

Chapter nineteen: "A new start."

"I'm in a fanfic?!" – talks.

'Cola is the best!' – thoughts.

"Yay! I can talk!" – Yamato/Rebellion.


"Avada Kedavra!" – Voldemort.

%#$* - guess who said that and you will get a candy!


Kirigakure no sato. Mizukage's private chambers…

"Hmm… Did I make the right choice?" Naruto asked, sitting in a comfortable armchair with his head resting in his hand. "I could've ended it then and there…"

"That's probably for the best…" Yamato said.

"You think?"

"Yes." The demon blade stated. "It was a fight against three Grand Elders, three bosses and countless humans, and you're not all that strong… not until you drain the remaining power from that statue at least…"

Now Naruto got slightly offended. "Hey! I almost destroyed that village with my Crimson Flare! It's that toad jabroni, who…"

"Oh, give me a break!" Yamato interrupted him. "Yeah, you probably could, but what would that accomplish?! Destroying a human village?! You know that in the Netherworld it's not such big of a deal."

Naruto snorted at that. "And still, Kyuubi failed…"


The demon sighed. "So you think I was right?"

"Pretty much… Besides, if you've stayed, you could probably lose your ally."

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, Berial is a bad cat… And he has a nice attitude as well. It's a rare thing among demons, especially Greater ones."

Yamato chuckled. "And what do you mean by 'nice attitude'?!"

"Well…" Naruto started. "He's actually a funny guy, if you know him close enough." He then shrugged. "You know how most demons go. 'I will destroy this and kill that…', and all that stupid crap…"

"Isn't that what demons consider… noble?!" The demon blade asked with obvious amusement in his voice.

The blond shrugged. "Yeah, well Berial's not really like that, despite that 'Conqueror of the Fire Hell' shit. He had his dose of useless destruction."

"By the way…" The sword said. "You two seemed pretty much like old pals, but I didn't know him. So that means you met him before becoming my master." He paused. "So the question is… how did you summon him without my ability to open the Hell gates?!"

Naruto chuckled. "Now that is a good question indeed." He stopped laughing. "To tell you the truth… I didn't actually 'summon' Berial into this world… someone did that for me…"

"What do you mean?" Yamato asked.

"Sigh… Say, would you believe if I just say I accidentally stumbled upon a hell's gate?"

A pause…


"That's what I thought… but it's actually the truth."

Another pause…

"You know… If you didn't want to answer, you could just say so…"

Naruto sighed again. "I knew you wouldn't believe…"

"And for a good reason!" Yamato almost shouted. "You can't just 'stumble' upon a hell's gate!"

"You're right." Naruto stated. "I too thought it over in my head many times…"


"Someone summoned it on purpose." The demon paused. "That someone wanted me to find it."

"Hmm… can't be a coincidence, that's for sure."

"Precisely." Naruto said. "Because the gate opened the moment I stood in front of them."

"And Berial came out?"

"Yes." Naruto nodded his head. "And to my great surprise, he didn't attack me on the spot."

"Oh? And what did he do?"

"You probably won't believe it, but he introduced himself and asked for my name."

"And then?"

"We spoke and he told me his story… and I explained my plan to him." Naruto said and laughed. "He actually became very excited, for as he said 'He never met someone with so much guts'."

"I can believe that…"

"Yeah, well he said he will be happy to join my cause, but there was one tiny problem… two in fact…"

"Wait, let me guess…" Yamato said. "In order to summon him, you had to defeat him in battle, right?"

Naruto sighed. "How did you guess?!" He said with sarcasm. "Yes, I had to beat him for him to call me 'master'.

"Didn't hear him call you that…"

"Of course, because I told him not to…"

"So…" The sword started. "How did you manage to beat him?! It's no small feat."

The demon snorted. "You fucking tell me!" He then sighed. "Actually that I won't say, or Berial will probably be upset…"

"Oh, come on! He'll never know!" Yamato pleaded.

"Man, I promised!"

"Now don't be like that! You're the only one, who can talk to me, so I won't snitch on you!"

'Sigh… alright. Long story short, I put him in a genjutsu and finished it with a sword.'

"You got a Greater devil with a genjutsu?!" Yamato asked in disbelief.

Naruto shrugged. "Used Kyuubi's unpurified energy for that… no matter. The fact of the matter is I got myself an ally, a very useful ally… Which actually was perfect because of the moment."


