
chapter thirty one

I kinda overslept the next day, I could hear them downstairs laughing and talking amongst themselves, "Well it's now or never" I mumbled, I looked at myself in the mirror which was becoming more transparent, I went to brush and took a shower, wearing a pink gown, I also covered myself in overall, my head was emitting a faint wiring but nothing could stop me now, so I came downstairs, "Good morning" I greeted everyone, "Hey, how are you?" Jhope greeted, "Great" "We kept breakfast for you, let me reheat it" Jungkook stood up, "No, wait, there's something I want you guys to know" "Is it that important? are you sick?" Namjoon asked, "It's very important" Suga met my eyes and stood up trying to stop me but I held his hand, telling him it's alright while fighting my tears, "I want you guys to see something" I stood beside the curtain where sunlight was radiating then I took off the overall. "Is that what I think it is?" Jin stood up, all of them did, "she looks too transparent almost like she's -" Jimin stopped and gasped, "Jennifer are you disappearing??" Namjoon asked me with tears in his eyes, and I nodded bursting into tears, "So can't you undo it or something?" V asked, I shook my head, "I  can't, once I disappear, I go back to my world" Jhope shook his head and Jungkook couldn't say anything, "How long?" Namjoon asked, "Two days now" "You're gonna go?? and leave me here? with the kids? what happened to together forever? our wedding?" "It wasn't a choice I could make, this is how it was meant to be! we were only lost in it's fantasy, and now we need to wake up" I choked on my tears, Namjoon turned around to leave, "Where are you going?" "I need air!" "Don't go!" I shouted after him, the ringing became worse that I had to cover my ears and my heart string snapped again making me to fall, Suga caught me, "Jennifer!!" I gripped his shirt, "Is she okay? is it to the hospital?" V asked, "No- no hospital" I whispered, "What should we do??" Jungkook shouted, Namjoon came back, "What happened?" I didn't hear much because I slumped before anything else.

When I opened my eyes, it was dark, I saw Jimin, "Guys she's awake!" all of them hovered to the bed immediately, "How do you feel?" Jhope asked, "Is your head okay?"Jin also asked, "What about your ears and your heart" they were all showing concern, they didn't want to cry and tried to be brave including Namjoon, "Guys,you can cry it out okay, I don't mind" what I said made them to release their tears, "I just can't believe you'll be gone" Jungkook said resting on my legs, "What about the children? will they go too" V asked, I shook my head, "I think the best thing is enjoying the little days we have together"

Namjoon's POV

              "Guys can I talk to her alone?" they nodded and left the room, sitting on the bed, I looked at her, "How are you feeling" "Okay, I'm sorry I didn't say anything -" "No don't say anything, it got me thinking that we were the ones who forgot this was an actual book, our family was just too perfect we forgot" tears escaped her eyes, "how long do we have?" "5 days now" "Then we'll spend everyday meaningfully" I hugged her tight.

No one talked about it anymore, and no one went out, we all stayed indoor, just talking and laughing with Jennifer, she may not say it but we saw it everyday, she was getting weaker and paler, we prepared for Taehyung's birthday, Jennifer insisted even though V said he didn't feel like celebrating it, but she made it the best, and even remembered to give present, as we were laughing, she suddenly stopped, looking faintly, she smiled, I tried to touch her but she seemed faint almost like I couldn't feel her completely, December 31st, the last day, I carried her to the room and all of us stayed beside her waiting, "I left something in your room, remember to check it out okay all of you" we nodded, I started crying, "Okay I know I said I'll be strong but I can't hold it anymore, I don't want you to go" everyone was crying including Jennifer, "I can't do anything about it" "But I will, I promise you, this world or yours I'll surely find you my love, even if I have to tear the world apart, I'll find you again and we'll be together again" "I love you guys, Jin Oppa take care of my kids, Jimin Oppa, tae Oppa, Jungkook Oppa I love you guys so much, sunshine I'll miss you, Suga, I'll never forget you" they couldn't hold their tears back and we're sobbing, I held Jennifer tighter and bent down to kiss her, tears dropping from my eyes and that was how she disappeared finally, I gripped the sheets tighter as I knelt down and cried into the sheets, Suga and Jin came to me and held me tight, "At least she left memories and beautiful children with us, which means she's alive somewhere" Jin said, I stood up, "I'll find her, somehow" "Let's leave this place so we don't soil the way she left it" all of us exited the room, looking at it one last time, the bed where we did a lot of crazy things and first made love, the table where she was always writing, her clothes, even her phone was here" I closed the door.

