
Chapter 47: Wager

Alpshar, looking at the commanders of his assembled army, asked, "How long do you think it will take us to take this fortress?"

"Well, according to the intelligence provided by the spies, capturing this fortress would take at least a month," replied one of them.

Another general interjected, "I believe it would take us at least a month and a half to seize this fortress."

While everyone was debating amongst themselves, Alpshar intervened with a smile and raised his voice, "Give me five days. If I don't capture this fortress within five days, I'll declare myself defeated and withdraw."

For a while, what Alpshar said astonished everyone, but after a few seconds, murmurs filled the tent. Everyone thought it was impossible, and that Alpshar had finally gone mad.

"Sir, forgive me for being disrespectful, but it's impossible for us to take this fortress within five days. Celestia Castle is one of the strongest fortresses of the Tamerid Empire. Underestimating this fortress could have severe consequences for us," said Dimitri, one of the most senior generals.

"In that case, how about a wager? If we don't capture the fortress within five days, I'll give you the Azura lands to the south. But if I take the castle of Celestia in less than five days, you will give me your daughter as my concubine. What do you say? I think it's a fair offer," Alpshar proposed.

After some thought, General Dimitri replied, "My lord, it would be an honor for my daughter to serve you."

"Don't just say it. Tell me if you accept the wager."

"If it pleases Majesty, then I accept the wager," said Dimitri.

Alpshar, a renowned commander known for his bravery, surprised everyone by his bold proposal. With the acceptance of the wager, great excitement and curiosity arose among both his army and the generals.

The next morning, Alpshar woke up with the first light of dawn and prepared himself before heading towards his large tent. Upon entering, an elite guard walked towards Alpshar. After bowing his head, he began speaking, "My lord, the religious leader of Celestia City wishes to speak with you and negotiate." Religion was as prevalent in this world as it was in the previous one, with each city, even villages, having a religious leader responsible for helping the people and overseeing worship in their respective houses of worship, much like priests in the previous world. In this world, they were called "Ularn", just like the "priests" in the previous world.

Additionally, these religious leaders acted as mediators in their cities. After all, people trusted and respected them. Similarly, the lord of Celestia Castle had asked this religious leader to act as a mediator.

"The Great and Wise leader Alpshar, I have come here to negotiate with you and put an end to the unnecessary bloodshed."

"While I may not respect your god as a southerner, I commend your courage for coming here to mediate," replied Alpshar.

"Thank you. So, what do you want from us to refrain from attacking this castle? I would like to make a deal with you without resorting to war, but the lord of the castle is adamant about not surrendering Celestia Castle," said Ularn.

"I understand. Actually, I don't particularly want Celestia Castle. After all, if we linger here, the northern army of the Tamerid Empire will soon reach us," said Alpshar.

"Then, do you have any demands from us?" asked Ularn.

"Yes, you see, I have a large army," said Alpshar.

"Yes, I see. Your army is as vast as the stories I've heard," replied Ularn.

"Well, then you must also know how difficult it is to feed so many people, right?"

"Yes, I do," said Ularn.

"If you provide enough food and gold coins for my army, I'll leave your castle untouched. Of course, along with my army," said Alpshar.

"If that's your request, then I request permission to return to the castle immediately," said Ularn.

"Very well, go and convey my demands." Upon hearing this, the religious leader quickly got up and hurried towards the castle. He was quite happy, thinking he would stop the war and unnecessary bloodshed.

"My lord, I come bearing good news," said the religious leader.

"What happened? What do they want?"

"They want provisions and gold for their army. He said if we give them what they want, they will leave."

"hehehe. Thank you, my friend. If you can stop this siege, I will give you 50 children to the religious house as I told you before." said the castle lord.

"So you remember our agreement. I will take care of Alpshar's business. In the meantime, do as I ask, my friend." Said Ularn

The castle lord immediately prepared crates full of provisions and gold.

The next day, Ularn arrived at the front of Alpshar's tent. Seeing Alpshar emerge, Ularn quickly approached him. "My lord, as you requested, I've brought plenty of food, water, and gold," he said.

