

Chapter twenty: A slight change of plans.

"I have voices in my head…" – talks.

'Wait, let me check…' – thoughts.

"Don't bother. You do, and I think…" – Yamato/Rebellion.

"It doesn't matter what you think!" – Demonic.


"Greetings, boy. I am rebellion." Sudden voice said.

"A what?!" Sasuke asked in confusion.

"I am the sword you just touched." The voice explained.

"Oh, I see…" The Uchiha nodded. "So, why am I here?"

"Because you want to stop Uzumaki Naruto."

Sasuke's eyes widened. "You know how to do that?!"

"Of course…" Rebellion said. "Do you want to know?"

"Yes!" Sasuke shouted. "Please tell me!"

"Very well… To stop Uzumaki Naruto you must… kill him."

Sasuke stood with a what-the-fuck look on his face for a few seconds and then sweatdropped.

"Sure! I just have to kill him…"


"What do you mean exactly?!" Sasuke screamed. "He's all but fucking immortal now! The entire village couldn't even slow him down! He just played with us the entire time!"

"Yes, he did."

"This is useless." Sasuke stated. "How do I get out of here?"

"Oh, that's simple." Rebellion answered. "Answer one question…"

"What question?!"

"How in the blue hell are you going to stop me?" A very familiar voice said from behind.

Sasuke turned around in rage.

"NARUTO!" Sasuke screamed and did the handseals for Chidori… but nothing happened.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk…" Naruto said, readjusting his sunglasses. "You truly are pathetic, Uke-chan."

"DIE!" The Uchiha screamed again and lashed out at his nemesis, drawing his Kusanagi sword.

"Nope." Naruto exclaimed, then summoned his sword and slashed at Sasuke's chest, making a deep gash.


"Ops!" Naruto said, putting his hand to his mouth mockingly. "Sorry about that. I never wanted to…" Sasuke glared at this. "Sigh… Alright I lied. I wanted it, all of it, are you happy now?!" The blond asked and chuckled. "To tell the truth, I really never planned to destroy your life and fuck up your mind…"

"Oh really?!" Sasuke asked, struggling to his feet.

Naruto shrugged. "Yup. You were supposed to die with the rest of your useless family, HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Motherfucker!" Sasuke screamed and tried to attack Naruto again… only to receive a mighty kick in the ribs.

"Guh!" Sasuke spat some blood.

"Of course! I fucked your mom, haven't you heard?!" Naruto laughed. "Actually it was some of the greatest times I've ever had! Mikoto sure was great! Eeeeeasy, big fella!" He said, smacking himself on his left hip.

"Bastard!" Sasuke spat.

"Oh yeah, that too. Don't remind me." Naruto waved his hand. "Poor fool couldn't even fuck without getting into trouble… I wonder if he was called Yellow Flash because he was done after two seconds…"

"ENOUGH!" Sasuke screamed again, desperately trying to stand up again. "Fight me, Naruto!"

The demon raised an eyebrow. "Why?!" He asked and took out a cola can from behind his back. "Let's drink!"

"I-I'll… s-stop you…" Sasuke stuttered, clutching his broken ribs.

Naruto sighed. "Oh please! You couldn't even kill Itachi!" With that he teleported right in front of the Uchiha and raised him by the throat with one hand. "Do you really believe you can stop me?!"

"Gah!" Sasuke gasped as he was thrown hard into the ground.

"I told you already…" The demon continued. "You are weak. Why you are weak?! Because you have nothing but hatred!" Naruto yelled, summoning his sword again and pressing its tip into Sasuke's throat. "Tell me what you cherish most… Give me the pleasure of taking it away."

Suddenly Sasuke's eyes widened as a recent memory flashed in his mind.


"I… I don't want to hate anymore…" Sasuke muttered.

"Does that felt like hatred?" Sakura asked cheerfully.

"It certainly didn't feel like hatred…"

End flashback…

Sasuke smiled and even chuckled slightly.

"What's so fucking funny?!" Naruto asked, losing his mocking attitude. "Gave up already?!"

"Nope." Sasuke said back. "I just realized that you're wrong. Hatred is not the only thing I have…"

Naruto pulled his sword away, giving Sasuke the opportunity to rise up to his knees.

"Big deal!" The demon commented. "I can take it away as well!" He stated.

"No, you can't." Uchiha replied, shaking his head with a smile. "This is not something that can be taken, it can only be granted."


"I don't know how, but I will stop you, Naruto. Because in the end you will remain alone, and I will not!" The Uchiha shouted.

Suddenly Naruto started laughing. "HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, good luck with that!" He said and started to disappear. "Just remember one thing, never forget it… Everyone has darkness… Everyone." And then he disappeared completely.

