

Chapter XLIII: Alienated.

Last Time.

Alanna provided a distraction, getting robots to break off and run after her. They fell into the bog, having her throw vines so the pilots can swing out just as their robots were lit on fire. Superboy landed on the last and threw the pilot out before seeing Miss Martian, Troia, and Beast Boy knocked out behind the seat in a pod.

He picked Troia up as well as Miss Martian before dropping down and placing them on the ground as Beast Boy walked out. As Superboy stood, they saw a large ship that fired at them. Superboy pulled one of the robots to protect Alanna, Troia, and Miss Martian until they woke before jumping out with Beast Boy.

Superboy reached out as Beast Boy grabbed his arm, and had Superboy throw him. Beast Boy morphed into a gorilla and attacked the guns that were shooting them. He created a hole having Superboy jump through and helped attack the Kroloteans. Beast Boy threw a robot at a group having them run away.

"Kid, You may just change my mind about monkeys yet!" Superboy said getting Beast Boy to grunt enthusiastically. After taking care of the ship, the duo dropped down just as Miss Marian threw a belt at Beast Boy Superboy and saw two Krolotean help a dazed one walk away. "Miss Martian," Superboy said as Troia raised a hand.

"She didn't do it. But I will still tell da-our leader about this."

Miss Martian walked up to them before speaking. "We need to get back to Earth. I know what the Justice League did on Rimbor. I know what happened during those sixteen hours."


Metropolis January 5, 17:09 EST.

Kage, wearing black thermal wear under his vest, walked with Karen and Jaime, both dressed in winter clothes as the snow fell.

He heard a news alert and sighed. "Better see what bullshit he's spewing now." He said under his breath as a video of Godfrey came up on his right lens.

Godfrey is sitting at a desk before looking at the camera. "So, the Justice League finally provided scanners for every Government on Earth. To root out those filthy little aliens posing as real humans. But how were they able to come up with this so quickly?"

Naruto rolled his eyes at that before walking into Bibbo's "Welcome to Bi..." 'Bibbo' trailed off seeing Naruto before dashing away as the Team gave chase.

Karen pulled her cowl up and shrunk as Jaime's armor came over his clothes. They chased 'Bibbo' down the alleyway before the real Bibbo hit his impostor in the face. "There's only one Bibbo, and don't you forget it," Bibbo said as the Team caught up.

The chest on the downed 'Bibbo' opened up, having a Krolotean jump out. Bumblebee shot at him with tiny yellow bolts hitting him in the shoulder. The Krolotean jumped down a vent in a cycle before turning it on. Fire came up, singeing Bibbo, Karen, and Naruto's faces as Blue Beetle coughed. "Boy, I practically singed my eyebrows," Bibbo said as Naruto turned his glasses on, having them glow blue. "No, it would not have been preferable to have vaporized him."

Naruto looked up to see Blue turn to his back and talked. The others stared at him weirdly before standing back up. "OK, Bumblebee, go and check to see if the Krolotean left anything that would lead us to where he's going." Bumblebee nodded before flying off.

"Got it, boss!"

Bibbo followed as Naruto walked beside Blue Beetle facing the opposite way. "If you need anyone to talk to, I know what you're going through." Blue Beetle blinked at that. "I know the beetle fused to your spine is an A.I. of sorts. And I know that it talks to you. I found Ted studying it after he supposedly put it on. He didn't trust it. You should tell the others, Jaime, but I won't tell them until you're ready for it."

Jaime looked at him and gave a nod of understanding and a small smile of gratitude. Naruto walked away, taking off his burnt arm protector and glove.

Out to the bay, the Krolotean went to a large black manta-shaped sub before sailing in an opened door. The Krolotean looked to see Black Manta's men in the hangar with another man. He's wearing armor similar to Black Manta. It has a disc-shaped helmet with two large, daunting red eyes, there are small tubes that connect from the back of the head to his shoulders.

The hands of his suit are webbed; the suit also has fins on each of his legs.

"Welcome aboard." The man greeted with a voice modulator making his voice deeper as several more Kroloteans stood with him.

The sub descended into the water, leaving no trace.

Taos; S.T.A.R.S. Labs January 6, 09:58 MST.

Kage stood with Nightwing, Wonder Woman, Captain Atom, and John Stewart as a scientist walked to them.

"Recognized: Adam Strange, A12. Miss Martian, B07. Superboy, B05. Troia, B06. Beast Boy, B20."

