Plot Summary: In a world where vampires and shifter's exist, a young man named Alexander Gray Lawrence is born again with the gift of copycat. I want to clarify that I do not own Twilight. This is a fanfiction that I decided to write in my free time, and I only own my main character. The main character (MC) will have the gift of copycat that will allow him to copy gifts from other people In this story, there will not be a harem. The MC will have only one female companion.
As I awake in what appears to be a black void and look around. I see a man in his late twenties with black hair that comes down to his neck and dark purple eyes and is wearing a black robe.
" Your taking being dead better than most would." The unknown being said.
" Well, I've always thought about dying and being reincarnated into another world with an op power. Because of all the stories I've read, it seemed fun." I said.
" Is this, by chance, one of those scenarios I've read in novels?" I said.
" I've been dying of boredom and seeking entertainment from you mortals
So I have been reincarnating hundreds of you mortals so I can watch you all for entertainment. Just like how you mortals watch TV to relieve your boredom. So yes it is just like how you've read before because I put the idea into many writers' heads to make stories out of so when those of you that die are more able to easily accept their situation so now that you know chose your world you wish to be reborn into and your one wish chose wisely." The unknown being said.
" Well, I already know what world I want to be reborn into and my wish," I said.
" Then state it already. I've got 396 more to reincarnate in Hope's. At least one of you will do something entertaining to relieve my boredom."
" I want to be reborn into the world of twilight but not as a baby. I Don't want to be a baby again so can the body be on autopilot until I'm 18 and I regain my memories, please? And for my wish, I want to have the ability to copy other people's gifts." I said
" Granted now on your way." The unknown being said.
And everything went dark. I then found myself on a bed wearing gray pajamas and a white shirt, my skin a little pale from probably not being in the sun much.
And as I was about to get up I was assaulted with memories and received a headache as a result.
After around five minutes the headache went away and I began going through my new memories and found out my name in this life is Alexander Gray Lawrence and I live alone in Forks Washington as I recently just moved here a week ago using the money I inherited from the death of my parents and bought a house and furniture as well as registered as a new student at forks high school to finish of my education and get my diploma.
After going through all my memories I decided to change and went and grabbed some clothes from the closet to change and ended up grabbing some Blue Jeans, a white shirt, and some underwear and socks and proceeded to the bathroom to get ready for school.
Time Skip 23 minutes
I had just finished getting dried off and got dressed in the outfit I picked out earlier with some black boots on I did a second check in the mirror to make sure my hair didn't get messed up earlier by putting my shirt on and it didn't and I gotta say I look a lot hotter in this life than in my old one with my dark brown hair and brown eyes and after admiring myself for a moment I left the bathroom and proceeded the front door as I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone which now looks incredible out of date then I'm used to but it'll work
And went out the door.
To my 2000 Ford Mustang, which is in amazing condition for only being 5 years old, I proceeded to open the door, get in, crank it, hearing it purr, and drove off in the direction of the school I was driving, I got a little too excited and went past the speed limped after a few minutes, I saw flashing lights behind me and pulled over to the side of the road.
And when the sheriff's door opens. I see the man himself, Charlie Swan, walking towards me, and as he walks towards me, I go ahead and get my driver's license ready and my registration for him in my hand, roll down the window, and turn the car off.
" Driver's license and registration!" Charlie Swan said.
" Here you go." As I hand him what he wanted. And he walked back to his car.
While waiting, I checked the time on my phone to make sure I wouldn't be late for school, and I still had plenty of time left to get there.
Shortly after a few minutes, he came back with my license and registration paper for my vehicle handed them back to me, and offered me some words of advice. " I'm letting you off with a warning today since this is the first time I've pulled you over for speeding and no one got hurt here either. And I'm sure you're very tempted to want to drive extremely fast. But you could put yourself and other people in danger please remember that next time you're driving." Charlie Swan said.
" I will remember sir," I said.
" Alright, head on now, and if I catch you speeding like that again, I'll give you a ticket." Charlie Swan said.
" I'll remember to do the speed limit, sir," I said.
As I say my last words to him, he starts walking back to his car, and after a minute, he drives off. I start driving to school once more and taking a glance at my phone, I see the time and see I'll still make it to school in time.
After seven minutes of driving, I make it to the school and pull into an empty Parking space near the stairs leading up to the school entrance.
I proceeded to shut off my car's engine, grabbed my phone, shoved it into my right pocket, and then grabbed my backpack and opened my car door.
Moving my left leg outside my car onto the asphalt and my right leg and then pulled myself into a standing position outside my car with my backpack in my hand. And then bending back into my car to grab my keys and lock my car.
This chapter was rewritin.