Callista's POV


              we returned back to the room where we originally left even the laptop was here, I wiped my tears but I couldn't say the same for Jennifer who was crying uncontrollably, I and Callistus hugged her, "I'm sorry Jennifer, I know it must hurt, but there's nothing we can do about it" she wiped her tears, "I miss him so much, I can't bear it, I miss them the most, I'm really sorry I knew I wanted to give you a better life I just didn't want you to experience it first hand with heartbreak" I hugged her tight, not saying anything, she released me and left not saying anything, and I also didn't disturb her, from time to time, he. offer didn't say anything, she returned to her normal self, but I knew she was burning inside, every night she cried herself to sleep, she celebrated her children's birthday and even everyone else, the only things she actually came back with was the ring Namjoon proposed to her, and the blood bracelet Yoongi gave to her, I couldn't do anything to comfort her because I was also hurting inside from my own heartbreak, Jennifer's book gained a lot of views and fans and people even started talking about it, asking when the ending was gonna come as they were eagerly anticipating the renuion, but Jennifer had stopped writing it for now, she was focusing more on other stories and I didn't know how you bring it up to her, one time Callistus and I decided to talk to her about it, "Jennifer" "Huh? what's up" "When will you finish the BTS book?" she stopped what she was doing immediately, "it's just that the book is gaining attention and people are asking" "I don't know how or what to write, will it be a happy ending or a stagnant one, tell fans to discuss" that was the only thing she said. The book gained popularity that even BTS themselves recognized the book and gave it a five star rating, and major companies wanted to buy the book especially Korean movie industry, it was our way to fame. "Jennifer your dream came true? your books are getting recognized, you can turn it into a movie too " she could only smile, she truly was broken, Jennifer I knew would be jumping around and grinning from ear to ear, "Thank you Callista" that's all she said, my heart ached for her.


          Our flight landed in south Korea, after seven years the book took a major turn and Korean broadcasting companies were asking to do interview with us, we already had millions of fans all around the world, I got down from the plane all dressed to impressed, Callistus got down too, dressed in suit, while Jennifer was dressed in a simple red dress and heels, dragging our luggage through securities and bodyguards who came to escort us, we were on glasses so we wouldn't be recognized but fans were still waiting and screaming and the press were there so we just waved and smiled, one of the fans were pushed forward and fell down and Jennifer helped her up, tucking in her hair behind her ear, "Be careful sweetheart, you're too pretty to be injured" that sentence raised another screaming from the fans, they were chanting her name the fan girl went back, when Jennifer raised her hand up and everyone stopped shouting, "Thank you for being her everyone, I really appreciate that you have read my books, please can you stop pushing each other especially the girls my heart aches whenever I see you hurt" she smiled and they started screaming as we left the airport and got into the car, driving to the hotel that was already booked for us.