"Because it was a few weeks after my Konoha escape, and I desperately needed to break that summoning contract."

"Ah, I see…" The demon blade exclaimed. "But I thought you did that by yourself?"

Naruto shook his head. "Yeah, I already knew Hiraishin at the moment… Hell, I even almost mastered Mai Tsubasa-no Tenshi…" Then he sighed. "But that was still not enough."

"I don't understand."

The demon raised an eyebrow. "Strange. You, better than anyone, should know that no mortal can enter the Netherworld without Grand demon's approval."

"Oh, right…"

"Why do I have the feeling that you hear this for the first time?!"

"Whatever! So anyway, Berial was the one, who gave you permission, right?"

"Wrong." Naruto answered. "Unfortunately he didn't possess such power."

"What?! I thought he was a Greater devil?!"

"He is. I couldn't understand that very well either, but in short, that power can not be simply acquired… It must be granted by someone who already possesses it."

"So, what did you do?"

"Well, I asked him if he knew anyone with that power. He somewhat hesitated, but then finally revealed the name of his acquaintance…"

"Really? Do I know him?" The sword asked.

"Hmm, you probably do know… her."


"Uh-huh, Nevan."

"Holy shit!" Yamato said. "She's one of the strongest and oldest of Remnants!"

Now that got Naruto's attention. "Remnants? What the fuck is that?!"

"You don't know?!" The sword waited for response, and when it didn't come continued. "Well, Remnants are ex-Greater devils."


"Sigh… the ones, whose lands were taken away from them."

The demon nodded. "That makes sense. No wonder she never told me her class status…"

"So what happened between the two of you?"

Naruto chuckled. "Well, it started with a pleasant conversation… and turned into one of the most difficult battles in my life…"

"That hard, huh?"

"You don't say. She was almost completely immune to my genjutsu, and fought in her released form, teleporting around and throwing lightning based attacks at me."

"And how did you get her?"

Naruto grinned. "She went for her finisher, The Kiss of Life… The thing is, Berial warned me about that one. So I waited for her to come closer, and when she was about to kiss me, I grabbed her head, and gave her an RKO. The element of surprise, strike your opponent when he's absolutely sure he'll win."

"Hmhmhm… good point. So, what happened next?"

"What do you think?" The demon asked back. "I told her I was not after her life and explained my plan. She was just as excited as Berial, if not more, and said that she'll gladly help me… If I accept her challenge to another battle… The other kind of battle…"

"Oh, you mean 'mom and dad' kind of battle?"

"Yeah… and to tell the truth, I lost that one completely…"

"Hahaha! And you call yourself a demon?!"

Naruto pouted. "Hey! I wasn't a demon then!"

"Right. So, you got the approval and… well, I heard the rest."

"Yeah… By the way, tell me, who was strong enough to defeat her and make her a Remnant?"


Naruto's eyes narrowed. "I see…"

"Hey, don't worry, you'll…"

"No." Naruto interrupted. "He was probably right. The world was not ready for that yet."

"Which world?"

"Both of them."

"Do you think they are now?!"

The demon smirked. "Hmm… maybe." Then he looked down. "What do you think?" He asked the owner of head with long red hair, which was moving up and down repeatedly between his legs.

Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage of proud Hidden Mist village… stopped her 'doings' for a moment. "Huh? You said something?"

Naruto sighed. "I was talking out loud the entire time. Have you heard anything I said?!"

The Mizukage raised an eyebrow. "Uh… no."

"Excellent!" The Demon said, picking her up. 'Man, I like this woman! Sorry, Yamato, duty calls.'

"Sure, have fun…"

'Oh, don't worry, I will!' He thought, slamming Mei into the wall.

"Oh, how I missed this!" She exclaimed.

Naruto smiled evilly. "Not as much as this!" He almost shouted, entering her roughly in one quick motion.

"Ah! Yes!"

"Hmhmhm… I see your tightness hasn't changed."

She smiled at him seductively and gave him a deep kiss on the lips. "Of course…" She said, after their lips finally parted. "I'm the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'Now where did that came form?!'

"Hey! Don't space on me!"

"Sorry…" The demon muttered and started to thrust into her repeatedly.

"Ah! Ah yes! Oh my God!" She screamed in pleasure.

