
chapter thirty two

Tears fell from my eyes as I remembered how we used to be so close and now I can barely know if they recognize me or not, I quickly swatted it, "Sorry something entered my eyes" I said as I was cleaning it, we came outside where cameras started clicking and fans screaming our names when I stumbled on my two feet and nearly fell but strong hands wrapped around my waist and my hands touched those muscular arms, and I was looking up at my supposedly husband, "Are you okay? you're not hurt are you?" I was lost in his eyes as memories came back but when I heared fans screaming our names together, I stood up, "Thank you so much, I'm so clumsy" "Always a pleasure, and no you're not clumsy" I heared him say before leaving for their own car why we got into ours, Callista and Callistus just hugged me without saying a word, "For the record your Korean was great, you're so fluent now and when you mix it with English, you resemble your husband so much " Callistus Said, "Thanks"

The car dropped us back at the hotel, just as we entered, Callista shouted, "Oh my god, guys you won't believe what's happening on the internet right now!!" "What happened?" "You released chapters?? fans are so excited right now, they are talking about it!!" we rushed to my laptop that was in my room and brought it out, opening it and we saw it type out a new chapter  starting with seven years later, the airport, the house, every conversation we had like before was there, till the interview, every single word, even the eyes contact i made and the feelings and emotion, but nothing from their side, and then now as we came back home, "What the fuck ?" "Let's just leave it as it is" Callistus Said, "The happy ever after isn't complete " Callista said, "But why now after all this years" "It happened the moment we met them again, another chapter opened up" Callistus Said, "I can't deal with this " I left the laptop, "Where are you going?" Callista asked me as I opened my dresser, "Out for some fresh air, you can leave now, I want to change " they left my room, I took out a black dress with a beanie hat and knee boots then went out, it was already towards evening, I made sure not to go far, I went to the nearest park, as I sat down on the bench just looking around, I saw a little girl who was just playing, she looked very beautiful, but then a bicycle was approaching her way, "Hey little kid get out of the way!" the girl stumbled to the road and fell and the bicycle couldn't retract in time so I ran to the bicycle and used my hand to stop it before it hit her, it was hard but I stopped it with my bare hands, "Hey watch where you are going next time you could have killed her" the guy bowed and ran away, I turned to the girl, "Are you okay?" I said in Korean, she shook her head, "I broke my leg" she said in English, "oh you know English? where's your parents are you here with anyone?" she pointed somewhere and a boy about her age ran to her, "Are you okay" he turned to look at me, "Wow so pretty" this kids where have I seen them before, "Uh.. excuse me but have we met before you seem really familiar" we were just looking at each other when the girl groaned and touched her ankle about to cry, "Hey pretty girl, don't cry, don't cry okay" "She's my twin sister" "it hurts" "Okay, uh.. we'll go to the hospital" "No, no hospital" the boy said, "Why?? okay, my place isn't far, I'll help you treat it then you show me where you live so I can take you home okay??" "Yes! I want to go with you" I carried the girl up and held the boys' hand, "Come on" I took them back to the hotel and to my room, "Yaah" the boy sat on the couch, "Huh, wait who are they" Callista asked, "Are they strays, wait why do they look so familiar?" callistus said, "You think?" I brought the girl down and dropped them on the couch, "Don't worry they won't stay long" "Anything you say" the boy came to his sister, "What is your name?" "Our daddy and uncles usually call us junior and princess" "Junior and princess? I really like it, Callistus get me the first aid box, what about your mom" "Our mom, isn't with us" "Oh I'm really sorry to hear about that" I opened the box to treat her ankle, "Why don't you be our mommy?" "What?" I looked at him, "Yes, our daddy is really so handsome, he'll treat you well, and we're nice kids, I really, really like you a lot" "Me too, be my mommy" "princess, junior, sorry okay, but I have kids just like you, and a man I'm in love with, someone I can't see myself ever giving up, see I even got a ring" "Looks just like my dad own, but there's engraving" princess said, "Where is he now?" I finished treating her leg and sat down, "I don't know if he can recognize me or not, I'm still hoping though" I touched the ring when I heared little growling of stomachs, "Don't tell me -" they smiled, "I'm more concerned with how they know English" Callista said, "That's true, who taught you guys English?" "Our daddy, he said it's a must, that that's our mother wish" "Hmm, he's a nice father" "I'm hungry" "Alright come on, let's make you guys something to eat" "They're cute" Callistus Said, "Go have yours if you love kids" "Tch" The boy and his sister followed me to the kitchen and sat down on the chair, he helped his sister first and then sat down, I opened the fridge and took out some cabbage, sugar, butter and bread, "Make for us too, you know we love that" I smiled, and washed the vegetable, and began to chop it up all the while they were just watching eagerly, "Never seen someone cooking before?" I teased, "My dad do cook, even my uncles, they make sure we're well fed" "They must really love you" "they do" I mixed the butter and sugar with it, "This is a specialty, my husband loves it a lot" "Really? I can't wait to try it" "Yes our uncle said that no matter what you go through in life you must always eat" "He's right " I sliced a lot of bread and put them on plates, "Alright go to the sitting room, I'm coming " he got down and then helped his sister, and they walked to the sitting room, looking now, they were wearing the same matching outfits, they looked really cute, I gave Callista and Callistus their own and gave the kids lots of it, then dropped fruit juice for them, "Thank you" they both said, I switched on the TV to cartoon for both of them, then went into the room is to shower, after taking a shower, I wore a white bunny pyjamas with the tails and fluffy ears to match, then I came outside, Callista and Callistus were awake but the children were not, "They fell asleep, this quick?" "Have you seen the time?" I looked at the clock, it was 8, I cleared out the plates they used and wiped the table, "Maybe tomorrow, I'll send them back" I carried the girl first to take her inside, when the door bell rang, "Who do you think it is by this time?" "Maybe the hotel services?" it rang again, "Coming" I carried princess and went to open the door and saw him just standing there, "You" I stepped back, he looked at the girl in my arms, "I'm really sorry for coming here so late at night, we just needed to, I was told this is where my children were staying" "What? they are your kids?" Callista came to the door, "How did you find this place?" "Our company hotel" Callista opened the door for him but he wasn't the only one, the others were there too" "We meet again " Jhope said, others smiled, "So this is where this children found themselves in" daddy and uncles, so that's what they were talking about, I was still carrying princess, "I didn't kidnap them, I found them in the park and she was injured and I had to bring them here-"  "It's okay, I understand you, no need to explain" Jungkook carried junior, "May I have her?" I passed him to her but she held me tighter and pressed her weight to mine, making me lose balance but he caught me by the waist, making me remember memories of when Ga Young made us kiss on camera, I almost started to cry, "No, mommy" "I'm really sorry, you can have her" "She doesn't want anyone to carry her" Taehyung said, "Why not come with us, the driver will bring you back" Yoongi said, "I'm not sure" "You can go, their driver will bring you back, it doesn't seem she wants you to go yet" Callistus Said, "Your driver will really bring me back?" he nodded, I grabbed my phone, "Let's go" we left the house, and straight to their car, I sighed and got in, the car moved on, "Jennifer are you married?" I heared Jimin asked me, "It's because of the ring on your finger, I noticed you always wear it, "I'm- married yes" I looked at princess, she felt oddly familiar, when I looked up I saw everyone staring at me but they looked away immediately and I thought I saw Namjoon about to cry or something but I didn't dwell too much on it, we finally arrived as I was about to get down Suga gave me his hand, "Thank you" I took it and came down, just as I was about to walk I froze, this house was exactly the same house as where I stayed, Namjoon house, where we ran around there and played there, even under the rain, all the memories, I was just looking around, I forced myself to walk, when I entered Inside, it was exactly as I remember it with few changes, my hands trembled, "May I trouble you to take her to her room please" Namjoon told me as he carried the boy to go up, since I was already here why not, I nodded, "Thanks, third door to your left" I went upstairs to her room, it was all pink and white and beautiful, I dropped her on her bed, then left, once I closed the door as I was about walking, I stopped in front of the room that was mine in the book, "What am I thinking, this isn't the book" but my curiosity didn't