

Chapter XLII: Earthlings.

Last Time.

"The hostages!" Mary yelled before flying to a tube and flew down, hitting any Krolotean out of her way. She landed and saw a large group of people including Tseng, Bibbo, and Noor inside. "We'll get you out!" She said as the others with Blue Beetle holding a Krolotean came down as well.

They freed the hostages before going through another tunnel that leads outside.


The junkyard blew up as the Team and hostages came up out of the water. "Whoo! Gamma Squad rules!" Lagoon Boy said before seeing the Justice League and the other Team members flying down.

"Dude! Way to get your feet wet!" Nightwing said as Naruto looked around.

"I'm getting Deja Vu. Again."

Rann January 4, 22:16 UTC.

Adam, Troia wearing a black trench coat to hide her costume, Beast Boy, Miss Martian, and Superboy with his shirt on inside out was teleported on a platform looking at the forest surrounding the buildings. "Zeta Squad... Welcome to Rann." Adam said as they walked towards the city.


Rann January 5, 04:48 UTC.

Miss Martian flew beside Troia, who had tears on her coat, through the forest. Beside them is a Rannian female with a slender body, she has pale yellow skin with black hair and purple eyes with blue eye shadow markings underneath, blue lips, and wearing a tiara. She's wearing a blue top along with yellow fingerless gloves, black pants, blue boots, and a belt.

She's also wearing a yellow cape that is attached to a yellow clasp on her right chest. And a jet pack with blue flames coming out of the bottom allowing her to fly.

Beast Boy as a green cheetah followed as Miss Martian pushed obstacles out of the way for him. Superboy landed right behind Beast Boy and was hit with a laser, sending him tumbling a few feet away. The female's jet pack was hit, having her fly out of control before taking it off, and fall to the ground.

Superboy caught her before being hit in the back by another laser before hitting the ground back first and slid. He and the girl looked up to a large black spider-looking robot that fired at them, having Superboy move in front of the girl. The laser hit him sending the duo flying to a cliff.

Superboy grabbed the ledge and the girl just as they slid off. 'This is not how the mission was supposed to go.' Superboy thought as the robot walked towards them while holding onto the ledge.


Ranagar January 4, 22:17 UTC.

"I can't believe I'm walking on an alien Planet!" Beast Boy said in excitement, looking out to the city and the large green Moon. "Wow, sis, you must say that every day on Earth?!" Beast Boy asked walking back to the group. Miss Martian giggled as she ruffled his hair.

"Actually, I kind of do."

"Wait. We can breathe the air here, right?" Beast Boy asked holding his throat.

"A-dahm! A-dahm! (Adam! Adam!)"

Suddenly, Sardath and the young woman walked to them speaking excitedly in an alien language. "Ol fao aeli vier qu, A-dahm! (It is good to see you, Adam!)"

"Great! I think." Adam replied confusedly before looking to the Team. "Zeta Squad, these are my Rannian friends. Sardath, and his daughter Alanna." Troia blinked at the loving stare between Adam and Alanna before Adam continued. "Sardath-Cho, Alanna… olf fao Miss Martian, Troia, Superboy ul Beast Boy… leps Urth. (Honorable Sardath, Alanna… these are Miss Martian, Troia, Superboy, and Beast Boy… from Earth.)"

Adam said slowly in the same language having Sardath bow. "Lam talsa, "Urth-lingz". Fao A-dahm ililoc qu duss maol ao Apic-Zeta? (Greetings, Earthlings. Did Adam tell you what happened with the Zeta-Beam?)" The Team looked to Adam who shrugged.

"I'm... still figuring out the language. This is when we start playing charades."

Miss Martian's eyes glowed green having Sardath and Alanna hold their head. "What was that?" Alanna said in English before Adam ran up to her.

"Alanna! Sardath! You're speaking English!" He exclaimed having Miss Martian walk up.

"No, they're not. We're now linked mentally and I'm acting as a... Translator. They're speaking Rannian, we're speaking English. But we're all hearing the language we know." They heard a siren before Sardath gestured to the building behind him.

