the text.

Tina rolled her eyes over her reaction.

"I'm already blushing on your behalf. Reply first; gist me later," Chidi teased her.

Tina: Out, went somewhere with my friend. 

Clint: KK 

 What abt the lunch?

Tina: Lunch?

Clint: Yeah that 

Tina: You don't give up, do you?

Clint: Now u knw, I need a response.

 I won't take no for an answer. 

Tina: [Eye roll emoji] Fine 

 Tmoro, 1 pm

Clint: Kk 


 Have a nice day.

Tina: You too. 

"Awwn, lunch date," Chidi gushed.

"By who? And with who?" Tina gestured

"Sorry oo," Chidi said, flat.

Tina: Amebo, she texted her.

Chidi : With my full chest.

Tina made a funny face at Chidi. Chidi reached for Tina's shoulders to rest her head, but Tina shoved her aside.

What do you think about Clint and Tina.

I want to know your thoughts.

Zen_ithcreators' thoughts
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