"Well done." Rebellion commented.

"What?!" Sasuke asked in confusion, but then noticed that all of his injuries were gone. "How?!"

"You have passed the test… Uchiha Sasuke."

"You make no sense!" Sasuke screamed. "What was this all about?!"

"You still don't get it?!" Rebellion asked back. "What have I asked just before Naruto appeared?"

Sasuke's eyes widened. "H-How am I going to s-stop Naruto…"

"Precisely. This test held two purposes. The first was to see if you're able to overcome your hatred…"

"And second?"

"…To show you that as you are, you can not hope to stop him… let alone defeat him." Rebellion stated.

Sasuke gritted his teeth. "I must find a way…"

"And you will… at least I believe you will, or I wouldn't show myself to you… And if you don't, then everything you know will be destroyed."

The Uchiha nodded. "What happens now?"

"Now…" Rebellion started. "You must make a choice. You already passed my test, so I will gladly call you my master. But I can't bind myself to you without your own agreement."

"Are you asking me if I want to become your master?!"


"Do you?"


"Do you want me to bind you?"

That question actually startled Rebellion for a moment.

"Hmhmhm… how curious…" The sword replied. "No one in my entire existence has asked me such a question. That alone makes you worthy. As for your question… yes, I do wish for you to bind me. Having no master is… unpleasant."

"Before I answer… tell me what you are… really?"

"Really?!" Rebellion asked back. "If you're wondering where I came from, I have to disappoint you here, for I don't know the answer myself. But if you want to know the answer in general… I am what they called a 'Devil's arm'…"

"A devil's arm?!"

"Yes. A weapon made from defeated demon's soul… and before you ask, Uzumaki Naruto's weapon is one as well… and probably the strongest there is…"

Sasuke nodded. "Very well, Rebellion. I accept your offer!" The Uchiha shouted and the world returned to normal.

Back in the real World…

"Wow…" The Uchiha muttered as he was forcibly pushed back into his body.

"Sasuke-kun, what happened?!" Sakura screamed, running towards him.

"Nothing." Sasuke simply said, then grabbed Rebellion's handle and pulled the sword out of the ground. "I simply have a new sword."

The Land of Lightning. Daimyo palace…

"A pretty place I must admit…" Naruto commented, walking down the large hall.

"Yes, it is." The Raikage said. "It was built…"

"Shut up." Naruto interrupted. "I don't care when, how, by whom, or even why it was built. These things hold no meaning for me…" He replied and glanced at the dark skinned man. "…And they shouldn't for you as well."

"O-Of course, Naruto-sama… whatever you say." Ay said, nodding his head.

Naruto immediately rolled his eyes and turned around. "What in the blue hell are you talking about?!" He said in disbelief. "This is your fucking country! Of course it should have meaning for you!"

Raikage's eyes widened. "B-But you j-just said…!"

Naruto sighed and turned to walk forward again. "Well, while it does matter what Naruto says, you should have at least some pride, don't you think?!"

"O-Of course, Naruto-sama…!"

The demon sighed again. 'Damn… He's losing it completely. Perhaps doing that to him wasn't a wise idea after all…' He thought… when suddenly…

"We've got a problem…" Yamato stated.

Naruto narrowed his eyes. 'What's wrong?'

"Rebellion… it has a new master."

Demon's eyes widened. 'Fucking shit! I totally forgot about it!'

"And now it has a new master."

'Well, while it's not the most wonderful thing in the world… I don't really see how it's bad either.'

"It's bad because Rebellion will be able to speak with its master just like I'm talking to you!" Yamato snapped.

'Oh… and?!'

"Sigh… don't you understand?! It was used to slay demons for generations! It holds enormous amount of knowledge and power!"

Naruto's eyes narrowed again. 'I could say something like 'don't worry about it!', or 'No one can match my power!', but after that Konoha incident, I know better not to underestimate my opponents.' He stated. 'Is it troublesome?'

"I don't know yet…" Yamato stated. "Firstly we must find out who this new master is, and then we have to meet him in battle…"

Naruto rolled his eyes. 'Yeah, thanks a lot! If I meet him in battle, I will be able to realize his strength without your help.'

"Hey, don't snap at me! I'm just a sword!" Yamato commented. "Besides I just wanted to sound cool like those swords from anime…"

'Did it make you feel better?!'

"Yeah… somewhat… probably…"

Naruto sighed. 'By the way, why do you refer to Rebellion as 'it'? Doesn't it have a gender?'

"It does… I have no idea whatit is though…" Yamato stated. "That sword has not a simple stick, but an entire pike up its ass!"

Naruto tried to imagine Rebellion with a pike in its…

'Where in the blue hell is its ass?!'