Adam and his Team walked through a Zeta Tunnel as Beast Boy ran ahead holding a sash. "Hey, Kage! Look at the souven-!"

He stopped as Miss Martian walked up. 'Gar, mission first,' She said through the link.

"Zeta Squad, report." Naruto ordered as Miss Martian spoke.

"Our mission to neutralize the Krolotean Zeta Platform on Rann was a success." Adam brought up a hologram of Earth with an orange ring around it.

He explained the field is to prevent inter-planet transporting both to and from Earth. "How will that affect our Zeta Beams?" Atom asked as the hologram zoomed in to show the Watchtower was under the shield.

"The League's Zeta-Tubes will still function normally." Beast Boy pulled Miss Martian forward. "Tell them about the 16 hours!"

That got the other's attention as Miss Martian linked them up, showing a Rannian Scientist being bribed by Kroloteans. "I interrogated a Krolotean General on Rann. They bribed Scientist Command to hide their ship. Once there, they stole Zeta technology from Sardath, Adam's friend. They landed another in New Orleans to beam more to Earth."

"They built more platforms and brought more Kroloteans and started to replace humans with them." She looked up at them and spoke aloud. "Perhaps as an invasion strategy, though I'm still unclear on that."

She showed them the fight on the Watchtower back in '10 before showing the six missing Leaguers attacking different alien species on Rimbor. "Vandal Savage sent the six League members; Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkwoman away for 16 hours. You were transported to the planet Rimbor, to go on a 16-hour rampage, attacking everyone in sight and loudly announcing in several different alien languages that you are the Justice League from Earth. And they should beware. The Kroloteans heard of the incident and invaded Earth in retaliation."

"I don't know what to say. I have no memory of this." Wonder Woman said as Naruto grabbed her hand in his.

"Blame Savage and his Light. But why would he bring aliens here? He wants to rule Earth. Doing something that would cause him any trouble would be backward. And why send just six? If the League gets in trouble with the Green Lantern Corps., or other Galactic law officials wouldn't it be better if all of us got in trouble and at least go explain what happened? That would take at least several months." Naruto finished before Atom looked to Green Lantern.

"John, how come you, Hal, or Guy didn't hear of this?"

"Rimbor's not a planet in my sector. I'll go and talk with the Guardians about what to do. We'll get to the bottom of this." Atom nodded before looking at Naruto.

"In the meantime, we still have a Krolotean force to deal with. Now, we need you at the Hall of Justice."

Washington D.C.; Hall Of Justice January 6, 12:05 EST.

Catherine was giving a tour of the museum section of the building. She showed old costumes including Naruto's first complete with glasses, and his quiver and a bow. She passed Amazo as the group looked at the League's founding member's logo in bronze on the wall. Naruto's being a spiral. She took them to where four bodies of the Appellaxian invaders were. One is made of wood, one of ice, one of stone, and the other of gold metal.

"And finally; we have the last four bodies used by the alien energy beings, known as the Appellaxian, who attempted to conquer Earth." She directed the group to the doors leading to the League meeting room where large bronze statues of the founding members stood above.

With a teenage Kage in his original costume standing beside Wonder Woman. "Of course, the attack also brought together Earth's mightiest Heroes, to form the Justice League." She finished before a teenage girl spoke.

"But I thought Kage was a kid back then, why does his statue look about eighteen."

"The statue was added in 2011 when he was 'officially' inducted into the League," Catherine answered before the same girl spoke again.

"But wasn't he a Founding Member?" Catherine nodded at that.

"Technically, yes, but the League has gone on record of saying they don't bring in anyone under 18. So even though Kage helped form the League he wasn't considered a member because of his age." Catherine finished before turning back just as a man whispered to the man beside him.

"G. Gordon Godfrey says the League is working with the aliens." Catherine cleared her throat at that.

"This way to the Viewing Gallery." She took them to the other side of the building as more people walked in.

Inside, Batman stood in a room as he watched Martian Manhunter sit in front of the Krolotean Blue Beetle caught a few days ago from a two-way mirror. 'You didn't need to come with me.' Miss Martian said through the link as Kage followed her and pulled his hood down.

'I just wanted to make sure, M'gann. Trust is easily broken, and even harder to fix.'

She looked at the alien and sighed. 'Donna told me the same thing.' Naruto grinned at that.