Jennifer's POV

              I dropped my suitcase in one room, lying down on the bed, it was comfy enough, my stomach growled so I came out, "Do we have any food around?" "Call the hotel line let's order" Callistus did just that and in a couple of minutes food was brought up, and I settled down to eat, "Jennifer do you know that they are also shipping you and Yoongi, it's so funny" "who is that?" "Some fans, they also believe that you and Yoongi would have made the perfect couple, but seriously reading it all over at that time it was true, I mean Yoongi gave you all the signs and even tried kissing you sometime even after you had kids, too bad you and Namjoon are a match made in heaven, and I'm rooting for you both" "Can we not talk about it right now?" I finished eating and stood up, "We got a television appearance tomorrow sleep early because I'm exhausted " I went to my room, taking off my clothes leaving everything except my ring in my finger and the blood bracelet, I went to take a shower, after I was done, I don't bother wearing anything since it was summer here, I got into my bedsheets after packing my hair and slept off even though it was quite early. The following morning I hit my alarm shut, and just laid down back looking up at the ceiling, Callista burst into my room, "Nah, you're not lying in there forever, you got a TV broadcast in less than two hours" I rubbed my eyes and raised up, "Fine, it's not like I got a choice anyway, you won't stop nagging" "Of course, come on Callistus is already picking out his outfit" she left, I got down from the bed yawning and went to brush, then I showered, lying in the tub and almost sleeping off again, when I came out I opened my suitcase, "What should I wear? since I'm a mother and a wife, something conservative but still appealing" I said, I got it, I took the cloth and wore, you wouldn't believe what it was, a white suit, everything was white, and the jacket was longer, I wore a pair of loafers and packed my hair into an onions bringing out two strands each, wearing a wrist watch and two dangling pearl earrings, I just did minimal makeup and came out, Callista was all dressed, "Okay I did not expect this, what? you're going as a man?" "What's bad about it" I said as I took a banana, "I think it's pretty great" callistus said, "Thank you" "Hey you're supposed to back me up on this" "You're making a big deal out of nothing, today's not the only day we got three days" she finally left it alone, when it was time, a vehicle was waiting to accompany us so I put on my sunglass and got into the car, just as we were nearing the venue, I felt a sharp pain in my heart, I had to fold, "What happened? your stomach?" "No don't worry, it's gone now" The car arrived and they were fans and reporters screaming our names, I could see my book cover pictures everywhere and even most of the video content I created, seeing those brought joy to my heart but also extreme sadness, I got down from the car smiling and waving, the fans screams increased, while I walked inside, "Miss Jennifer its such a pleasure to have you hear, I'm a fan, I love that bangtan boys scout novel, I read it everyday, when will it be completed?" "It's a shocker, you'll see" I was escorted all the way to the place, the stage was quite big, Callista and Callistus were signing autograph for some of the fans, my heart started beating irregular for some reason, not because of stage fright or anything, it was something else like the pain on the car, "And now let's introduce our special guest, the author of bangtan boys scout, Miss Jennifer and her friends who also starred in the novel, Miss Callista and Mr callistus!" we went up on stage, there were a lot of fans and cameras as we entered, then we took our seat on the right couch, "Oh wow, my palms are sweaty to be in front of such bold writer" "All of us laughed" "Miss Jennifer, the fans right now are madly in love with you, they say your outfit makes you look majestic and manly, I'm even blushing here" I laughed and took the microphone standing up, "Hello fans and fellow armies, thank you all for being here, and acknowledging my book, oh and I had no particular reason for actually dressing like this but I'm glad you like it, I'll be happy to take pictures with you all for your collection, thank you" I bowed and they continued screaming and Clapping, "Callista and Callistus, one of the funny but core characters, how did it feel to be in such a book" he brought out the printed version of my book and when I saw the cover I wanted to break down but I controlled myself, "I honestly didn't mind, we are best friends and when she came to me telling me her ideas about the book, I wanted to be a part of it, we wanted to be so we told her to include us" "Well I would have done the same thing too if it were me" I smiled, "Well ladies and gentlemen it seems we not only have the author here but we also have some special guests coming around, give it up for the characters in the book, BTS!! bangtan seonyandan!" I couldn't believe my ears, but when I saw him, when I saw them, all handsome and dressed in suit, my heart couldn't take it and I almost cried had Callista didn't nudged me and gave me a handkerchief I quickly cleaned my eyes, and clapped too, then we bowed to each other, Namjoon and I looked at each other for the briefest of seconds before we sat down, I squeezed both my hands together to control myself, I also looked at Yoongi, he winked at me, I looked at Jimin, Jhope and the rest, the door opened and Lee Joon Gi, Hwang inyeop, lee dong wook, and Ahn hyoseop came in, I held Callista hand from shaking, we stood up and bowed, "So how does it feel to be in the same room, author and characters, I do remember that BTS and these actors here contributed greatly to this book by voting and actually buying half of it, why is that" I looked up at them, "Do they remember us? does he remember me? our children are they still there?" "Well we heared about fans talking about the book and how it was going viral, so we read it and it was fun and touching, and we loved it, I mean it's a first story of us we actually loved and found way amusing and sweet and found it worth our time, besides the author is really pretty" Namjoon said and looked at me, the fans started screaming, I looked for any sign that we may have been in the book together, but I couldn't see anything except for a ring on his middle finger that looked similarly to mine, "Well it's surprising how we found out our names were actually used and our pictures" Ahn hyoseop said, "It was actually funny, I was surprised, and I actually loved, someone actually used me in a book" Hwang inyeop said, I smiled, "So it was like that" "We're just so happy to be part of the book" lee dong wook said, "Yes of course , anyone would be thrilled to be part of a book especially a supernatural one, but what do you have to say about the role she gave you in the book, I mean what do you about it personally, do you like it? let's start with you lee Joon Gi "