"…A million dollar question." Yamato said, just as his master entered a large room with a huge table in the middle.

There were two people at the table - Mei Terumi, the Godaime Mizukage, and some other guy.

"So, have you finally decided?!" Naruto asked, sitting down at the table as well and placing his legs on it.

"U… y-yes…" The unnamed man said. "I yield."

Naruto sighed. "Took you long enough!"

"At last the storm will begin!" The Raikage stated.

"Hey! Don't say something so dramatic!" Naruto replied. "I'm the main character, don't steal my thunder."


"Enough, boys." The Mizukage said. "What to do with this guy?" She pointed at… the guy.

"A good question…" Naruto stated. "What do you think we should do with you, Daimyo-chan?" He asked with his devil grin.

"Uh… you have what you want…" The Lightning Daimyo replied. "You have no use for me, just let me go."

Naruto nodded. "You're right in one thing; I have ABSOLUTELY no further use for you." He said, raising his hand.

"P-Please!" The Daimyo begged, covering himself with his hands. "You allowed the Water Daimyo live!"

Naruto snorted. "The Water Daimyo is my pal and he also surrendered his lands two years ago… and he drinks cola as well. You however kept me waiting all this time… and I really hate waiting."

"B-But you said you would let me go!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Did I say 'I promise'?"


The demon pointed two fingers at the trembling ex-ruler. "Hadou #4 Byakurai!"

Daimyo didn't even had the time to scream as a beam of white light pierced his forehead, ending his life instantly.

"Should we kill his family as well?" Mei asked with a smirk.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Stop thinking things like that, you bloodthirsty… woman."

Mei's smirk widened. "It excites me when I hear such things from your mouth."

"Shut up, or I'll fuck you." The demon stated.

"I'm counting on it…"

"Later." Naruto said, crushing Mei's hopes. "Do we have something more?"

"Yes." Ay stated. "The number of the places that refused our offer."

Naruto grinned. "Oh? Let's hear it, shall we?" He glanced at Mizukage, who was already licking her lips, looking at him. "Continue, Raikage."

"Right." The dark skinned man replied. "Firstly there is the Wave Country…"

That made Naruto to raise his eyebrow again. "Most surprising… I thought these cowards will surly jump at the chance."

"Oh, you have to hear this!" The Raikage said, smirking. "They actually said that Wave Country will bow to no one!"

Three seconds of silence…


"That's a nice laugh!" Naruto commented. "Was there something else?! I haven't laughed like that for a long time!"

"There was, actually." Ay continued. "They renamed their bridge into 'The Great Bridge of Hope' and said that as long as it stands, their hope will remain."

Naruto shook his head. "Couldn't you just destroy the fucking bridge right in front of them?!"

Raikage's eyes widened. "I… I haven't thought about it…"

The demon waved his hand. "No matter, next…"

"Degarashi village." Ay said.

"Stupid name…" Mei commented. "Where on Earth is this shithole?!"

"I don't remember…" Naruto said.

"Remember Morino Ibiki's brother?" The Raikage asked.

"That coward?! Yeah, I do… oh, that village. Well, I understand their motives completely. Next…"

"Hidden Waterfall village." The Raikage stated.

"Oh really?!" Naruto asked.

"Yep." The Raikage answered. "Their leader was pretty clear with his statement."

"Let me guess…" Mei started. "They will never give up, right?"

"You guessed it!" Ay said, grinning.

"Alright! What did I win?!" She asked excitedly.

"A load of cum in the ass." Naruto stated.

"Mmm… sounds nice…"

"From him." Naruto interrupted, pointing at Raikage.

"Uh… I'd rather pass." The Mizukage stated.

"Aww…" Ay pouted.

"Enough." Naruto said. "What's next?"

"Hidden Star village." The Raikage stated.

"Oh, those power hungry fools?!" Naruto asked. "I actually expected them to accept…"

"Yet they declined… and pretty harshly I might add." Ay commented.

"Hmhmhm… Useless fools always try to sound all high and mighty… until you point your sword right into their eye." The Mizukage commented.

"Idiots…" Naruto added. "Anything else?"

"Moon Country." The Raikage said, with his smirk gone.

Naruto's smile disappeared as well. "That's a major setback…"

"Not really." Mei replied. "We just have to attack it first."

Naruto nodded. "Good idea. Their money will be a valuable asset. Anything else?"

"No… at least not right now." Ay said.

"Good, then this meeting is concluded." Naruto stated and stood up.

"Not so fast!" The Mizukage yelled. "You have something else to do with me and this table…"

The demon just smirked and removed his vest…

Konohagakure. Hokage's office…

"I believe congratulations are in order, eh Shikamaru?" Godaime Hokage asked.