'She may get her looks and skills from Diana, but she got my smarts.' Batman glanced at them before speaking.

"Your uncle has been interrogating him for some time. But with no luck."

Miss Martian's eyes glowed before Naruto noticed the Krolotean slump. "The Krolotean has an emergency rendezvous point. A base inside a volcano on Malina Island." Naruto glanced at her before speaking.

"M'gann..." She sighed before looking back at him.

"I didn't-"

"Didn't what?"

Naruto sighed before pressing a button on an intercom. "J'onn, come in here please." When J'onn did that Naruto put his hands on M'gann's shoulders as he stood behind her. "Back in August, M'gann has been frying criminals' minds as she ripped any information out of them."

"But I haven't done it for a month so far!" M'gann said as Naruto nodded.

"Yeah, I took her to watch me heal one of them with his family in the room."

J'onn looked at them for a moment. "I had my suspicions about those reports. We'll need to have a long discussion about this later, M'gann. For now, however, we need to make preparations." He finished before walking out of the room, followed by Batman.

Naruto and M'gann remained in the room for a moment. She turned to look at him. "You think he'll be able to forgive me?" she asked him, her head hanging down.

Naruto lifted her head by her chin, making her look him in the eye. "Eventually. Though, maybe not as soon as I did." He told her with a smile. She smiles back at him in appreciation.

Malina Island January 6, 07:10 HAST.

The manta sub docked inside the volcano as the man sat in the captain's chair. Suddenly, Black Manta came up on a video screen as the man spoke. "We have arrived on the final ship for the Kroloteans." Black Manta nodded at that.

"Congratulations, my son."

The man removed his helmet revealing Kaldur with the bottom part of his head completely shaved off.

"Thank you, father. Initiating Phase 2."

South Pacific January 6, 20:32 HAST

"Remember, this is primarily a recon mission," Batman said as he sat in front of a camouflaged Bio-Ship.

His proteges sat behind him with Nightwing flying the Ship. Aquaman and Lagoon Boy stood where the door is. "You're primarily telling me, aren't you?" Naruto asked standing beside Troia.

Batman ignored him and continued. "We want to find out everything we can about the invasion before we shut them down."

"Arriving at Drop Zone Beta," Nightwing said as a hole opened up so Aquaman and Lagoon Boy could jump into the ocean. The Bio-Ship flew to the island to the volcano. "Drop Zone Gamma."

Everyone dropped down as Naruto landed on one of Black Manta's men and the Bat Family attacked the others. Troia pulled the door open so they could go inside. Once inside, the Team saw the Kroloteans working on a large ship with Black Manta's men guarding it. They each started to silently take everyone out as Kaldur, in his armor, walked out of his sub. Before he shot red beams out of the eyes Aquaman and Lagoon Boy jumped out.

"We've been found! Move in!" Naruto yelled as Superman broke through the wall with Wonder Woman.

Wonder Girl and Superboy came in as well to help as the Kroloteans attacked with their robots. "Superman, triple combo over here!" Superboy yelled pointing to two robots.

Superman grabbed Superboy and threw him destroying four robots. Wonder Woman lassoed a robot and sent it flying as Wonder Girl flew down, trying to get hers out as well. "Oh, that was so cool, how you-you-just-with the rope-!" She stopped as Wonder Woman moved to block attacks with her bracelets.

"Little less fangirl, little more Wonder Girl." Wonder Girl gained a sheepish expression before nodding and flying off.

"You sure she's not my daughter as well?"

Wonder Woman looked to see Naruto behind her. "Because she is exactly like me when I was younger." Wonder Woman nodded at that.

"Yes, I'm sure. Helena never-" She stopped as Naruto walked to her.

"Really? Because there was that one time Copperhead drugged me and almost-!"

"Do NOT bring that night up again!" Naruto raised his hands in mock surrender before creating clones to help out.


Naruto looked to see Aquaman, Lagoon Boy, Nightwing, and Superboy looking at Kaldur who had his helmet knocked off. Naruto jumped over as Kaldur yelled at them. "Big talk from the ones who let Tula die!" He picked his handles out and created swords.

"Tula knew the risks Kaldur! We all do!" Naruto yelled as Lagoon Boy walked up to them.

"Neptune's beard! Don't coddle this traitor! He's joined the King's greatest enemy!" Naruto glared at that before Kaldur spoke.

"You mean the same King that lied about who my father is?!"

(Flashback.) (1.)