"Yeah, I'm right here!" He said, fastening his pace, making the woman bit on her lower lip and wrap her legs around him.

"You're losing it… Mizukage-chan!" Naruto replied, teasing.

"Don't… Ah! Don't call me… that!" Mei spelled out.

The demon grinned. "Make me!" With that, he picked her up, turned her around and almost slammed into the wall again, if not for her hands, which she slammed into it first.

"You're too rough!" Mei shouted, as Naruto nailed her again.

"Yeah, and you're too soft…" He answered and grasped her breasts. "Especially here."

"Ah! Yes, more! Give me more!" She screamed, and give her more he did, moving in and out of her as fast as he could. Mei's hands were barely able to withhold Naruto's onslaught, when she finally felt it.

"Oh, God! Naruto… I think… I think I'm about to…"

Demon's grin widened. "Oh really?!" He replied, picking her up from the wall and hugging tight to himself. "Then cum for me." He whispered in her ear.

"Aaaaahhh!" She screamed as an orgasm hit her, almost making her knees to give out.

Naruto chuckled and kissed her neck. "Don't you think it was too soon?!" He teased her again.

"Huff… Huff…" Mei panted hard. "We're just getting started!" She said with a hint of anger in her voice, then raised one leg and pushed both of them from the wall, making them fall on the bed with her on top of him.

"Let's see how you fair now!" The Mizukage said, quickly lowering herself on his throbbing cock.

"Oh yes!" Naruto exclaimed. "My favorite position! I think…"

"It doesn't matter what you think!" Mei shouted, pointing her finger at him.

Naruto's mouth fell agape. "A-a-a… ama… a…"


"Shut your mouth!" She added and pressed her lips on his.

"Ha! You know, if she could somehow give you an RKO, it will be a complete set! HAAAAAAAAHAHAHA!"

When their lips parted, Naruto finally recovered from his shock. "The nerve!" He exclaimed. "Don't you ever… AND NARUTO MEANS EVER! Steal my catchphrases again!"

Mei smiled. "Oh, don't be like that!" She said, moving her hips back and forth.

"I said no!" He stated. "Catchphrases are saint… next only to sex and cola…"

"Fine, fine. Now stop pretending to be a log and start working!"

Naruto chuckled. "As you wish… Mizukage-sama." With that he sat up and pressed his body close to her.

"Ah! Yes! This is the best!" She screamed. "Please, Naruto! Claim my body once again!"

'Damn! I can't hold on when she speaks like that…' He thought. "Fuck, I'm about to burst!"

Mei hugged him closer. "Do it! Don't hold back and fill me up with your semen!"

"Shit!" With a loud grunt, Naruto's body tensed and he pressed his head into her chest as he shot his seed inside her.

"Oh my God! So hot! AH!" Mei screamed, arching her head back.

A minute later, Naruto allowed himself to fall on the bed, and Mei instantly collapsed on top of him.

"Huff… huff… You son of a bitch." She said, hitting him on the shoulder playfully. "How could you deny me that for about two months?!"

Naruto chuckled. "Well, I've been busy, you know…"

Mei looked at him, smirking. "Was that really more important, than fucking me with that huge cock of yours?!"

"Tell that to Yamato…" Naruto answered.

The Mizukage raised an eyebrow. "Who the fuck is Yamato?"

The demon rolled his eyes. "My sword…"

"Why would I want to explain something to a sword?!"


Naruto snorted. "Oh, now you hurt his feelings."

Mei's eyes widened. "What?! It can talk?!"

"Yep." He nodded. "Only to me though…"

"Oh… Well, then tell him, that I'm sorry…"

Naruto chuckled again. "No need. He can hear you pretty well, he just can't answer."

"I see." She said, and they spent some time in silence… until…

"Fucking Konoha!" Naruto suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" Mei asked.

"I could end it!" He stated. "I could end it right there!"

"Don't worry." She rubbed his chest with her hand. "It's probably better that way…"

Naruto looked at her skeptically. "You too, Brutus?!"

She looked back in confusion. "No, I'm Mei. And who the fuck is Brutus?! I didn't know you swing that way."

Naruto sighed. "No, I DON'T swing that way. And Brutus is…" He paused. "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO HE IS!"

"True." She said. "Now stop saying shit and let's fuck! I'll make your sperm run dry!"