"Yes." Said boy answered.

"You know, you don't have to wear this thing at all time…" Orochimaru said, pointing at the large scroll behind Shikamaru's back.

"I know." The chuunin nodded. "But I'd rather do."

"Suit yourself." Tsunade said, shrugging. "Now, to what conclusion the Elders came?"

"The solution is quite simple." Shikamaru said. "To have many summons we must have many summoners. So they agreed to let every man you find worthy to sign at least one contract. And I'm talking about your contracts as well."

"Hmm… very well." Orochimaru replied. "Meanwhile, I have more information on Naruto…"

Tsunade nodded. "Report."

"Our spy said that Naruto is trying to create some… alliance." The snake charmer said. "He sent his orders of surrendering to every place he had business with. Places like Wave Country, Snow country, or small Hidden villages. We don't know the exact amount of such places, or how much complied. But we have the exact amount of places which refused."

"Go on." Tsunade nodded again.

"Those places are Wave country, Degarashi village, Hidden Waterfall village, Hidden Star village and Moon Country."

Tsunade smiled at this. "Now that can turn out very fortunate!" She exclaimed.

"Indeed." Orochimaru added.

"What about Moon Country?" Shikamaru asked.

"Moon Country…" Tsunade started her explanation. "…Is a very rich place, with not so many military force resources. So it usually hires mercenaries. I think we must take advantage of this."

"We probably should." Orochimaru said nodding his head. "What do you have in mind?"

"I think that if they refused Naruto's offer, they should also understand that mercenary army won't be enough to stop him, if he chooses to come for their heads. Knowing him, he will do just that." The Hokage stated. "They have no choice but to accept out protection."

Orochimaru grinned. "How very cunning of you."

Tsunade grinned back. "Thank you."

"Tsunade-sama…" Shikamaru suddenly said, removing the summoning scroll from his back. "I'd like to lead that operation."

Two sannins glanced at each other and nodded simultaneously.

"Shikamaru…" Tsunade started. "You proved many times that you're a proud ninja of our village. So, in state of recent events I promote you to a jounin."

Shikamaru's eyes widened and he bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

"Also, I approve your leadership for this mission." She added. "Go and make your village proud."

"Hai!" Shikamaru said and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Tsunade sighed. "This job is getting to me…"

Orochimaru walked closer and put his hand on her shoulder. "Try to relax a little. You know…"

"Are the funerals today?" She asked interrupting him.

"Yes…" The snake charmer said, closing his eyes. "He wouldn't want you to drown yourself in sorrow, you know."

She nodded reluctantly. "Yes, I know… doesn't make it less painful though."

"So, what's next?" Orochimaru asked, trying to change the subject.

"You know what's next." The Hokage muttered. "The next Great Shinobi War is about to start. I want to know our status. Shizune!"

Recently released from the hospital, Tsunade's secretary entered the office.

"Hai, Tsunade-sama!"

"Send these four letters to the heads of four other Great Shinobi Villages. I want a five kage's meeting…"

Secret room outside of the office…

'Hmm… this is interesting!' One red haired girl thought. Then she took out a radio and pressed the button.

"Free Bird? This is Silent flame. Appoint the meeting; I have information for the Master…"

Some Konoha street…

"Damn that Naruto!" One Hyuga Neji cursed.

"Please calm down, Neji." Tenten begged, hugging his arm to her chest. "There is nothing you could do. The entire village couldn't stop him."

"Well too fucking bad!" Neji snapped. "He killed my father, destroyed my life, I'm alone because of him!"

Tenten looked up at him. "You're not alone, Neji. You still have… me." She said with her cheeks turning pink.

Neji smiled kindly back at her. "Thank you, Tenten." He said, making her blush even more… but in reality…

'Hmhmhm… worked like a clock! I should listen to Naruto more in this kind of shit.' The Hyuga genius thought, when suddenly an earphone in his left ear started to work.

"Free Bird? This is Silent Flame. Appoint the meeting; I have information for the Master…"

'Damn!' Neji thought. "Sorry, beautiful, I have to go. Duty calls."

"Okay…" Tenten said, releasing his hand. "Come back soon."

Neji silently stroke her cheek with his hand and jumped away.

'Damn!' He thought, remembering her face's expression when he touched her cheek. 'Where did he learn all that?!'

Konohagakure. Yuhi Kurenai's apartment…

One red eyed jounin was sitting in her already usual pose, hugging her knees to her chest. She was again lost in her thoughts.

"It doesn't matter what you people think!" Naruto's voice echoed in her head.

"…Do you want me to fuck up your mind even more?!"

"…You can't stop me!"