Santa Prisca February 17, 2015, 14:36 ECT.

Aqualad looked at the down Manta as they stood on a platform. Mary and Superboy were helping Aquaman from his restraints as Lex in a green armored costume flew away on a small platform.

"This ends here Manta. You will never threaten Atlantis or its King again." Aqualad said as Black Manta held his side.

"My poor... Kaldur'ahm. If only your blind loyalty would let you see..." Manta trailed off as the other came up with Aquaman. "Why don't you tell him, Sea King? Tell him what you've kept from him all these years."

Aquaman ignored him before looking at Aqualad. "Luthor still has the fragment. We have to stop him before he leaves Santa Prisca." Aqualad nodded at that before Mantra spoke up again.

"Always the dutiful subject. I wonder when you will finally think for yourself."

Aqualad ignored him before turning to his teammates. "Alpha Squad, to the hovercrafts!"

Later, the Team looked up to Lex who was on a hovercraft as they were on the boats in the ocean. "I'm afraid we'll have to continue these negotiations at a later date. Feel free to call my assistant..." Lex said fleeing as Aqualad looked at a small part of a statue.

It's a left arm holding a part of a large blue gem.

"Alpha Squad to Cave. We have retrieved the third fragment."

After a moment, Naruto spoke up. "Good work Alpha Squad, come on back."

Aqualad turned to Aquaman before speaking. "My King, I am relieved to see you safe." He handed Aquaman his 'A' buckle before continuing. "But there is something you need to tell me."

Mount Justice February 17, 23:48 EST.

Kage in his new costume looked to see Kaldur talking with Aquaman. "King Orin, please. I have unanswered questions." Aquaman opened his mouth but was interrupted by Kaldur. "Black Manta said you were keeping something from me. You didn't deny it." Aquaman sighed at that before speaking.

"Perhaps we should discuss this with your parents." Kaldur just stared at him.

"I am discussing it with you."

Aquaman looked down for a moment before speaking. "It is about your father."

Kaldur looked confused at that. "My father? What would Calvin Durham have to do with Manta?"

"Calvin Durham is... Not your father. At least not biologically." Kaldur gained a shocked look at that.

"I do not understand. Why would you withhold this from me?" He asked as Aquaman looked at him.

"To keep you from seeking out your true father." Kaldur narrowed his eyes at that.

"And who is that? I deserve to know. Clearly, others know the truth. You, my mother, even Manta..." He trailed off as Aquaman closed his eyes. "No. Do not say it. Not Black Manta." Aquaman sighed as he opened his eyes.

"I only sought to protect you, Kaldur'ahm."

"You would protect me with a lie?" He asked as Aquaman brought his hand up.

"None of that changes who you are. Nor who raised you as his son." Kaldur narrowed his eyes at that.

"Then why keep it from me? I trusted you. I would have given my life for you." Kaldur said as Aquaman put his hand on Kaldur's shoulder.

Only for Kaldur to roughly push it off and walk away. "Kaldur!" Aquaman yelled as Naruto walked over.

"Give him time. He'll come around."

(Flashback End.)

Naruto sighed at that before looking at Kaldur. 'The next day, Tula gave her life for the World. Garth quits the Team shortly after and Kaldur left to take a long break.' He thought before being broken from his thoughts.

"Blood is thicker than seawater."

A small rocket launcher came up from Kaldur's shoulder and shot at them. Superman flew in front of the rocket and had smoke cover the area as Kaldur jumped down a tube and slid down to the lower platform.


Kaldur turned to see Naruto and Nightwing walk out of the shadow. "Just us, old friends?" He asked before Superboy came down the same tube.

"No! it's a regular reunion special!" Kaldur had his weapon dissolve into water before speaking.

"OK, you can stop me, or stop the bomb that's about to blow up. You have two minutes" They saw a large black bomb on a support beam before Naruto sighed.

"Then go."

Kaldur jumped into the water as the Team went to the bomb. "Damn! Can't risk touching it, it could be set to blow if it's touched." Naruto said before turning to the others as he put a hand to his ear. "A bomb's been programmed to go off in two minutes! Get the hell out of here!" They ran as Naruto glanced at the bomb before following.

He got to the top to see Superman trying to get the Kroloteans to leave before Naruto spoke up. "Come on, Superman, we need to get-!"