"Damn, I like that woman!"

'Hey! That's my line!'

"Hehe, go fuck yourself!"

Naruto smirked and looked at Mei's naked body. 'Nah, I think I have a better idea!'

Konohagakure. Hokage's office…

A peaceful night in Konoha…

"Damn it to hell!"

Or not…

"Fuck… FUCK!" Godaime Hokage screamed, banging her fist on her desk. "Curse you, Naruto!"


"Don't fucking try to cheer me up, Orochimaru!" She shouted. "If you value your health that is… Jiraiya is dead, the bigger half of village is destroyed, people's moral is below the bottom line, hundreds of civilians are killed, and you want me to stay calm?!"

"He's right." Fukasaku said. "It's not the time for grief. We must act."

"Who're we?!" Tsunade shot back. "If I remember correctly, you don't have a summoner anymore."

"Yes." The small toad nodded. "That's why I'm still here, to choose another summoner and to explain a few things about demons."

"We don't need to know about that!" Tsunade stated.

"Oh, I think you do, because when he returns, you all must be ready… Or this story won't have a happy ending."

Orochimaru nodded. "I agree. We'll help about the summoner, but I think the information must come first."

Tsunade said nothing.

"Very well." Fukasaku nodded. "Do you have any questions specifically, or I should just tell you everything I know?"

"Tell us all." The snake charmer said.

"Wait…" Tsunade suddenly interrupted. "I want to know something first." She gathered her thoughts for a correct question. "Naruto claimed to be a demon, but when he transformed, he stayed the same size as we are. Why? And what is released form?"

The old toad nodded again. "Yes. A good question indeed." He paused. "You see that form you all saw, that actually was his released form."

"So what is that released form exactly?" Orochimaru asked.

Fukasaku sighed. "I will start from the beginning. Every demon has three forms. First, there is the demon form. That is the one you always see when you summon. In other words, you could call it an animal form. Every human soul after its death has this form. The next one is the human form. It has no particular meaning, except obtaining the form a demon used to have before death. Oh, and turning into this form instantly change demon's class to Major summon, or Grand devil."

"Third class, right?" The snake charmer asked again.

"Yes. Now the last and final form is the released form. This is actually a combination of the first two, and can only be achieved by the strongest. Usually in this form a demon has average human size and some demon features…"

"Wait, wait, wait…" Tsunade interrupted. "If I understood you correctly, then this form is the strongest, right?"


"Then why don't you use it?!"

"Well…" Fukasaku started. "We are capable of using it, yes. But there is a slight problem. Being in the released form consumes energy. In order to restore it, demons must shift back to the demon form."

"So? Where is the problem?"

"The problem is in size!" Fukasaku snapped. "The size difference is too great and almost every demon has to adjust to it. That's the main problem when fighting someone in the released form, because unlike you they don't need to adjust."

"And why is that?!"

"I have no answer for that question." Thetoad stated. "Just some theories. Perhaps their size difference is not too great, or they spend more time in their human form. There are too many variations…"

"Okay, I got what you said…" Orochimaru interrupted. "So that was Naruto's released form?"


"Then what is his demon form?"

A pause…

"No one knows… only himself I guess." The Elder said. "But if we somehow obtain this information, then we'll be able to analyze his strength."

"What? How?"

"Sigh… You see, the strength of a demon is judged by its demon form. The higher place this form have in evolution, the stronger the demon."

"So you in other words…"

"That's right… we're pretty weak. Actually, the three of our clans… I meant toads, snakes and slugs, are ones of the weakest."

"Just perfect!" Tsunade stated, throwing her hands up. "Then who are the strongest?"

"If you mean clans, then dragons and phoenixes are the most powerful." Fukasaku paused. "Actually, the dragons are even considered as nobles among the clans."


"They never had a summoner…"

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow. "I don't get it, they don't have a contract?!"

"They do…" The toad stated. "But no one has survived their test to actually become a summoner…"

"Peachy…" Tsunade said. "And what kind of test is that?!"

"I… can't say. And you better not to know anyway…"

"Fine." The Hokage said. "What about phoenixes?"

Fukasaku nodded. "Yes, they do have a summoner, even right now… finding him will be next to impossible though…"

"Great, more good news."

"Wait…" Orochimaru suddenly said. "When Jiraiya cast that genjutsu, he looked somewhat strange. What was that?"

