
Chapter 48: Letter

As usual, the rising sun heralded the beginning of another day. Alpshar, awakening from his bed, quietly rose to his feet. His body ached all over, sensitive from sleeping in the tent for so long. But he spent last night in a comfortable bed with a beautiful woman. Now, the castle of Celestia belonged to Alpshar and he decided to stay here.. After all, winter was approaching, and Alpshar's army had not adequately prepared for it. Fortunately, the enemy Tamerid Empire was unaware of this. For now, the best plan for Alpshar was to spend the winter in this castle.

It was necessary for the soldiers to stay in Celestia Castle to provide thick clothing and food. Especially since it was known that winters in the north were harsher than in the south. This was currently the most sensible option. Alpshar headed to the bath and entered the pre-prepared tub. The previously boiled water was quite soothing. As the door to the bath opened again, someone or something interrupted Alpshar's thoughts.

"Would you like me to help you?" said the beautiful woman.

She was the woman Alpshar had been with last night, and she was also the wife of the Lord of Celestia Castle. After seizing the castle, Alpshar had executed the castle lord and Ularn. Lady Margery, the wife of the castle lord, had willingly been with her husband's killer. In fact, Lady Margery had not mourned for her husband. She saw him as incompetent in every way, especially in bed. But Alpshar was the complete opposite of her husband. He was a great conqueror and a very skilled man. Feeling his prowess in bed with her own body yesterday, Lady Margery had fallen in love with him. Lady Margery loved Alpshar much more than the man to whom she had been forced to be engaged as a child.

"There's an area where you could use some help," he said.

Alpshar took Margery by the arm and led her into the tub, starting to remove her wet clothes.

"Take it easy, big man. I'm not going anywhere."

Slowly, Alpshar began to caress Margery's breasts with one hand and with the other he ran his other hand down her side. Soon, he was kissing and sucking her nipples. His lower hand began to circle over her vagina without stopping.

"Ummm yes. Please don't stop."

After massaging Margery's breasts and vagina for a few minutes, Alpshar turned her over and leaned her back down.

He lifted Margery's legs and placed his hands on her buttocks. He began to slowly push his twitching and swollen flesh towards where it should be.

"Ahhhhh. I feel so good ❤️"

Margery, who had already had one orgasm from the flesh moving inside her, threw herself at the mercy of this powerful man. As Alpshar began to increase his speed, He buried his mouth on Margery's full breasts, the sounds of him thrusting in and out of her hard in and out of the water filled the room. Margery's moans grew louder each time Alpshar moved in and out of her.

"Ahhhhf yes, keep going. It feels so good. Please ❤️"

Their lovemaking continued until they could no longer tell whether the wetness on their bodies was from bath water or sweat. Finally reaching his climax, alpshar squeezed Margery's buttocks and ejaculated. Margery, who had already orgasmed 3 times, orgasmed once more and fell trembling into the water.

At last, Margery regained herself and wrapped her arms around Alpshar's neck, her legs weakened by the recent experience. After placing kisses on Alpshar's neck, she whispered into his ear.

"I must thank you for making me feel like a woman again."

"It was my pleasure," Alpshar replied, standing up and reaching for his clothes beside the tub. After dressing, he left the room and made his way to the dining hall. Just as he began to eat with gusto, a guard's knock interrupted his meal.

"Your Majesty, an envoy from the Tamerid Empire has arrived. They wish to speak with you urgently."

Alpshar abandoned his unfinished meal and hurried towards the door. Without hesitating to prepare to meet the envoy, he quickly opened the door and stepped inside.

" Majesty, I am here on behalf of the Emperor of the Tamerid Empire to meet with you."

"Of course, as if I wouldn't know that your emperor is merely a puppet, and that the one who actually sent you here is the empress." Alpshar retorted.

"Contrary to these disrespectful words, we have come here for peace," the envoy replied.

"Is that so? Seems like your empress isn't as foolish as I thought," Alpshar remarked.

"We know you don't wish to wage war during winter. Therefore, let us negotiate a peace treaty for the benefit of both our nations," the envoy proposed.

"Indeed, I have no desire to fight during the winter. But as long as I remain within this castle, neither you nor your army can touch me. And when winter ends and flowers bloom again, I will create a river of blood from your soldiers. Do you still believe we are the weaker side here?" Alpshar challenged.

After a moment of silence, the envoy spoke. "No, I believe if this war continues, we will suffer greater losses. However, you may also suffer losses. As you said, our empress holds the actual power, and she instructed me to give you this letter should the situation come to this."

Taking the letter from the envoy, Alpshar skimmed it. After a few minutes of contemplation, he looked at the envoy and eventually spoke.

"As you say, we could suffer casualties in such a war... Then let's go to the meeting room for a peace treaty."

"I'm glad we've reached an agreement. Please, lead the way," the envoy responded.

With these words, the envoys and a few trusted generals of Alpshar moved to a room for the meeting. After everyone had taken their seats, the envoys began to speak.

"Before we begin, I must say that despite being enemies, I can acknowledge that you are an outstanding commander. Now, let us discuss what you desire first," the envoy stated.

"Foremost, all the lands I tread upon are now mine, including this castle. What I want is from Celestia Castle to the Red River in the East," Alpshar declared.

"Your demands are unacceptable. We will give you many territories from the great Tamerid Empire, but this castle is not included..." the envoy countered.

After hours of debate, the two sides finally reached an agreement and left the meeting room.

According to the treaty, Celestia Castle would remain within the Tamerid Empire, but the cities, castles, and villages in the surrounding territories would belong to the Alpshar Kingdom. Additionally, for three years, the Tamerid Empire would pay a certain amount of gold to the Alpshar Kingdom. As a result, the war had come to an end, with Alpshar emerging as the definitive victor.

"Your Majesty, if you don't mind my asking, what was in the letter Empress Anastasia sent to you?" General Dimitri inquired, breaking the silence.

Alpshar, pausing to look out the window towards the west, finally spoke.

"The letter was not written to be sent to me... The letter was written to be sent to King Richard Asina Lenistark."

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