The island blew up sending both Naruto and Superman flying into the air and into the ocean. Both Aquaman and Lagoon Boy swan to them and pulled them up to the Bio-Ship. Wonder Woman knelt and put Naruto's head on her lap as he healed.

North Pacific January 7, 07:07 HAST.

Kaldur walked into the sub to his father's room where he saw Manta without his helmet. He's an African American male with high cheekbones and black hair that is graying around the temples. He also has a thin ring beard.

"Father." Kaldur greeted as Manta wiped his mouth with a cloth napkin.

"Congratulations son. You've done well. I don't suppose Aquaman died in the explosion, did he?" Kaldur shook his head at that.


Manta sighed as he sipped some wine. "Pity." A low-sounding alarm went off having Manta stand up and put his helmet on. "If you'll excuse me." He walked into the next room and screens of Klarion, Brain, Queen Bee, Lex Luthor, Ra's al Ghul, and Savage came up.

"Good morning, Black Manta. The Kroloteans competitor, our new partner, is quite pleased with our efforts. And so is the Light. We agree we made the right choice." Savage said before continuing. "You are officially one with the Light."

Gotham; Naruto's Penthouse January 9, 07:29 EST.

Naruto was walking in the living room and saw Paula with Lian in her lap. Paula grabbed Lian's hands and bounced her on her knee having Lian giggle. He smiled before looking to the wall and saw wedding pictures of him in white robes standing with Diana who's in a white skirt, top, and with a bronze tiara at Themyscira.


Themyscira September 16, 2011, 14:02 EDT.

Naruto, wearing white robes, watched Diana walk up to him in her wedding attire. He smiled at her as she stopped in front of him and Hippolyta brought Diana's lasso and wrapped it around them. As they gave their vows with the lasso glowing, Naruto kissed Diana.

The crowd cheered as Megaera stood at the trees, holding her invitation. She looked down and saw her mother wanted her to be a bridesmaid before giving a small smile and left in the shadows.

(Flashback End.)

Naruto smiled as he heard his daughter laugh and walked to the kitchen. He saw Jade sleeping at the table before carefully picking her up and took her to her room. He undressed her leaving Jade in only blue panties as he walked out to continue making breakfast.

"It was the same when she and Artemis were born. I couldn't sleep until four in the morning most of the time." Paula said as Naruto smiled.

Later, Naruto walked into his office and went to a computer that had a picture of him and the Team at G.C.P.D with a large group of villains in a holding cell with the Scarecrow, wearing a hooded coat with skin missing from his face, as well as missing his nose.

Naruto sighed remembering Scarecrow creating a new powerful scare toxin and planned to unleash it on the East Coast.


Gotham; G.C.P.D. October 31, 2013, 17:14 EDT.

Kage in his old costume walked beside Batman as they escorted Poison Ivy to the heavily guarded door. 'Good thing the civilians got out of Gotham before Scarecrow released his new gas.' Naruto thought looking to see Ivy was wearing a pink long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

Only one button is buttoned to show her cleavage and midriff. She's also wearing two leaves to act like panties and is barefooted.

"Like what you see, Kage~?" Ivy asked sexually having Naruto roll his eyes.

"Yeah, I do."

They walked inside to see if there were more cells in front of the building before walking down the hall. "Scarecrow's going to break you, Batman! You too, Kage!" Naruto looked to see a bald man, right arm in a cast in the cell.

"Oh shut up!" Naruto said walking past him to the next room.

"Honestly, why do you put up with these meat-sacks?" Ivy asked them as Naruto opened the door.

They saw the large main room where James Gordon was on the phone at a desk with Aaron Cash typing on a computer. "Civil unrest?! There's a war on the streets! We don't have the manpower OR the equipment..." James said as the trio passed a metal detector having it go off.

"Well. Look who it is!" Aaron said as James hung the phone up.

"Ivy... That's one less thing to worry about." James said as he turned around.

"Is the isolation chamber ready?" Batman asked James who nodded.

"Yeah, back wall." He pointed past a large holding cell to a glass chamber at the wall with a large fan for the wall to blow oxygen in.

"Oh, good. Another cell." Ivy said as Batman took Ivy to the cell Naruto trailed behind listening to the police force talk about Scarecrow's attack on a diner a few hours earlier.

They walked back to James who was on the phone again. "Screw you!" He said before slamming the phone down. "Damn bureaucrats... We're on our own." James cursed before looking at the duo.