"A good question. That was a sage mode; it is somewhat similar to toad's released form…"

Orochimaru's eyes widened. "Humans can have a released form?!"

"Yes, every clan has its own variations."

"This is something!" The snake charmer exclaimed. "We must use this."

"Hm… yes, perhaps. But it takes a great deal of training…"

"We'll see when we get there." Tsunade interrupted. "Now I have another question… What the Overlords are?"

Fukasaku frowned. "Sorry, I just feel uneasy when I think about them… In fact, I think every summon does…"


The frown deepened. "Because each of them can come and destroy any clan without slight problems… and there's nothing we can do about it."

"Are they that strong?"


"Hmm… that's not good." The snake charmer said. "You said there are two of them?"

"Indeed. Overlord Mundus… and Overlord Baal."

"I see." Tsunade said. "Do you know something about them?"

Fukasaku nodded. "I think every Elder do…" He said. "You see, a long time ago, even before the Clans were created, there were three Overlords…"

"Three? Who was the third one?"

"A demon named Sparda…"

"So, what happened?"

"Sigh… What happened is Mundus tried to invade the human world, kill all humans and turn it into another Netherworld… Sparda disagreed."

"I don't understand…" Tsunade stated.

"Sparda valued life and went against Mundus. The two fought… and Mundus won."

"What?" Tsunade almost shouted. "But I don't get it…"

"Let me finish…" Elder said. "Mundus was stronger… far stronger in fact. But in a last ditch effort Sparda managed to seal Mundus away, with only one chance to escape…" He then noticed human's questioning faces. "Don't ask I don't know what can release him… if there is anything at all. So after sealing his enemy away, Sparda closed Netherworld gates and fled into the human realm."

"So Mundus was the strongest then?"


Orochimaru's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean no?!"

"The strongest was… and still is… Overlord Baal. No one in history was able to defeat him, that's why he was called the Supreme Overlord."

"It's just keeps getting better and better!" Tsunade replied. "So when did he enter the scene?!"

"He didn't…"


"Baal never interfered in Sparda-Mundus conflict, simply because he didn't care… Because in reality, he was stronger than both of them put together."

"Damn, that's definitely not good…" Orochimaru said.

"Yes, but I don't think it's bad either…"


"Very well. For thousands of years, Baal never met his match, so he just retreated into his tower, and rumored to be sleeping there until someone worthy enough will appear to awaken him. Every strong demon, including both Mundus and Sparda, tried to seal the entrance to the tower in hopes that the Supreme Overlord will never be able to leave… however nobody knows if those seals really work…"


"Because Baal never tried to leave his tower… and every demon prays that he never will."

"Hmm… not a pleasant thought…" Orochimaru stated… just as the office door opened.

"I'm sorry, Tsunade-sama…" Nara Shikamaru said as he entered. "Can I bother you for a minute?"

"What is it?" The Hokage asked.

"Well, I…" He started. "I actually wanted to ask Jiraiya-sama, but…"

Tsunade closed her eyes. "Out with it, Shikamaru."

The boy nodded. "I want to sign the toad contract."

Both sannins raised an eyebrow at this, but neither answered. Instead…

"And what is your motivation?" Fukasaku asked.

Shikamaru looked around and finally noticed the Elder. "I… I feel helpless. My clan uses shadow as a weapon, but… when I used it on Naruto, he actually turned my technique against me, saying that he has far greater control of darkness…"

The small toad nodded. "Indeed, he's a darkness incarnation."

"So…" Shikamaru continued. "Without shadows I'm next to useless. I want to help in a fight against him!"

"A worthy reason… in fact, there's something I want to propose…"

Konoha hospital…

"You're will be fine soon, sensei." Haruno Sakura stated over to the bandaged form of Hatake Kakashi.

"I wasn't very hurt physically… just emotionally." The jounin replied.

Sakura frowned. "Oh… I'm sorry about your friend…"

Kakashi shook his head lightly. "No, no. It's not about Obito's lost eye… I was talking about Naruto." He said, making her frown even deeper. "I always had my eyes on Sasuke, when I should've given more attention to Naruto… and to you."

"To me?"

"Yes. From the three of you, you are the only one, who I can proudly call my student."

Sakura smiled. "Thank you, sensei."