"Perhaps we should take this inside. It is wise to use caution when harboring Earthlings." They walked inside as Troia looked at Miss Martian.

"They're not going to be passed out later, will they?" Miss Martian stiffen at that before looking to Troia.

"No! I wouldn't do that. Don't you trust-!"

She stopped as Troia raised her hand. "Trust is easily broken and even harder to fix." As they walked inside, Beast Boy ran to a green bird with horns and a lizard-like body and smiled.


"Sardath, have you found anything else about why Earthlings aren't welcome in this part of the Galaxy?" Adam asked having Sardath sigh.

"The Rannian Science Command is phobic. That's why my Intergalactic Zeta-Beam technology is conducted in... Secret." Sardath said, stopping at a machine.

"And why you didn't report the theft of your technology," Adam said having Sardath nod.

"Exactly. If Science Command finds out I've made it possible, especially for you Earthlings to Zeta here to Rann. The consequences would be dire for myself, and my daughter." He explained as Superboy moved the pack he brought.

"I still don't get it, why the big hate for Earthlings? How do they even know of any Earthlings to hate?" He asked as Alanna brought up the pictures of the six Leaguers attacking. This caused Troia to move a hood up to hide her features and Superboy to put a hand over his chest.

"I assume Adam showed you this?"

"We are still unclear on the details." She finished having Sardath continue. Troia look to see Beast Boy have his head morph to match the bird that was now on his arm. "Science Command has declined to share its information with the public." Beast Boy walked over to them as Alanna continued.

"But we have learned that there was an incident on the Planet Rimbor involving the Earthling criminals known as, 'The Justice League'." Sardath looked at them before speaking.

"You are not affiliated with this Justice League, are you?" Miss Martian looked up before speaking.

"We are not a part of the Justice League."

A picture of the six came up together before Sardath continued. "Only these six were there. But since then, the Kroloteans have put a watch alert for every criminal in the League." Adam walked to them and spoke.

"That's who took your tech!" Sardath nodded at that.

"I know! I told you that the last time you were here."

Adam hit his forehead at that. "Of course! I just thought Krolotean meant 'Thief'."

Superboy spoke up at that. "Yeah, yeah. Their culture revolves around stolen Tech. But what are we going to do about it?" He asked as Alanna turned around.

"We can use father's Zeta-Shield."

She brought up a hologram of Rann and Earth as Sardath spoke. "If I can perfect the design. Your primitive Zeta-Beam would work in your World's atmosphere." A circle came up around each planet as a line connecting them. "But unauthorized travel to and from other Worlds will become impossible. In short, my Shield will prevent more Kroloteans from traveling to your World via Zeta-Beams. While trapping any remaining Kroloteans on your planet."

Miss Martian nodded at that. "And in the meantime, Adam's told us you've found the Krolotean Zeta-Platform here on Rann." Sardath nodded at that.

"Indeed, but the jungles of Rann are quite dangerous. You Earthlings will need a guide."

Alanna perked up at that. "I'll go, father. You must continue your work." Sardath sighed as he looked at his daughter.

"But travel outside of the city is not without its risks. We must disguise these Earthlings."

"Enough of this 'Earthlings' stuff," Superboy said raising his hand. "I'm half Kryptonian, Troia's Father isn't from Earth and Miss Martian's... well, a Martian."

Sardath raised an eyebrow at that. "You came here from Earth did you not?" Superboy nodded before sighing.

"Never mind."

Later, the Team with Adam wearing red robes, Superboy wearing brown, and Troia wearing a light blue one over her coat walked to a train station. Troia looked to see Miss Martian transformed to look like a female Rannian with Beast Boy on her shoulder in the form of the Bird from the lab.

A silver monorail train stopped and they walked in the last car They sat down as Adam and Alanna sat on the other side. "We should be fine now," Alanna said through the link. Just as two security guards stopped the door from closing. "Unless the Science Command guards come in for routine ID checks."

"I'll create a diversion and lead them off the train," Adam said pulling up a bag with a jet pack inside.