"…Art is a blast! Katsu!"

"…And that's the bottom line, 'cus Naruto said so!"

"…Tell me what you cherish most… Give me the pleasure of taking it away…"

Suddenly her eyes widened. Immediately she remembered the other day…

"Tell me what you cherish most…"


"Is it this village?"

'This village means nothing to me.'

"Is it your friends?"

'I don't have many friends…'

'Is it your home?'

'Home is where your heart is… and mine is certainly not here.'

"Then where is it?!" Naruto's voice echoed again, surprising her. "Are you going to sit like this for the rest of your life, or finally admit it?!"

Her eyes widened when Naruto's image slowly appeared in front of her.

"N-Naruto?!" She asked hesitantly, standing up from her bed.

"Tell me what you cherish most." He exclaimed.

Kurenai extended her arms towards him. "Naruto, I… I… I love…"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Kurenai, are you there?!" Anko's voice sounded from the outside.

"J-Just a minute, Anko!" Kurenai shouted, but when she turned around, Naruto's image was already gone.

'Was this real?' She thought, opening the door.

"Hello, Kurenai." Anko said, entering the house.

The red eyed jounin rolled her eyes. "Sure, make yourself at home."

"You look better." Anko commented.

"Yeah…" Kurenai said. 'Because I finally know the answer to that question.'

"I… I want to tell you something…" Orochimaru's pupil said. "But promise me you won't tell this to anyone."

Kurenai nodded. "Of course, Anko. After all you didn't tell anyone about my relationship with Naruto…"

"Actually this is the thing I wanted to talk to you about…" Anko replied.

Kurenai raised an eyebrow. "What, my relationships?!"

"No… Naruto." Anko said, making a pair of red eyes grow wide. "You see, when he was held captive… or not so captive in our prison, I went down there and wanted to punish him for what hi did to you."

Kurenai's eyes narrowed, but she said nothing.

"But when I got there, he… he was not chained, not restrained, not anything! He remained there on his own free will! I thought he was going to kill me, but…"

"But what?!"

"He…" Anko removed her trench coat and Kurenai gasped. "He removed my cursed seal and offered me a place on his side." The special jounin stated, putting her coat back on. "I'm confused, Kurenai… he did more for me in five minutes than this village for the past 18 years!"

Kurenai hugged her friend. "Calm down, Anko." She whispered. "Whatever you choose, I will back you up and won't hold it against you." The red eyed jounin said. 'I probably will in both cases, but you need not to know that… not right now at least.'

"Thank you, Kurenai." Anko hugged her friend back.

Kurenai grinned evilly, but with her head on Anko's shoulder, the special jounin didn't see that.

"Anytime, Anko."

Lightning country. Naruto's private chambers…

"Again!" Mei screamed.

"Dammit, woman!" Naruto shouted. "How many times is enough for you?!"

"Did you just said enough?!"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Let me rest, I'm in for a trip."

Mei raised an eyebrow. "What fucking trip?!"

Naruto snorted. "A fucking trip to hell…"

She looked at him skeptically. "You're joking, right?!"

Naruto chuckled. "Not in the slightest. After that defeat in Konoha I've been rethinking my strategy. It would be absolutely perfect if I have finished Konoha then and there… but I didn't. So now they will be ready, and I need to be ready as well…"

"What do you mean?" Mei asked.

"What I mean is I don't have so many allies…" He noticed her look and added. "Non-human allies."


"Yes, oh. For the moment I have only two, so I need to find more. Thankfully, because of Yamato here, I will be able to go there and probably even find them pretty quickly…" The demon paused. "The problem is to defeat them and not to run into something way too powerful."

"What about our campaign?" The Mizukage asked.

"I'll think about it. For now…" He was suddenly interrupted by Neji's image, which appeared right in the middle of the room.

"Naruto…! Oh…"

Naruto sighed. "Damn, what's wrong with you people always appearing in such moments?! What is it, Neji?"

"I have some information for you." The Konoha jounin said. "Come to the Omega 23 point when you're ready. You will be able to teleport there, I checked the seals."

"Very well." Naruto said and Neji disappeared.

"Damn, you're leaving me again!" Mei pouted.

"Calm down, babe." Naruto said, kissing her on the lips. "I'll make it up to you."



"You ass!"

Konohagakure no sato. Hokage's office…

"Come in." Tsunade said, writing some orders on her desk.

"Tsunade-sama." Shizune said when she entered. "I sent all letters… except this one." She said, giving the last letter back to her master.

"Kazekage?" Tsunade asked, observing the letter in her hands. "What's the reason?"