"well first of all I like the way I am a vampire, I have done a lot of vampire movies so it's quite natural, then we entered the part of me and Callista bickering all the time and fighting, when I read that part it really made me laugh, it made me feel like I was a teenager again, then we fell in love in the most surprising way because Normally it's not something anyone would maybe expect especially when she got pregnant and gave birth to a son and turned to a vampire, I love everything, I loved the role she gave me and the wife too" the fans started screaming and Clapping, "Hwang inyeop, what about you?" "Well I'm quite sad she didn't give me any girl but I'm quite satisfied at least she gave me a decent power" we all laughed, I stole a glance at Yoongi, he smiled at me, I looked at Namjoon, he looked so taller than before, and more handsome with his long hair, he caught me staring at me and he winked, "Ahn hyoseop, what about you? how did you feel about your role, I remember at some point you wanted to take Jennifer away from Namjoon because he made her cry" we laughed at that, "I love my role, even as an angel, and yes when I was reading that part I also felt strongly against what Namjoon did, how he made her cry, I really would have taken her away from him because she really didn't deserve it she was a good girl" "So are you saying I'm a bad boy?" Namjoon said, all of us laughed, including the fan, "Lee dong wook, I'm pretty sure yours is hilarious, i saw the picture, no doubt you liked the role she gave you" "Of course I did" "Now over to BTS, let's start with Jimin, in the story you dated Jennifer for a week and then became her best friend, when you were reading the book how did it feel, how was the character she gave you" "Not bad, I really like it, she made me a nine tailed fox, and the dating experience was cool, she really did her research and knew just everything we liked, down to the food, favourite colour, drink, snack, she's really great " "I also think the same too" Jungkook said, all of them agreed, "I think so too, alright this question is to the two important characters that fans has been bellowing about, Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon " fans started screaming again, "Please be quiet, okay, Yoongi, why do you think your character doesn't want to move on even though Jennifer has Namjoon, and two kids, what did you think when you read that part " "Like he said, it's guilt, he felt sad that he didn't stick out and made her fall in love with him instead, so the lingering feeling was still there, Yoongi was lonely, and Jennifer treated him quite so well, and knew what he needed at the right time and really cared, so I think it was not wanting to let go of that prehaps but I'm sure he eventually moved on" "I don't think some shippers would agree, they believe you and Jennifer should have been together even if it's for a short while " "It wasn't meant to be" I said, "Well as much as I adored Yoongi and Jennifer's short love story, I'm a total shipper for her and Namjoon " "Namjoon how did you feel about your character in the story, had anything you dislike?" "Yes I did" I was eager to hear what he would say, "If there's anything I would have changed, it would be hurting you, I hurt you countless times even though you were there for me always and even when I said those words to you when you got pregnant I hated myself for it, I wish I could take it all back, I wish I had been more observant to spend more time with you before you disappeared, I wish I told you I love you" he was looking at me straight in the eyes when he said that and I wondered if he did know me or recognize me, "Oh my god this is so touching, I feel like you guys are just talking to each other " the interviewer said before we cut our gazes, "Jennifer you're crying " Callista told me, and I had to wipe my face, "I would cry too if I heared those lines, our Namjoon never cease to amaze us, even the fans are crying" the fans were clapping, "That's it, stay tuned for tomorrow's interview, which would be a lot more fun than today, thank you"  the interview ended. I stood up and bowed, then we left the stage, "Hi" Jhope greeted me, "Hello, nice to meet you" "I'm a huge fan of your work, the book, I really love it, it's just perfect" "Yeah I can't wait to see the completion, I wonder how it's gonna end" Jin came and said.

Next chapter