Kakashi smiled back. "You're welcome. Now go, get out of here. You have someone to talk to, right?"

Her eyes widened. "How did you…?"

"Intuition. Now go… he's probably on the training grounds." He added with a smirk.

Unknown area…

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and found himself floating in darkness. He could see nothing, he could hear nothing, and he couldn't even smell anything.

"Wha…?" He tried to speak, but didn't hear his own voice. 'Where am I?!' He almost started to panic, when a golden light appeared in front of him.

"What the hell?!" He said, surprisingly hearing himself this time.

"Come, Uzumaki Naruto." A beautiful female, but also inhuman voice said. "Your mission has not even started."

"W-Who are you?" He was able to say before golden light blinded his vision. And then he awoke in his bed with cold sweat all over his body.

Mizukage's private chambers…

"Naruto? What's wrong?" Mei asked.

Naruto shook his head. "Wha…? No, nothing's wrong, Mei."

Now something was definitely not right. "Tell me. I know, because you only call me by my name when something's not right."

The demon sighed. "That was only a dream… but it looked so real…"

She hugged him. "Come here. You have nothing to worry about while I'm here."

Naruto chuckled. "Yeah. You'll protect me, right?"

Konohagakure's training grounds…

When Sakura arrived on the training grounds, she expected to see the one she was looking for to train like crazy… Instead she found him simply staring at three training posts.

"Do you remember that day… Sakura?" Uchiha Sasuke asked. "The day, when the three of us became a team…"

The kunoichi looked down and frowned. "Yes. I remember…"

A slight pause.

"Even then… He was already…" The Uchiha murmured. "What fool I was…"

Sakura walked closer. "Sasuke, you didn't know. We were all fooled by him…"

"Well, I think we deserve that…" He said, making her eyes widen.

"How can you say that?! He…"

"He did everything I would've done in his place."


Sasuke sat down, leaning his back on the post. "You know… I wanted to kill Itachi so badly… I would've sacrificed my own life, if it meant his death." He gave a chuckle, which sounded somewhat sad. "And then I find out that he was set up by my closest friend, that my own mother hated me and that my entire life was nothing but a lie, created by the same friend, who's seemingly immortal now…" Now he sounded almost desperate.

"Sasuke…" Sakura said, kneeling in front of him.

Sasuke's eyes were closed. "I… I don't know what to do, Sakura…" He said as raindrops started to fall from the sky. "I don't know what to believe in anymore…"

"Shh… It's okay." She said, rubbing his cheek with her palm. "You're not alone."

The youngest Uchiha raised his eyes at her and saw moon's reflection in hers, which made him smile.

"You know… When we talked, just before I left… Do you know why I turned my back to you when we talked?" He asked and she shook her head no. "Because I had tears in my eyes…"

Now that was one thing Sakura never expected to hear. "You… had tears in your eyes? Why?"

He looked down, smiling still. "I guess I couldn't kill a human in myself after all…"

"You… but…"

"I liked you, Sakura… I still do." Sasuke stated.

Kunoichi's eyes widened even more. "You… like me?"

He nodded. "Ever since you jumped between me and Gaara on the invasion day… You saved me that day… I never thought this could happen."

"But you always…"

"Denied you, yes. I tried not to attach myself to anything… in fear that it will be taken away. But the truth I heard yesterday taught me a good lesson… never to make prejudices." Sasuke replied. "I realize that now. It was neither Itachi, nor Naruto, who wanted to ruin my life… it was my own hatred." Now tears started to fall from his eyes. "I hated Itachi… now I hate Naruto… I… I don't want to hate anymore!" He almost shouted. "For once I want to feel something else!" Suddenly his head was raised by Sakura's hand, and before he could do something else her lips pressed onto his own, making his eyes widen.

"Now this doesn't felt like hatred, right?" She asked cheerfully as their lips parted.

When Sasuke finally got out of his shock, he did the only thing that came to his mind that moment… He wrapped his arms around pink haired girl and pulled her into another kiss. She wrapped her arms around him as well, deepening the kiss.

They both didn't know how long that kiss lasted, but what they knew, is that they needed air to keep living, so they parted again, panting hard this time.

"Huff… huff… No, this doesn't felt like hatred at all." Sasuke stated, smiling.