"We can handle it, Jim. What's the matter?" Batman asked as Aaron typed on the computer and a large screen came on the wall showing crimes taking place with the city empty.

"Well, the major one is this string of murders with the bodies left mutilated."

Naruto said as he touched a picture of a man in a hospital gown and face bandaged up. "I'll take this one Batman, you go scan Scarecrow's new toxin for anything." Batman nodded before they left. Once outside Naruto saw the Batmobile.

A large, long armored car with the back end a little taller than the front.

(Arkham Knight Batmobile.)

Batman jumped inside and took off showing another car. It's a large black armored car. It has four 5 feet off-road rear tires with a thruster in between them and large suspensions. And two 2 feet front tires placed close together.

(The Tumbler Batmobile.)

"Good thing Lucius made this. Especially since this Knight woman brought in tanks." (2.) Naruto thought before jumping in as well. He drove up a road going through several blast doors before coming out into the city. Naruto saw the rain come down before speeding down the road and took a left to a bridge.

He went to the next island and went to a closed-off bridge. He saw the man tied to the bridge support with 'FLAWED' painted on the asphalt. Naruto Got out and heard opera music play as he brought a hand to his ear and spoke. "Miss Martian, I've found the mutilated body Cash talked about. I'm going to try and determined a cause of death."

Naruto unsealed a syringe gun from his coat and stuck the man. Naruto looked at it before a box came up on his glasses. Hitting a button on his armpiece, a video of Miss Martian with Batman leaving in the background of a clock tower came up on his glasses.

"Blood tests reveal the cause of death was an overdose of painkillers leading to cardiac arrest. And the victim's fingerprints have been burned off with acid." Naruto finished having Miss Martian nod.

"Terrible way to go."

Naruto nodded before speaking up. "That's not all. It's as though the subject's D.N.A. has been corrupted somehow. There's insufficient information for me to cross-reference the database. I'll have to use the deep tissue scanner to analyze the body for any distinguishing features and determine the victim's identity" Naruto closed the video and turned on his scanner program.

Naruto started with the skin and the man's left ear glowed yellow. Scanning it, a box going through files on people came up with over 2,000 people. "Deformity on the left ear looks like a result of minor ear agenesis- a birth defect." Naruto turned to the muscle and looked down to see a wedding ring in the lower intestine.

"A wedding ring in the lower intestine." Naruto scanned it and the list narrowed to just 26. "The inscription reads 'Ophelia'." Naruto finished before turning to the bone setting. And saw a hip replacement before scanning it. The list showed only one man with curly hair and a beard.

"The victim had a hip replacement. Scar tissue hasn't fully healed so it must have been recent." He looked to see 'ANTHONY LUND' above the picture. He put a hand to his ear and spoke up. "Miss Martian, the victim's name is Anthony Lund. Hospital records say he suffered from alcoholism, probably brought on by his marriage."

"His wife's name is Ophelia. He was last seen in Albuquerque, New Mexico. What's interesting is they were brought here and didn't go missing in Gotham. But why? We need to track this killer down." Naruto finished before hearing Miss Martian.

"Give me a second, I'll link the satellites to scan the City… Got five more on each Island of Gotham." Naruto nodded before getting in his car.

Later, Naruto went to a roof by the clock tower and saw another man with 'FAILURE' painted behind him. "Got the second victim, Miss Martian," Naruto said before scanning the skin. And saw a large scar on the left arm. "Scar tissue on the left arm. I recognize the pattern. Twenty years ago this was a badge of honor among Blackgate inmates. Known as the Blüdhaven Six."

He turned to the muscle and saw a spot for a pacemaker. "Remnants of a pacemaker fitted through the right ventricle. If I cross-reference the manufacturer with the pacing method, it'll help narrow the search." Naruto said as the list went down to 28. He went to the bone setting and saw his left knee was damaged.

"Clear sign of bone deformation. Joint lined sclerosis points to juvenile arthritis, a rare condition. A picture of a young man with short hair came up with 'FRANKLIN ACCARDO' above him. "I've ID'd the victim to a Franklin Accardo."

Miss Martian came up on his glasses as she typed. "He's been in and out of prison since an early age. He was released early after serving a 20-year sentence. And was reported missing shortly after." Naruto sighed at that as a shadow person dropped down.

"I'll go to the one-!"

He stopped as he felt something soft on his back as blue hands wrap around his chest. "Hey, Frost." Naruto greeted as Killer Frost moved to face him. "Hey, I figured I'd help you with this. I was in the clock tower helping Miss Martian anyway." Naruto shrugged before picking her up bridal style.

