
101. He has to die.

It was him! She was certain. 

Immediately, she turned around to see him standing behind her. She tried to drag in air into her lungs and she could not. It was stuck.

She could not believe it. She could not believe that he was really standing there before her. After so long, he was standing right in front of her and she wanted to just bury herself in his embrace.

"Come with me." He whispered to her while looking around carefully as he pulled her along with him. Silently, with tears in her eyes, all the while still gasping for breath, she followed him, until they reached a corner of the store, behind some rolls of clothes was a wooden door. He opened the door and pulled her into the room. 

"Ly—" she tried to say his name but before she could, his lips rested upon hers. His arm wrapped around her body like he meant to bury her in his embrace, never had he kissed her the way he was kissing her. He was using his tongue too.

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