"The reason is quite simple." Shizune replied. "It has come to my attention that Kazekage-sama is still here and currently staying at the Hyuga mansion."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "Hyuga? Now that's a surprise…"

"I couldn't understand either." The apprentice said. "I mean, wasn't she a Naruto fangirl?!"

"Maybe she was…" Tsunade answered. "But what would you do, if you learned that your crush tried to kill you once?!"


"Yes, oh. Maybe Gaara reminded her of the old Naruto…"

"Yeah, maybe…"

"Anyway, as soon as all responses come, inform me immediately."


Just outside of Konoha walls. Underground hideout Omega 23…

"Where is he?!" Hyuga Neji complained. "I don't have a whole day…"

Suddenly an explosion happened, followed by flame bursts.

Neji sighed. "At last…"

"Finally! Naruto has come back to… how this place is called again?!"

"Glad you have made it." Neji replied. "And this place is called…"

"It doesn't matter how it's called!" Naruto shouted. "Anyway, what do you have for me?"

"It's not me, it's them." Neji pointed and Naruto turned his head.

"Extremely sexy and deadly!" A female voice stated. "Silent Flame!"

"I enjoy swift killing!" Another not so female voice stated. "Instant Death!"

"The strongest ninja Konoha will ever go up against!" The third guy said. "Dark Leaf!"

"And together we are…" They said together. "The Shadow squad!"

Naruto chuckled. "Amateurs…" He said and straightened his face. "Rejoice! Because you are witnessing in the flesh, the one and only, the jabrini beating, LALALALALAAAAAW! Pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, quick thinking, cola drinking, Great Uzumaki Naruto!" The demon shouted, raising his hands.

The girl turned to her teammates. "I told you our introduction speech still sucks compared to Masters!"

"Calm down, Moegi." The one in glasses said. "Everyone sucks compared to Master."

"Nice to see you again, guys." Naruto said smiling. "So, what have you got?"

"Not we exactly." Konohamaru said. "But Moegi sure heard something interesting. Go ahead." He said to the girl.

"Right." Moegi nodded. "Today an interesting conversation took place in Hokage's office."

Naruto nodded back. "Go on."

"They found a way to cancel the effects of Master's genjutsu…"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Eh?! Now that certainly is an interesting piece of information. Have you managed to find how exactly?"

The girl smiled. "As a matter of fact, yes I did. They are going to use rookie summons… whatever that is…"

The demon grinned evilly. "Ho, ho! Not bad for such imbeciles!" He actually clapped a few times. "Yes, a small summon placed somewhere… in the backpack perhaps is ideal for such a thing. You've done well, Silent Flame…"

"Oh, but that's not all information I've got, Master!" Moegi interrupted. "I must also inform you that Hokage requested a Five Kage meeting."

"A what Kage meeting?!" Naruto asked.

"The meeting of five Kages." Neji explained. "Usually they take place on some neutral grounds."

The demon sighed. "Looks like my trip is gonna have to wait…" He said.

"Are you going somewhere, Master?" Konohamaru asked.

"Yes." Naruto nodded. "But first…"

"Oh!" Moegi interrupted again. "I also wanted to inform you that funerals of the ones who fell in battle with… you… will take place today. I thought you might want to know…"

Naruto's smile widened. "Looks like I will remain here for today!" He stated excitedly. "And for your hard work, Silent Flame, you can ask any reward you want."

Moegi blushed and hesitated. "I… uh… can I tell that to Master in private?"

"Okay." Naruto nodded. "But tomorrow. I have plans for today… As a matter of fact, were you practicing that genjutsu I taught you?"

Moegi nodded back. "Yes, Master!"

"Good, very good! Come with me…" The demon turned to exit.

"Oh, by the way…" Neji said, before they left. "Thanks for the pickup line hint."

Naruto's smile widened even more. "Anytime." He replied without turning around. "What did you use?"

Neji smirked. "The loner."

"Haha!" Naruto laughed. "I told you it'll work!"

The Uchiha district…

"Are you going to the funerals?" Sakura asked.

"Yes." Sasuke answered. "I probably didn't know any of those guys… except Iruka-sensei perhaps… But I think they deserve at least some respect."

"Iruka-sensei…" Sakura muttered. "He didn't even know why Naruto killed him… I mean, he explained after he did that." Sakura frowned. "All those people… Do you think they died for something? With our entire village's forces we barely made him to go away for a time, and…"

She was interrupted, when Sasuke suddenly kissed her.

"I told you already, I won't let him take everything away again." He said when they parted.

"But you'll have to work very hard to achieve that." Rebellion said in his head.

The Uchiha sighed. 'Thank you, Mr. Mood Taker.' He thought. 'I wonder if Naruto's sword is just as annoying…'

Some dark alleyway…

"Oh, my god! Are you alright, child?" One man asked, kneeling in front of a lying red haired girl.