"We'll have to take the Tumbler, tanks are patrolling the islands. At least until we get to Founder's Island. That's blocked off as the Knight's stronghold." Naruto finished jumping down the building.


Naruto dropped on a building by the water with a statue of an Angel on a small island in between two of the main islands. Killer Frost looked at the bandaged man with 'IMPERFECT' painted above him. "Damn, and I thought I was messed up with my kills." Killer Frost said as Naruto scanned the man's skin.

"An irregularity on his chest, a birthmark." He scanned the muscle and saw a bullet in his right arm. "Bullet lodged deep in his bicep. It's used for a hunting rifle not made for twenty years." Naruto said before scanning the bone and saw two artificial toes on his left foot. "Missing two toes from frostbite." Naruto finished as a picture of a man with a shaved head came up.

He had 'ROBERT KINCAID' above the photo. "I've ID'd the victim as Robert Kincaid." After a moment, Miss Martian spoke up.

"A microbiologist for Stagg Enterprise, he retired and took a teaching job in Atlanta where he was reported missing."

Naruto sighed at that. "Keep looking for something that links them up."

Later, Naruto dropped on a building by a lighthouse with a green light. He looked to see a bandaged woman this time with 'BROKEN' painted behind her. "Found a fourth victim," Naruto said as Killer Frost dropped down.

Naruto scanned the skin and found shark bite marks on her left rib cage. "A shark bite mark. It's from a shark native to the coast of North Gotham." Naruto scanned the muscle and saw a fake right eye. "This is a prototype eye from five years ago. He scanned the bone and saw pins in her right arm. "Trauma to the upper arm titanium screws are used to hold it in place." A woman with long brown hair came up with 'LISA MENDES' above her. "The victim is Lisa Mendes."

Miss Martian sighed before speaking. "She was orphaned at age nine. Multiple foster homes, and drug use. She developed a surfing talent and had a shark attack. She also lost her boyfriend in the attack. She was working at a Christian charity in Arizona when she went missing."

"Anything linking them yet?" Naruto asked before she shook her head.

"Nothing concrete yet. But they went missing in some kind of park. I'm looking for something connecting the places now."

Gotham Founder's Island October 31, 18:25 EDT.

Naruto used a Genjutsu to hide him and Killer Frost from the tanks patrolling the bridge as they saw another woman on the side with 'DEFECTED' painted above her at the edge of it. "Found the fifth." Naruto scanned her skin and saw cuts on her right thigh. "The wound is fresh, afflicted while she was still alive. Removal of a tattoo."

He scanned the muscle and saw her right kidney was removed. "Kidney removed." He scanned the bone and saw a metal plate on her right temple. "Metal plate in the head. And there's a scar on her knuckles. A professional fighter." Naruto finished as a picture of a woman with blonde hair and 'ELLA MONTGOMERY' came up.

"I've ID'd the victim as Ella Montgomery." She nodded before speaking.

"She gave the kidney to her twin, but she died. She was a professional boxer that went missing in Huntsville Alabama."

Naruto nodded at that before speaking. "Does she match the others?" He asked making her once again nod."

"Yeah, there's false leasing in each of those parks. The last victim's just up the road."

Naruto nodded before grabbing Killer Frost and jumped a mile up the road where a woman was tied beside a church with 'REJECT' painted beside her. "Found the last one." He scanned her skin and saw a chemical burn on her left thigh.

"Chemical burn on her thigh." He scanned the muscle and saw a voice box. "Surgery to remove a cancerous growth left her with this voice box." He scanned her bone and saw the sixth finger on her left hand. "And an extra finger." A picture of a woman with short brown hair and 'ALLISON WEARS'

"Victim is Allison Wears." Miss Martian nodded at that before speaking.

"An engineer at ACE Chemicals she retired to Blüdhaven and went missing. Each person there was a circus called the Circus of Strange that was in town before they went missing." Naruto sighed at that. "The owner owns a salon near you." Naruto nodded before they left for the lower levels of the city.

Gotham; Pretty Dolls Parlor October 31, 18:30 EDT.

Naruto walked into the parlor and went to the back room, he saw a hole leading to a large hall and heard opera music. They walked down the hall and went to a door to see a heavyset man with a bloody apron on, bloody gloves, and a pig mask with short black hair.