"Hmhmhm…" Sakura chuckled. "You know, when I came here, I never thought we'll have this type of conversation. I mean I never expected the Uchiha Sasuke, the most arrogant ass in the Universe, to cry his soul out to me right here under the night rain…" Indeed, for both of them were already drenched wet. "Strange, don't you think?!"

Sasuke laughed. "Yeah, sure is…" He hugged her closer.

"What will happen to us, Sasuke?" She suddenly asked.

"I don't know…" The Uchiha replied. "The one thing I know is that Naruto was right in one thing… I wanted power, he needed it. But now I need it, and I swear to god I will obtain it, everything to…" Then he noticed Sakura's expecting look. "Please, don't make me say this. I still have that 'most arrogant in the Universe' side." He said smiling.

Sakura giggled and hit him playfully on the shoulder. "You ass…"

Konohagakure. Some undestroyed district…

Sabaku no Gaara, the Godaime Kazekage sat on a roof as he often did at night. Surprisingly he didn't have his sand gourd behind his back.

'Rain…' He thought. 'Such a rare occasion in the desert…' Then a memory flashed before his eyes…


"Was that also a lie?" Gaara asked.

"Of course it was!" Naruto answered. "A few words, and WHAM, you turned from a killing psychopath to a peace loving family guy!"

End flashback…

'If it's really as bad as he says, then why don't I feel regret?' The Kazekage asked himself… when he heard soft whimpers. Curious he jumped down and walked to the source of the whimpers… which happened to be a girl crying at the river. Hinata, if he remembered correctly.

"Why are you crying?" He suddenly asked.

Hyuga Hinata, the latest head of the Hyuga clan, probably for the first time in her life was not afraid when someone approached her from behind. Instead she slowly turned her head to see who have spoken to her.

"Gaara-san?" She slowly stood up and turned to him completely. "I must thank you for saving my life twice." She said with a polite bow.

Gaara waved his hand. "No thanks are necessary." He replied. "But I would like to hear an answer for my question."

Hinata frowned and sat back down. "Why do you want to know?"

Gaara tried to find the correct answer. "I… I don't understand why people cry…"

Hinata sighed. "People cry when they lose something they love or hold dear."

"I see." The Kazekage nodded. "What have you lost, if I may ask?"

"I…" She hesitated. "I lost the one I held dear… very dear…"


"Yes." Hinata said as tears flew freely from her eyes. "The best part of my life, I was told that I'm a failure, that I'm a disgrace of the Hyuga clan."

Gaara watched stoically as she cried.

"Never in my life had I questioned their opinion… Because in truth I felt myself as such… a failure." She then looked up. "And then I met Uzumaki Naruto. People said that he was much more of a failure than I will ever be… But the thing is, when I got used to that thought, when I accepted it… He defied it. He tried his hardest to prove all of them wrong, and when he failed, he tried again. He never gave up."

Now ex-jinchuriki somewhat understood where her pain was coming from.

"I…" Hinata continued. "I found courage by simply looking at him, I admired him, I… I wanted to be with him… more than anything else." She cried. "And now, when this just happens to be nothing but lies… I… What's left for me now?" Suddenly she felt Gaara's hand on her shoulder.

"Now I understand." He said. "I understand your reason… In fact, I asked myself a similar question just before we met here."

Hinata looked at him with wide eyes. 'He… understands?'

"Naruto said, that I turned from maniac to a defender…" Gaara replied. "But I ask you now, is it really such a bad thing?"

"I… I don't think it is…" Hinata answered.

He nodded. "Yes. I think so myself… Because I turned into a maniac for this very reason… because I had no one…" The Kazekage stated. "But now… now I'm not alone." He looked down at her and smiled. "And as long as it remains that way, the world is beautiful."

Hinata's eyes widened. 'He's just like me…' Suddenly she stood up and to Gaara's great surprise hugged him.

"Please, Gaara-san, can you help me?" She asked. "I… I don't want to be alone as well…"

Unable to say anything else, he just hugged her back.

Hokage's office…

"So, get to the point." Tsunade said.

Fukasaku sighed. "The point is, no simple human can counter Uzumaki's illusions. But if you have summons at your side, then this problem is solved immediately."

Shikamaru nodded. "True, summons can negate illusion by injecting their yoki into our bodies… The question is, if they will be able to dispel them themselves?"

