
Volume 0 (44): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 44 : Trans Layer Train.

After the conversation with the Sovereigns of the Mathirn and Jitaris, both rulers depart from the Skårdiån Galaxy making use of Soft Touch while Marshack leaves the Vessel carrying Norraine back to Hûlfhednär on the still nameless Galaxy.

The speed of the Apex allows him to reach his Homeworld quickly and briefly to head towards Jericho in the Ênphêris Galaxy, location where Cla'ryon and Esveth are going to say goodbye to their daughters, so they, together with the Hûrngöth, head towards their destination, Barloen College.

Marshack is already waiting over Jericho for the arrival of Soft Touch, which happens in the following minutes, surprising everyone on board of Soft Touch.

Marshack enters the Vessel and not much later, the Youngest Daughter of Cla'ryon does the same.

With the last two passengers inside of her, Soft Touch makes a Zionez Absolute Displacement, reaching the borders of Jitaris territory in the Ênphêris Galaxy.

A Space Station of organic nature is in front, floating in the vacuum, the design is clearly Jitaris, and doesn't take long for the Vessel to be left behind by the Apex and the descendants of the Sovereigns.

Inside the Space Station, the three individuals walk towards a door, meanwhile, Marshack is reviewing with tha Slaidt all the knowledge he possess just to be prepared for the unforeseen occurrences.

Above the door there is a sign that contains a long vehicle divided in compartments, "Trans Layer Train", and below, there is the name of the final destination with the routes they take.

Quickly, a Wätchter Jitaris guarding the entrance informs to the three ‡—"Tickets" are already bought.

The younglings cross the door after getting the tickets, even when they are virtual, still, in the other side, they are not in the Space Station anymore, because the place is in the open, but there is no vacuum.

Dense orange clouds are all over the blue Energy Facility Shield that surround the organic building that is divided by a section with large metal rings that the Train use as rails.

With no other option the younglings wait for the train that is going to reach their destination.

The transport finally arrives after a few minutes, and Marshack boards the vehicle with the two females, proceeding directly to the cabin of their designated carriage.

On the way, is evident how the seats are arranged in the common area, three rows with 5 seats separated by two corridors, one after another the seats are the most close possible for a total of 750 places per wagon, not to mention that there is an upper and a lower deck, presumably with an identical pattern, which is confirmed by Marshack's [Bicromy].

Crossing 6 of these compartments, the view changes, a corridor reveals several doors that lead to cabins, separating the seats in groups of eight, the next carriages have some cabinets for six or four passengers.

{With a little bit of probability, and maybe we will not have to share the place, considering how long i spent my time alone, it is better if my contact with others is reduced, not like i enjoy the company of others, especially if they are incapable of withstand my unrestrained presence}.

Marshack's thoughts passed quickly as him and the daughters enter inside a cabinet for four individuals, inside there is 2 opposite couches divided in two seats.

The females are sitting together in front of Marshack as he takes his designated spot that is near the window.

Immediately immersing himself in the knowledge of the oldest Hûrngöth, with inquisitive attention to any possible clue about their hidden goals or anything that is "New" to him.

The vehicle start to move and doesn't take long to reach a decent speed, which is slower than Marshack usual speed.

{Still, i have to admit that the scenery outside the window is relaxing with the orange clouds}.

The next moment, the Train enter a Tubular Connection, similar to the ones in the previous Ludbarian territory or near Hûlfhednär.

The difference between a Natural Tubular Connection and a Tubular Connection is simple, the latter links two places regardless the distance, while the former links three Galaxies.

Everything outside the Trrain is a bright pink glowing light, and a couple of standard minutes later, the vehicle start traveling under shiny red magma, and some translucent yellow amorphous creatures, are swimming in it as if they were in the vacuum of space.

{Intriguing, how is possible to achieve this swift movements without the drawback of friction?}.

Is irrelevant how much Marshack observe them with the [Bicromy], he is unable to understand the way they manage to do this prose, and even worst, the Train enter another Tubular Connection, and he lost the chance to discover that ability.

His posture shows dissatisfaction, which is misinterpreted by the two young females, thinking he is displeased for the way he is being use by their mothers.

Obviously, this couldn't be further away from the reality, because Marshack demeanor is about himself failing on discover the answer he wanted even with the improved [Bicromy], Slaidt and Quelizt.

The Daughter of Cla'ryon gather her courage and breaks the silence ‡—Current Sovereign of the Hûrngöth, allow me to apologize in the name of our mothers.

Marshack attitude shifts clearly to one of confusion ‡—I don't understand, about what should i forgive them?.

She is surprised, he doesn't mind being used, or is her mother that good in the intimate arts, to the point of make him ignore such audacity from her, the fact of manipulate the schedule of a ruler is being quite over the top on the boundaries political marriage usually have.

Unbeknown to her or everyone else, Marshack is not really the one in Command of the Hûrngöth, that is the labor of the Ark Duke Wickman or his Bride Norraine, as she is the one that has the right with her Duchess Title Rank.

The truth is, as a CEEPP, he only has the authority to order his Species during calamities or wartimes, and with the unstoppable progress and development of his Civilization, this perk of his, is going to be taken away in a few Hûrngöth Days (4 to 12 Standar Days), because it means, the Hûrngöth have acquired enough ground to stand on their own.

Which is the primordial reason for him to accept an accelerated depart, because it is no longer his problem to lead the Hûrngöth and now D'Kin too, even when he is objectively speaking, the one with a higher hierarchy on the Title Ranks, the problem is, he is so above, that a label for this doesn't exist and even if were the case, him being not an Adult, which encompass having a wife, descendants or more than 935 Hûrngöth Years is still in the way.

Marshack observe the struggling in the Jitaris and the latter speak resolutely ‡—I thought our mothers were taking advantage of you to protect us.

Marshack is still portraying confusion but his voice is more firmer ‡—If that were the case, what is the problem?.

His blatant answer shocked both females as he continues »‡—I am allowing it, is not enough proof of my good disposition?.

‡—It is!; Remark Bethzave glaring at the Jitaris, the former has more mental maturity even when the latter is older due to the differences in the growth of their Species.

»‡—However, it feels wrong from our perspective, the petition of our mothers is abusing of your time …

‡—On the contrary; Stoically state Marshack »‡—This is a good opportunity for me, doing it a few of my days before it is not an inconvenient, but i think, i understand your apprehension, do not worry, i truly interested on Cla'ryon and Esveth, as they are in me, when both of you reach our current Evolution, you are going to understand it too.

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