
100. Fight in Alison's store.

"Out of the way!" Someone called out and she turned in time to see a carriage and its horses trotting towards her. She quickly moved out of the way before she was run over by horses! Almost tumbling over too.

"How dare you!" She hissed as she regained her balance.

""Forgive a lowly coachman My Lady, but you were on the way."" The man spoke tragonian and she did not know what he said, but she could tell he wasn't apologizing by the look on his face. And even if he was, he did not mean it!

"You lowlife beast! Do you even know who I am!! I am—" She suddenly paused as she remembered she was not supposed to give out her name right now. She had even carried a cloak with a hood to conceal her hair color so as not to draw attention to herself.

People would not recognize her since she had arrived at night when they welcomed her and the rest of the royal family.

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