The Elder toad nodded. "True, they probably won't be able to dispel such powerful techniques, but what if they don't need to?!"

"Explain." Orochimaru said.

"What if your every soldier had at least one rooky summon somewhere on their body… in their backpack for example. Then summons will be able to negate the effects for their carriers, without any real need to dispel them for themselves!"

"Hmm… that could work." Shikamaru said.

"Excellent, one problem solved." Tsunade said. "Now there are another 99 of them…"

Somewhere beneath Konoha…

"You're a very good actor." Yakushi Kabuto said, clapping. "For some moments I even believed in your anger."

"Why, thank you." Neji answered with a smirk. "I told you before; I already knew all of that crap." He then turned and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Kabuto said and Neji stopped his advance. "What is your real reason for following him?"

Neji glanced over his shoulder, smiling evilly. "Who knows…"

Next morning. Mizukage's private chambers…

Naruto woke up to a pleasant feeling of something soft rubbing against his body.

"Stop that…" He mumbled.

Mei simply giggled and continued her doings.

"I said stop that… or I won't be held responsible for my actions."

"Blow me." She said.

Now that was breaking point. Naruto quickly shot up from bed, turned Mei on her back and was about to nail her again to her great pleasure, when…

"Naruto-sama!… oh, sorry…"

The demon gave exasperated sigh. "Its better be important, Ay!" He said, turning to said man's silhouette.

"He's gonna get it from me even if it is!" The Mizukage stated.

The Raikage gulped. "I'm sorry, Naruto-sama, but I wanted to say, that Operation Stormbringer has reached its final stage. Now all we need is your presence."

Naruto smiled. "Perfect! Good news at last!"

Konohagakure. Random street…

"So, when are the funerals?" Sasuke asked.

Sakura frowned. "Later today… such a great lost."

"Yeah…" The Uchiha added.


"Sasuke, Sakura!" Ino shouted, running towards them. "Come, quickly, you have to see that!" She started running away.

Two team seven members glanced at each other and rushed after her.

When they arrived, they saw a large crowd gathered around something.

"What are they looking at?" Sasuke asked.

"Right here!" Ino said, leading them through the crowd.

"A sword?" Sakura said.

"Hey!" Sasuke said. "That's the sword Naruto dropped!" He approached the weapon.

"Wait, Sasuke!" Ino said. "That sword is shocking everyone who's touching it!"

The Uchiha shrugged. "Well, someone has to do it." He said and touched the hilt.

Immediately the world around him became black.

"Greetings, boy…" A sudden voice said. "I am Rebellion…"

Omake. Naruto versus Voldemort…

Naruto: "Oh my God!" Naruto exclaimed. "Well now I've seen everything!"

Voldemort: "How dare you, pathetic boy! I'm the great dark Lord Voldemort!"

Naruto (raising an eyebrow): "Uh-huh… And?"

Voldemort (in anger): "And what?! Even the mention of my name strike fear in people's hearts!"

Naruto: "Uh-huh… And my name makes girls wet between their legs. What was your name again?"

Voldemort: "Ignorant boy! I said my name is…"


Voldemort: "What?!"

Naruto: "Look at yourself! Man, someone call the fashion police!"

Voldemort (smirking): "Well, at least I'm a villain in the original story."

Naruto (smirking back): "Well, at least I don't need a small wooden stick to beat my enemies."

Voldemort: "I'm scary!"

Naruto: "And I'm sexy!"

Voldemort: "I never felt in love!"

Naruto: "And I never fucked a guy!"

Voldemort (with a huge grin): "Well, at least I never wore an orange jumpsuit!"

Naruto's thoughts (with mouth agape): 'Now that's a low blow! Okay, two can play this game!'

Naruto: "Well, at least I have a nose!"

Voldemort (seething): "That does it!" (Taking out his wand) "Avada Kedavra!"

Naruto watched with amusement as green light hit him straight in the chest… and did absolutely nothing.

Naruto: "Was that an attack?"

Voldemort (panicing): "W-Why didn't it work?!" (Aiming again) "Avada Kedavra!"

Naruto (shaking his head): "Sorry son…" (Teleporting near his enemy and summoning Yamato) "…but I don't believe in fairy tales. Rapid Slash!"

Voldemort (falling to pieces): "I will return in sequel!"


Winner – Uzumaki Naruto!

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