
Chapter 93: The dragon has fallen.

[General POV]

- Aldril, thirty minutes ago -

"It seems we finally meet."

That magnetic voice made me turn around, only to be left stunned, my pupils dilated. Standing before me was an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Her fine black hair fell over her hips in all its splendor, subtle stardust sparkles danced throughout it. The fabric she wore appeared delicate, as if woven from a radiant star itself. Her presence exuded grandeur and tranquility, as if the very moon goddess had descended to the mortal world.

Her face was otherworldly, with high cheekbones and a refined jawline that only enhanced her beauty. Her eyes were like two burning blue stars, where one could easily get lost, as if the Big Bang itself exploded within them. I was captivated by such beauty, an absolute masterpiece.

For some reason, I felt a strange closeness to her, as if something within me burst forth, unleashing a stellar torrent akin to a quasar, radiating energy that enveloped my entire being. My instincts told me the name of this woman. How could I not know? I stood before the most feared woman, even by Morgoth, the one who ruled the Valar and sat upon Manwë's winged throne.

"Great Vala Varda, it is an honor to be in your presence," I said instinctively. How could I not? I was not some transmigrated soul with overnight powers. My nature prevented arrogance, and before me was a being beyond anything I knew, deserving of respect and reverence.

I bowed my head in submission and respect. Just gazing upon her face for a few seconds was an honor no mortal could aspire to. After a few moments of silence, I felt at ease with her, a stillness broken by her enchanting laughter.

"You are very different from her," she said as she approached. From the corner of my eye, I observed her nearing me. "Raise your head, dear child." Her delicate, porcelain-like hands lifted my chin, and now, with my face raised, I could once again admire this exquisite work of art. She looked upon me with deep care and affection. "You are a blessed variable by the Great Eru," she spoke, her thumb gently caressing my cheek.

"You are not bound to a predetermined fate, so return," she said with a smile. "This time, I shall prevent you from entering Mandos's domain. Go back and shine like the radiant star you are."

Her words filled me with a renewed energy. The breeze that blew against my face was cold yet comforting, as if nature itself embraced me. In that moment, I felt the icy chill of the lake. I opened my eyes, I was lying at the bottom. The warm current I'd felt was Varda's blessing, amplified by her presence. The elven stone still resting on my chest had been enhanced by the energy of the blessing.

My hands, which once looked ashen, had returned to their natural color. My ribs had healed long ago, and my vision was now clear; the lake's darkness no longer hindered my eyes. I pushed myself up from the lake floor with my elbows, propelling myself toward the surface with my feet. 'My fight is not over,' I thought as I rose at high speed.

A dark, radiant figure danced within the lake. Anglachel, with its black glow, responded to my call. It was only a matter of time before I grasped it tightly. 'Forgive me; I will not fall again,' I thought. The sword, connected to me, glowed briefly, indicating its understanding.

- Present -

"I'm sorry," I said with a mocking smile. "But I won't die so easily," I spat at the dragon, who glared at me with rage. His single yellow eye reflected my figure. This time, it would be easier to face him; his broken wing had reduced his mobility.

I looked away for a few seconds as I retrieved the dark arrow from the lake. "Take this, find the perfect moment," I said to Bard. "I'll keep him distracted." Yes, with Bard, we had a chance to kill Smaug. I didn't care about the points I'd earn if I killed him alone, no! This dragon had to die, with or without help.

Bard nodded, catching the black arrow, a sight that did not go unnoticed by Smaug, who roared in displeasure. "I will kill you both!" His massive body charged with all its speed; however, his broken wing posed a significant disadvantage, giving both of us time to flee. Bard ran toward nearby houses, while Aldril accelerated, sprinting across the rooftops of burning homes.


The houses Smaug passed by were being shattered, each step bringing destruction. The structure that kept the city afloat was collapsing; it was a miracle it still held together, thanks only to the type of wood it was built with. They said it was strong, but not enough to withstand the weight of a dragon.

The dense air, thick with smoke and fire rising from the debris, was a slight hindrance to Aldril's movements. The closer he got to Smaug, the more destroyed houses he encountered, which would give the dragon more open space, a freedom he could not allow.

Smaug did not stay still; he watched as both pests ran in opposite directions. How dare such nuisances flee from him? Would he allow it? Certainly not. He used his massive body, sweeping his tail toward the nearby houses where Bard ran, sending debris flying with his sheer power. Meanwhile, flames gathered in his jaws, and within seconds, they burst forth like a raging sea, directed at Aldril.

Bard reacted quickly, managing to duck, narrowly avoiding Smaug's tail swipe. He could only see the lower part of the dragon's tail, and cold sweat trickled down his back. He had to act fast, or he'd seize this chance to play dead, letting Smaug focus all his attention on Aldril. That was exactly Bard's plan.

With no sign of the first pest, Smaug turned all his attention to Aldril, arrogantly assuming he'd crushed Bard. Without hesitation, he rushed toward the place where his flames had landed, knowing this pest wouldn't die easily, and he was right. A quick figure shot out of the blazing inferno, with burning wooden planks crackling beneath every step.