want me to leave, I was even scared for what I will find in there, with shaking hands I opened the door, it was dark when I entered, so I switched on the light, the moment the room came to light, I fell to the floor, with a hand over my mouth, I started crying, this was exactly how I left my room when I disappeared seven years ago, from the bed to my clothes, the way my book and pen were on the table, my phone, nothing was changed, nothing was removed, the only thing was it was still neat like they occasionally cleaned it, including my books, I ran out of the room, "Jennifer?" I saw Namjoon, I ran downstairs crying, to run away from the house, the moment I was about to reach the door Taehyung caught me in a hug, "It's okay cry it out" that was when I weeped louder, they remembered but they pretended, and those children, Ga Young and Min Kyu, "Oh my God!" I released Taehyung, I saw Namjoon and everyone all looking at me with glassy eyes, Namjoon was crying, "Jennifer" "It was a plan, those kids, you sent them to my direction intentionally so that they would bring me here?" the children I thought were sleeping came down, "Don't hate daddy mommy" Ga Young said, "He misses you a lot that's why, I told him to use us, don't hate him for it" "It was all our idea, don't hate daddy and uncles, see they all miss you" I choked, "I don't hate him I just miss him so much I was so scared" Namjoon hugged me tight, "I knew it took longer than expected but I promised you remember, this world or yours I'll surely find you, even of I have to tear the world apart, I'll find you and we'll be together again " I squeezed him tighter, I released him and hugged Taehyung again, "You've grown" "I read the diary you left for me, thank you" he kissed my forehead, I hugged Jin, "Oppa you kept your promise, thank you, for it, I really missed you" "Don't forget they are my kids too, and thank you for the diary,you're thoughtful, I put everything to practice" I hugged Jimin and Jungkook, "You guys, I thought about you the most, my best friend Jimin, I missed you" "I missed you the most Jennifer, everyday " "Last born, you've really grown" Jungkook smiled, "Of course, your book was a great help, who knew that was what you were writing all those while" I ran into Jhope arms, "Mommy, you were the only one who couldn't keep still, I love you" "I really missed you, when I saw you I was really itching to tell you so much, but that will be later okay" I nodded, I turned to Suga, holding his hand I hugged his neck tightly, "I really really missed you Oppa " "I missed you too, God knows how I almost couldn't keep still during the interview and when you looked at me, I wanted so badly to tell you that we know " he kissed my forehead and my cheek, "Wait so lee Joon Gi knows too, and the others?" "They are at your house as we speak, the moment we left " Taehyung said, I hugged Ga Young and Min Kyu, "My babies, I knew you felt familiar when I met you" "We were there when you saved her, we saw you stop the bike with your hands" Jungkook said, they all have me a group hug that was when I saw the bracelets on their arms, "Hey you guys are still wearing it" "We never took it off" "mommy we heared you made those, can you make one for me and my twin too" "Of course" "We never took it off" Jhope said, "Bang pd even asked us why we still wear it" Jimin said "He still knows?" "Of course" "You never took the ring off" Namjoon held my finger, "No, neither the bracelet " I showed Suga the blood red bracelet, "we saw those on your arms" Jimin said. "Whenever you cried we were so sad but we couldn't show it because of the camera" Yoongi said, "We still have another television appearance and variety show where I'm expected to cook" "So we'll do it like always " "Daddy can we come along please?" "No, you're staying with grandma again " "Your mom knows about the kids already" "Yes and you, she can't wait to meet you and my sister " "Oh, your sister can come along with them instead " "That's true, she's already married, no one would bother" "You sure about that " Taehyung asked, "I'm sure, just don't call us mom and dad okay " "Okay " they both said, "Go to sleep it's late okay??" "But we want to spend more time with you mommy" "You will tomorrow I promise" I told them and Min Kyu held Ga Young hand and took her upstairs, My stomach growled that I had to hold it, "I'm sorry I haven't been feeding well recently" "You're on luck, we made dinner" Jin went to the kitchen, then he brought out a bowl of food for me, "Ta-da" "Woah, samgyetang, this is much I can't finish it" "How do you know the name?" "Hey I have been researching Korean foods" Namjoon pushed my hair behind my ear and Jhope passed me the chopsticks and spoon, "You're not going back for the night are you, stay please" Yoongi said.