Alpshar silently inspected the materials Ularn had brought for a while. When the silence began to unnerve Ularn, Alpshar began to speak harshly. "Are you mocking me, Ularn? Do you think such meager gold and supplies are sufficient for my army? Immediately return to the castle and tell your lord not to mock me, or else I'll raze Celestia Castle to the ground!"

Hearing these loud voices, Ularn bowed in fear. "With your permission, I'll go speak to the lord immediately," he said.

"Go quickly and tell him," Alpshar commanded.

As Ularn walked towards the pack animals loaded with provisions and gold he brought, he heard Alpshar's harsh shout from behind, "Do you also dare to take away the little supplies you brought? I told you before that you were brave, not stupid!" With these words, he left the provisions and gold there and headed towards the castle, leaving Ularn behind.

When Ularn arrived at the castle lord's presence, he recounted what had happened. After listening to Ularn's account, the castle lord became angry. "He wants more? Greedy fucking barbaric southerners!"" he exclaimed.

"So, what do we do now, my lord?" asked Ularn.

"What do we do? Of course, we'll give him what he wants. He annihilated the southern army of the Tamerid Empire with that barbarian army of his. Do you think we can stand against him? He'll devour us for dinner without a second thought," he said.

"Then how much more are we going to give?" inquired Ularn.

"All of my gold and all of my provisions," he said.

"What? But my lord, how will you manage this castle without provisions and gold?" Ularn asked.

"Don't speak foolishly. If my provisions and gold run out, then I'll forcibly take the gold and food from the castle's people," he said.

"Hahaha. A clever plan indeed, just as he expected from you," Ularn remarked.

The castle lord ordered a servant to prepare what Alpshar wanted.

A few hours later, Ularn, arriving again in front of Alpshar's tent, watched his arrival with concern after waiting for a while.

"I have brought more food and gold as you commanded," said Ularn.

Looking at the materials brought for a while, Alpshar began to speak while stroking his beard, "What you brought will only suffice for half of the soldiers."

"But sir, these are all the gold and food of the castle lord."

"Then bring all the food and gold of the people of Celestia Castle. Otherwise, you know what will happen, don't you, Ularn? My army has been resting for a long time, so they are getting bored. Do you understand, Ularn?" said Alpshar with a stern expression.

"Yes sir, I will go back and talk to the castle lord again."

With these words, Ularn set off again and soon recounted everything to the castle lord. Angered by what he heard, the castle lord hurled a glass bottle at a servant's head and scattered the table.

"What do you mean, this low pig still wants more? I've given him everything he wants, but this low southern barbarian still wants more!" said the castle lord.

"So, what do we do now? We've given them all the castle's supplies," said Ularn.

The castle lord, drinking some liquor to calm down, after thinking silently for a few minutes, spoke to his guards, "Seize all the food and gold of the people."

"But then, what will we do? This way, my plan will fail," said Ularn.

"If the people of the castle run out of food, then we'll get them from the surrounding villages. The Tamerid Empire doesn't have the power to judge and punish us in this situation, anyway. As long as we are saved from these barbarians," said the castle lord.

After these words, a group of individuals seized all the materials and gold in Celestia Castle collectively. Despite some resistance in some places, nightfall collected everything.

The next day, seeing Ularn again, Alpshar couldn't help but smile. "Sir, I have brought all the food and gold as you commanded. Are we clear now?"

At that moment, General Dimitri, unable to resist laughing, apologized and said, "I really didn't think this would work. I apologize for doubting you once again, and I am once again amazed by your intelligence." Ularn, who didn't understand what General Dimitri said, looked at Alpshar in astonishment.

"Have you forgotten the deal, Dimitri?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, now my daughter is in your hands," he said.

"Wait, what are you two talking about?"

"Don't you understand yet, you fool? I just took all your supplies and gold. I think you should surrender before dying of hunger," said Alpshar.

Stunned by these words, Ularn fell helplessly to the ground. All his plans had fallen apart. He thought about how stupid he was for thinking he was smart. In fact, everything was clear from the beginning. Okay, it might be understandable for the first and second time, but the third time... They had gone three times and gifted all the gold and food in the entire castle to their enemy. 'what a big fool I am', Ularn thought as he went back to the castle.

And thus, Alpshar quickly captured the mighty Celestia Castle in less than five days, a strategy that historians would recount multiple times in history books...

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