"No!" Alanna yelled grabbing him by the hand.

After coming up with a plan where Adam would lose the guards, he stood up and recited the Jabberwocky poem. He ran off the train having the guards follow.

"Jabberwocky?" Alanna asked as Troia sighed.

"A poem in a book about a girl going to a fantasy world with strange logic." She explained as the train moved.

After going through the forest, they got up, opened the door, and jumped or flew out toward the ground. Removing their disguises, Beast Boy jumped up and swung on a vine before stopping in front of Alanna. He saw a purple flower and smiled. "Now that's cool souvenir material." He tried jumping at it, only for Alanna to grab his tail and stop him.

She threw a stick over to the purple sand, having the stick be grabbed and fire cover the sand around the flower. "Blue Sand Bog. Very dangerous. Basically; if it looks pretty, don't touch." Alanna said as Beast Boy backed into her in fear.



The Team hid in front of an abandoned warehouse before Miss Martian floated up and turned invisible as she flew inside. She saw a large platform filled with Kroloteans before seeing a door on the ceiling. "'I found an opening." The others flew up as Troia carried Superboy and went inside.

They stealthily flew inside and planted small explosives to destroy the Zeta Platforms without bringing the building down. Superboy and Alanna waited as Troia, Beast Boy and Miss Martian flew or crawled around and planted each bomb. Suddenly an alarm went off as a large antenna went through the top door blocking their exit.

"Crap. Now we'll need another way out." Superboy said as the antenna finished raising.

Six platforms glowed having more Kroloteans beam in. "New plan. Blow one platform up, and use the confusion to rush to the nearest exit." Miss Martian said through the link just as all the bombs blew up each platform.


They ran towards the exit as Beast Boy morphed into a gorilla, hitting Kroloteans out of the way.

(Flashback End.)

Superboy let go of the ledge and landed in a crouch before dashing toward the forest. He made several large jumps and hid behind a boulder. "Hurry! In here!" Alanna said running to a cave with vines covering the entrance.

They saw two robots go past the entrance having them breathe a sigh of relief.

"We're safe for now... Guys?" Superboy asked Miss Martian. Hearing her approval, they decided to wait for a way to escape. Later, Superboy looked at Alanna and stood up. "I think it's safe to leave." She gasped before pointing to him.

"Duss? Qu ililoc Urth-lingz?! (What? You're speaking Earthling?!)"

"Damn! Miss Martian must not be translating." He said before looking at her. "M'gann, can you hear me? Donna? Garth?" He tried the link before sighing.

They ran out before coming to a squad of robots and started to attack. Superboy pulled the one in the back away before destroying it and knocked out the Krolotean pilot.

Alanna provided a distraction, getting robots to break off and run after her. They fell into the bog, having her throw vines so the pilots can swing out just as their robots were lit on fire. Superboy landed on the last and threw the pilot out before seeing Miss Martian, Troia, and Beast Boy knocked out behind the seat in a pod.

He picked Troia up as well as Miss Martian before dropping down and placing them on the ground as Beast Boy walked out. As Superboy stood, they saw a large ship that fired at them. Superboy pulled one of the robots to protect Alanna, Troia, and Miss Martian until they woke before jumping out with Beast Boy.

Superboy reached out as Beast Boy grabbed his arm, and had Superboy throw him. Beast Boy morphed into a gorilla and attacked the guns that were shooting them. He created a hole having Superboy jump through and helped attack the Kroloteans. Beast Boy threw a robot at a group having them run away.

"Kid, You may just change my mind about monkeys yet!" Superboy said getting Beast Boy to grunt enthusiastically. After taking care of the ship, the duo dropped down just as Miss Marian threw a belt at Beast Boy Superboy and saw two Krolotean help a dazed one walk away. "Miss Martian," Superboy said as Troia raised a hand.

"She didn't do it. But I will still tell da-our leader about this."

Miss Martian walked up to them before speaking. "We need to get back to Earth. I know what the Justice League did on Rimbor. I know what happened during those sixteen hours."

To Be Continued.

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