"I am…" She said, getting up. "You're not." She added with a smile, and with a simple handseal the man stumbled on the ground unconscious.

"Well done, Silent Flame." Naruto commented, appearing out of nowhere. "You've been practicing nicely I see…"

The girl beamed. "Thank you, Master!" She exclaimed happily. "Can I ask you a question though?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Why didn't you do this yourself?" She asked. "You could do this much better than I."

The demon chuckled. "Hmhmhm… go to the funerals and you will understand everything."

"Hai!" She said and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

'Great, what should I do now…?' Naruto thought.

"Let's go fuck someone!" Yamato shouted.

'That's my sword!' Naruto commented. 'I actually even happen to know one very talented girl around here… besides her offer still stands…'

"And how in the hell are you going to get there?!" The sword asked. "You can't teleport around here."

Naruto rolled his eyes and with a quick burst of flames, instead of him there stood a guy with brown hair and in Konoha uniform.

'How about this way?' Naruto asked in his new image.

"It'll do. Now let's get fucking!"

'You meant going?!'

"No, I meant what I said."

Kurenai's apartment…

Knock, knock, knock…

"Coming." Yuhi Kurenai said. "Yes?" She asked, opening the door.

"Yuhi Kurenai-san?" Unknown guy asked back.

"Yes." She nodded.

"I have information for you…" He said. "It's about Uzumaki Naruto…"

Kurenai's eyes widened and she immediately grabbed the guy by his collar and pulled him inside.

"Tell me everything you know about Uzumaki Naruto!" She demanded, pushing him into a chair.

The guy chuckled. "Everything?! That'll take a while… But I surely can tell you this…" He paused. "He has a very nice ass! And he's also extremely awesome in bed!"

Kurenai raised an eyebrow. "How do you know that?!"

The guy shrugged. "Girls say that to me all the time."

Kurenai gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

"N-Naruto?" She asked reluctantly.

The demon grinned and shifted into his original form. "Long time no see, Kurenai."

She hesitantly extended her right arm towards him and touched his chest.

"Is… Is this really you?"

Naruto chuckled. "What do you think?!"

She hesitated for some more seconds, then wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him into a deep demanding kiss, straddling him on the chair. Naruto's eyes even widened for a moment. He couldn't remember if he was ever kissed like that before. Suddenly her lips parted from his and next second he was hardly slapped across his face.

"Ouch!" He said, rubbing his cheek. "I didn't deserve that!"

"How dare you to leave me like this without any explanation?!" She demanded.

'Okay, maybe I did deserve that…'

"Definitely… Nice catch by the way!"


"Well?!" Kurenai continued to look at him.

The demon sighed. "What do you think I should've said?! Hey, I won't return from my next mission because I will turn a traitor?!"

Kurenai frowned. "Why did you do that?"

"Why did I do what?!"

"Betrayed the village…"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "I never betrayed it, because I was never loyal to it! And you know it."

"Yes… Sorry, I just… I just didn't take your leaving too well…"

"Yeah, I heard that." The blond said, nodding.



She hesitated again. "I… I know what I cherish most."

Naruto smiled. "And?"

She smiled back, then leaned and kissed him again. "Does that answer your question?" She asked seductively.

Naruto suddenly frowned.

"Do you know that I'm not a human anymore?"

"I don't care." She said, smiling still.

"And I'm going to destroy this village…"

"Then I will watch it burn…"

"And I might end up as the world's enemy…"

"Then I already feel sorry for it…"

"And I can't hold myself back anymore…"

"Me neither…" She said and kissed him again.

Konoha graveyard…

"Today…" The monk started. "We came to say our final farewell to all those, who fought bravely and lost their life in battle with a much stronger enemy."

A large crowd stood in front of him with tears in their eyes. Tsunade, Orochimaru and Sasuke stood among them…

"And though they are not among us anymore…" The monk continued. "I want them to know that all of them will never be forgotten, especially Jiraiya-sama, who of course will be very missed…" He paused. "…by the girls in the hot springs, who will miss beating his ugly ass very much."

Everyone raised an eyebrow at that.

"And though he died like a useless piece of shit that he is…" The monk went on as if he was still preaching. "I must admit that he could do that much sooner and…"

"What the hell are you saying?!" Tsunade screamed, but the monk went on again, as if he didn't hear her.

"…spare the world of his pathetic ideals. And I also very regret not killing him much more slowly and painfully…" Finally a smirk appeared on the monk's face.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Naruto!" Sakura screamed.

"Kill him!" Tsunade commanded.

"No, wait!" Sasuke yelled. "This is not Naruto! This monk is under some kind of genjutsu!"