Namjoon's POV

              I couldn't believe we were a family again, looking at her, I felt pain and joy, "Was this how love was?" I thought, "For her, I could give the world" her bunny suit was cute, she never changed but she had gotten slimmer, I guess from not eating because I was right her stomach growled, Jin gave her some samgyetang, and then Yoongi asked her to stay, "I can't, tomorrow the company car will pick us up from the hotel o have to be there" "I can make arrangements for that" Jin stood up with his phone to make a call probably to bang pd, "Guys my room, why did you leave it like that?" "It's all Namjoon, he didn't want to lose any memories of you, us either, we wanted it exactly the way you left it" Jimin said, "Sometimes you would see him in there on the floor, crying, and we'd go there whenever we miss you, your children too" Jhope said, "We told them what happened to you, everything" Jungkook said, "Oh and when you left so did our supernatural abilities, a lot of things changed too,what happened in the book all disappeared " Yoongi said, Jennifer pushed the food away, "I'm full" Jin came back,"You can stay, I called bang pd, he made the changes so you'll be going with us to the venue instead, it's outdoor, we'll just branch by the hotel to pick Callista and Callistus " "Really, but I won't have what to- oh, that's right, my cloth are here, thank you, let me just call them to check on them" she stood up with her phone and went outside, Jin hugged me, "It's okay buddy, you can stop crying now, she's finally back" he said. I nodded and grabbed her remaining food to eat, after a while, she came back, "Callista said there's no need to pick them up, lee Joon Gi will be taking them to the venue with Min hyun, does Min hyun knows the kids?" "Of course, they're best of friends, they do visit him and he does come here" Jin said, "Okay, well it's time to go to bed, as much as I love this reunion, we got something big tomorrow so we have to sleep " "There's our girl" Taehyung said, "Exactly, the nagging mother, always the same as before, you never changed"Jhope said, all of us stood up, to go upstairs, "Good night " she said, I followed her upstairs just until she reached her door, she sighed, "Just forget about it and think it's just like always, nothing changed" she turned to hug me, "I love you" I kissed her, I wanted it to be something short so as to not lose control, but her lips were tempting as always and I had to exercise control "Good night" I told her as she entered her room and closed the door, then I went to mine.

Since it was gonna be outdoor today, I had to dress casual, I wore jeans with a white top and wore a slightly baggy light blue t shirt without buttoning it and raising the arms up just enough to show my wrist, then I wore sneakers and came downstairs, Jennifer was already ready, she was wearing a light blue dress that stopped at her thighs and heels, "Matching clothes" Jhope said and passed, "My my what a sight to see" Jin said, holding the kids, "It wasn't planned" the both of us said at once, Jin took the kids outside and put them in the vehicle to go to my sister, "Have you eaten?" "She said she doesn't have stomach for it, she's nervous" Jungkook said as he was chewing a snack, "Let's go, so we'll arrive on time" Yoongi said, "You guys go ahead, I'm coming, I forgot something" I went back upstairs and threw what I wanted into a black school bag and went downstairs, "Let's go" the car drove off to the venue, it was quite large outside and they were lots of fan, I could see a gaint TV and cameras and lightening, and Lee Joon Gi's car just arrived, they were getting down, and when Callista came down all the fans started screaming, "More of they're both together" "Hey, more chapters updated again, the one of last night, till this morning" Jennifer said, "Stop looking at it, trust me" she smiled, then the car stopped, and everyone got down, I got down and waved then I helped Jennifer get down too, and the fans started screaming, "Oh my god, my dream came through" "Are they together already, does he recognize her? my ship! my ship! they look so good together" the entire fans were saying, we walked up to the stage and sat down, we just sat down randomly so Jennifer was in-between me and Yoongi, Callista followed and then Jimin and the others, lee Joon Gi and the others were also opposite us on the other chair, when the interviewer of before came, "Jennifer thank you for including me in the book, those chapters you released were so touching I was crying last night the way they met and united, it feels like all the events are what's happening right now, the fans can testify to that right?" they all screamed yes, "My favourite part was with the kids and how they used them to lure her, I loved how she ran to Namjoon, it's touching I cried" one fan said, "I'm a big shipper of Yoongi and Jennifer, their love story is touching but I think Namjoon and Jennifer is a match made in heaven, like how he waited for her? I want the real life people to even be together I'll be so happy" all of us laughed, "Yes that we are getting there, now let's talk about some scenes from the story, like the scene where Jennifer gave birth, when you were reading this, what did you think your character shouldn't have done" we started answering and asking questions, and it was quite lively, and sometimes funny, when I noticed Jennifer trying to use water to check her stomach, I could hear the faint growling of her stomach.

Next chapter