"Just die already!" Smaug's nerves were at their peak, his instincts warning him that if he didn't finish off this rat quickly, something bad might happen. With a roar, he gathered more fire in his jaws, preparing to unleash it once again on Aldril, but this time, hitting the target wouldn't be so simple.

The fire spewing from his jaws was like a flamethrower, sweeping horizontally across nearby houses and debris. Each crackle was a warning of how dangerous it would be to get caught in those flames.

Aldril ran with the speed of a cheetah. The surviving townspeople had already fled in the opposite direction of Smaug; only corpses remained, engulfed and turned to dust by the dragon's flames. In the distance, Aldril spotted a boat filled with gold and a cowering, trembling man. "Tch," he clicked his tongue, realizing he'd have to change direction to keep the flames from incinerating that person. If only Aldril knew it was the governor! He wouldn't have cared if he burned!

With a powerful leap, thanks to his attributes, he reached the roof of a house about nine meters high, proof that enhancing his abilities was the right choice. He quickly ran across the roof as flames crackled behind him, Smaug continuing to spit fire like an endless torrent.

Aldril dashed along the ruined roof, dodging holes left by Smaug's rampage. In the distance, he spotted the bell tower, with Smaug only inches away. This would be a perfect spot to deliver a fierce, lethal blow.

He moved quickly across the rooftops, while impatience etched onto Smaug's face. The dragon was growing tired of spitting his powerful fire breath. His broken, torn wing membrane was causing intense pain, making it hard to fully concentrate. When Aldril reached a blind spot behind the tower, Smaug finally ceased his fire, quickly turning around and almost smashing the tower. However, he couldn't catch sight of the elusive rat.

With an angry roar, Smaug unleashed another torrent of flames around him, hoping to injure or flush out the rat from his hiding spot. How naive Smaug was! While he continued to pour out his torrent of fire, he didn't notice Aldril at the top of the tower, in his perfect blind spot.

There, majestically perched on high, Aldril waited. But what was he waiting for? The answer came in the form of a white light speeding in his direction. Like a shooting star, that light fell toward Aldril, who leapt from the tower as it approached. The glow settled onto his left arm, gradually dimming to reveal Anguirel in all its splendor, answering his call and arriving at just the right moment.

In mid-air, Aldril slightly curved his body, his arms swinging diagonally toward his back. Both swords gleamed brilliantly, and at that moment, Smaug sensed something. He stopped spewing fire and slightly turned his head, and there he saw it! A gleam illuminating the dark night, as if the very stars had descended! But he recognized it: the rat had exploited his blind spot!

Aldril began spinning rapidly, like a circular saw, his form blurring. Smaug saw in slow motion as Aldril descended onto his head, a searing pain jolting his nerves, but it didn't end there. Aldril's rapid spin continued its path, first the head! Then, physics took over, and Aldril, like a meat slicer, tore through scales and reached skin, the spin slicing from head to neck, from neck to back, until finally tearing through Smaug's entire body, ending at the tail.

The force of the blow lifted him into the air once he had also torn through the skin of the tail. From above, a fine line of blood could be seen flowing from Smaug's wound, and the dragon could do nothing but scream in pain.

"IT HURTS, IT HURTS!" roared the dragon, his tongue lolling from his jaws. His remaining eye was now a blazing red from the intense pain he felt, he had never experienced such agony! It was so overwhelming that, instead of retaliating, he remained stunned, screaming.

In the distance, Bard watched Aldril's move with amazement, but as a vigilant warrior, he didn't let the opportunity slip by. He quickly drew the black arrow and placed it in his bow. From this range, the shot was sure! With all his strength, he drew the bowstring. "With this, the debt is paid," he said as he released the arrow. This time, there was no bird whispering the spot to aim for—no! It wasn't necessary.


The arrow was launched, its momentum building with each second as if the ancestors, holding their grudges against the dragon, fueled its speed. Smaug, lost in his agony, didn't notice it, but Aldril did. As physics took its course, sending him plummeting downward, he adjusted his body. It was fortunate his move had lifted him above Smaug's head.

The black arrow, flying like a missile, shot toward Smaug's one open eye, cutting through the flames in its path, a testament to the force behind it. In slow motion, the arrow continued its trajectory until, at last…


The arrow pierced the dragon's eye, and Smaug could only roar in anguish. He felt it, death was approaching, and he could do nothing but howl in pain and curse the fate that had brought that half-elf into his life. While Smaug roared and lamented, Aldril descended from above like a hawk upon its prey, both swords poised at his head. Just before crashing down on Smaug's head, he swung his swords downward, stabbing into the back of the middle horn on the dragon's head.


Smaug's roar echoed into the distance, only to be silenced abruptly. His once proud body slumped, his fierce vitality vanishing in an instant. His massive form collapsed, and a boat filled with gold, drawn by the current, drifted toward the waters near the tower.

The governor could only watch helplessly as that enormous figure fell upon him, sealing his fate.

The dragon, the fearsome Smaug, had fallen With the fall of the dragon, a legend was born in Middle-earth... Aldril, the Dragon Slayer.


Filthy orcs! Your orc general has returned! 

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Reset of power stones! come on!

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