"Quick, try to summon!" Orochimaru shouted.

Meanwhile the monk continued. "Yes, that's me… And I'm also very hurt that you didn't invite me on such a great occasion. I cried for hours, you know!" He mocked. "Now where was I…? Oh yes! Although I will also miss Jiraiya very much, I sincerely hope that a horde of demons is pissing in his face this very moment."

"Kuchiose no jutsu!" Tsunade yelled… but nothing happened.

"It doesn't work again!" Sasuke shouted, after attempting to summon with the same result.

"Keep trying!" Tsunade commanded. "I won't let Naruto ruin Jiraiya's funerals!"

"…And for a self-proclaimed super pervert he couldn't even get laid for free…" The possessed monk continued. "And all of these people I killed, they couldn't even harm me! Some of them got blown up; some squashed by rocks, some cut to pieces with my sword… who also wishes you all to fuck yourselves with a kunai…"

"Kuchiose no jutsu!" Tsunade roared and finally a small slug appeared. "Finally!" The Hokage exclaimed, picked a small summon up and ran towards possessed monk.

"…Don't worry, I will return soon to finish the rest of you off." That was the moment Tsunade placed her summon on the monk's shoulder.

"Quickly!" The Hokage shouted. "Cancel the genjutsu placed on that man!" She commanded.

"Hai, Tsunade-sama!" The slug said and glowed blue.

Suddenly the monk twitched and stood still.

"And if you're listening to this…" He suddenly said. "Then you foolishly believed that it was a demonic illusion. Sorry, but it wasn't." Then he raised his hand and showed the entire crowd his right middle finger.

"Art is a blast!" The monk screamed and Tsunade's eyes widened. "KATSU!"

And with that he exploded, throwing Tsunade backwards… and pieces of meat everywhere.

"Tsunade!" Orochimaru screamed, running towards his ex-teammate.

"Damn you… Naruto…" She muttered, losing consciousness.

"Someone's gotta pay for this!" Orochimaru screamed in rage as a medic team helped their wounded leader.

'How low can you fall, Naruto…?' Sasuke asked himself, looking at Jiraiya's picture. It had a message written with blood on it.

"If you smell what Naruto's cooking!"

Omake. Naruto versus Sailor Moon…

Naruto (Opening a Cola can): "Mmm… Cola!"


Female voice: "Moon, give me strength!"

Naruto (Turning around): "What the fuck?!"

Bright flash of light…

Naruto (With 'What the fuck?!' expression on his face): "Well, now I've seen everything…"

Sailor Moon: "Are you Uzumaki Naruto?"

Naruto (Raising an eyebrow): "Umm… nope." (Started to turn around)

Sailor Moon: "Yes you are!"

Naruto (Sighing): "And who in the blond hell are you?"

Sailor Moon (With a serious face): "You want to destroy people's dreams! I won't let you!"

Naruto (Rolling his eyes): "Look babe, you got the wrong guy. I don't give a fuck about people's dreams; I want to end their lives."

Sailor Moon (Even more serious): "Then I definitely cannot allow you to continue!"

Naruto (Raising an eyebrow): "Oh really?!"

Sailor Moon (Doing some stupid dance): "I'm the protector of…"

Naruto: "It doesn't matter who you are!"

Sailor Moon: "Looks like my words won't affect you…"

Naruto (Rrolling his eyes again): "Duh, you just realized it?! Damn you're slow…"

Sailor Moon (Drawing some staff): "I'm sorry it had to be this way…"

Naruto (To Yamato): "Oh, look! She's going to attack!"

Yamato: "I have to see that!"

Twenty minutes later…

Yamato: "Stop banging your head on the wall!"

Naruto (in anger): "How long is that bitch going to dance?! I wanted to see her attack, but now I want to see her in pieces!"

Yamato: "Anime rules. Villains should wait until hero unleashes his full power… fuck it! Get this bitch!"

Naruto (Walking towards his enemy): "That's what I'm talking about."

Sailor Moon (Without noticing Naruto in front of her): "Holy…" (Noticing Naruto) "Shit!"

Naruto (Kicking her in the stomach): "That's for my nerves!"

Crowd: "STUNNER!"

Sailor Moon (Losing consciousness): "I-I will s-stop you… I have 487 episodes left…"

Naruto: "Yeah, good luck with that…"

Yamato: "I realized how she defeated her enemies!"

Naruto (raising an eyebrow): "Really?"

Yamato: "Yeah, they died from laughter!"

Naruto: "I should've known."

Winner – Uzumaki Naruto!

Naruto: "Dattebayo!"


Naruto: "Stop making me say that!"

Well, that's it.

Next chapter