He was working on a man with people hanging in cages above him. "Lazlo Valentin, you're killing spree ends here!" Naruto said as Lazo snorted like a pig.

"No, Pyg saves them. Pyg makes them better." Lazo ran out as people in gowns attacked the Duo. Naruto created clones and attacked them, but they got up as if nothing happened to them.

"Step aside, hot stuff. I got this!" Killer Frost created a box of ice around them, keeping them inside as Lazo jumped through the window with a cleaver. Only for Naruto to jump over, punch him to the wall, and broke his mask knocking him out.

Gotham; G.C.P.D. October 31, 18:48 EDT.

Naruto put Lazlo in the holding cell as his hostages walked in and his victims were put in another cell in the hall. Naruto walked to Aaron, only to stop as they hear an explosion and James spoke up on a radio. "ACE Chemicals just blew up! Batman got the hostages out in time!"

Naruto sighed, "It's going to be another LONG night in Gotham". Frost turned his head and gave him a quick kiss. "Well then, we'd better get moving," she tells him.

They leave the precinct and Frost is about to enter the vehicle.


She lets out an 'Eep" as she jumps in surprise. She turns around to see a grinning Naruto, who proceeds to wrap his arms around her.

"You have no idea how much I wish this car had enough room for properly 'breaking it in'." He tells her.

She looks at him with half-lidded eyes as she wraps her arms around his neck and leans into his ear. "We've still got that large bed back home. What say we finish up this Scarecrow business and we make full use of it?" She whispers.

(Flashback End.)

Naruto stretched as he left his office the picture closed off his computer and the lights went off.

Gotham; Naruto's Penthouse January 12, 15:07 EDT.

Naruto walked into the living room before blushing and averting his gaze. "Sorry." He said seeing Dinah breastfeeding Quentin.

"Don't be. You've seen them more than enough times. Among the other things you've done to them." She said as he walked over and sat down beside her.

He kissed her on the cheek before rubbing his throat.


Gotham; Naruto's Penthouse August 27, 2015, 07:03 EST.


Dinah scream as she was on the kitchen floor with a bunch of pillows to lean on. Paula was between her legs with a sheet over her while she gave birth. "Almost there, Dinah," Paula said as Naruto put a hand on Dinah's shoulder.

"You doing great hon-GURK!"

Naruto stopped as Dinah grabbed him by the throat. "Give. Me. Druuuuuugggsss!" She trailed off in pain, gripping Naruto's throat hard.

"You... Can... Go... With-out!"

She threw Naruto to the cabinets. breaking the door off as he gasped. "One more push!" Dinah screamed loudly, Naruto thought the windows would break before hearing crying.

"It's a boy."

Naruto slowly got up as Dinah cradled her son to quiet him down. He thinks to himself, 'The birth of my children may very well be the death of me'.

(Flashback End.)

"It wasn't that bad," Dinah said with a small blush.

"I had trouble speaking for the rest of the day," Naruto said as she finished feeding Quentin before fixing her top.

Naruto took his son as she did, and proceeded to gently pat his back until the sound of a little burp was heard.

Mount Justice January 26, 00:16 EST.

The six Leaguers that attacked Rimbor stood on the beach talking to their proteges with Captain Atom. Kage sighed as he stood with Wonder Woman beside Troia and Wonder Girl. "I wish you'd let me go with you." He said making her shake her head at that.

"No, you're needed here. And only the six that are accused need to take this odyssey, though Hawkman insists on accompanying his spouse."

Naruto rolled his eyes at that. "Yeah, so why can't I go? Didn't that whole ceremony we had back in 2011 make us husband and wife? So I can't accompany you because..?"

"You're whipped."

Wonder Girl said making his shoulders slump. "And Icon will act as our liaison as he's versed in Intergalactic Laws." Wonder Woman finished before Naruto wrapped his arms around her.

"I'll miss you."

She smiled as she kissed him. Making Troia uncomfortably cough.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Naruto looked to see Megaera fly down in black jeans with tears at the knees, tennis shoes, and a red tank top.

"It's fine, honey," Naruto said letting Wonder Woman go so Megaera could walk over to talk.

Later, Green Lantern created a jet that took the six, Hawkman, and Icon up into the night sky. Naruto turned to leave, only for his eyebrow to twitch seeing Megaera kissing Conner. "Damn it! Cut that out!"

To Be Continued.

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