
Volume 0 (45): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 45 : Barloen College Part 1.

The Journey on board of the Trans Layer Train comes to an end and the three younglings leave the vehicle to enter in the Station of the Barloen College.

The place has a metal blue floor, several platforms that leads to other Trains, and an immense amount of Entities, departing or arriving.

A lot of Guards of different Species are maintaining the order and controlling the installation, taking exhaustive measurements about security for those interested on going outside this building towards Barloen College.

Apparently, this location is a large crossroad, so it is used as a "Way Station", but that does not mean that anyone can visit the College, and that is why they don't slack off on security matters, to show off how important are the students on this institution.

In front, lies a line of Access Points, it looks like a couple of transparent Archs, in which everyone is scanned, it is havely protected by six Guards per entry, everyone of different Species and with obvious combat expirience.

Approaching an Access Point, the first one of the three younglings on passing through the translucent arch is the daughter of Cla'ryon.

§ Cereldya Rallia Ära'yon §

Quality 15 ★ Category -9

Mental Fortitude 147 (Phase 7)

Body Fortitude 101 (Phase 5)

Density Fortitude 56 (Phase 2)

Age: 8996 Standard Years (8 Millenniums)

Species: True Jitaris

§ First Year Student §

The next one crossing is Bethzave, the Mathirn wants to impress Marshack with her results.

Unbeknown to her, the Apex doesn't really understand this, for him are just numbers, not a real way to measure the prowess of someone.

§ Bethzave Mathirn Lenzer §

Quality 16 ★ Category -4

Mental Fortitude 122 (Phase 6)

Body Fortitude 198 (Phase 9)

Density Fortitude 76 (Phase 3)

Age: 3874 Standard Years (3 Millenniums)

Species: True High Mathirn

§ First Year Student §

Bethzave notices Marshack is not interested at all, and she feels a bit bad, her training was quite rigorous due to the incoming Summit, but after hearing about the Apex, she tried way harder than ever before.

The Mathirn as a whole, respect those who are above them regardless the parameter, and as most Species, the females are always in the search for a suitable and more evolved mate.

However, Bethzave doesn't want to end like her mother, having descendants by parthenogenesis.

And as her mother, is attempting to catch Marshack attention, with little to no progress at all.

Lastly, Marshack is about to enter the translucent arch, but he stops his walk and inquire stoically towards a Guard ‡—This information should be private, why is on display?.

The Guard is slightly taken a back, but doesn't loses his demeanor thanks to his predetermined trained protocol ‡—We are the first ones to check any irregularities on the Students, like parasites, illegal drugs or implants, and the information displayed is only available for those who are currently assisting to the Barloen College, are part of the educational staff or back up personnel.

Not detecting any lie, Marshack proceeds and allows the scan, while simultaneously, he learns how to execute the same prose himself with almost no effort on the subject.

§ Marshack Reiker Bverxkka §

Quality 25 ★ Category 0

Mental Fortitude 1178 (Epitome 2 Phase 18)

Body Fortitude 4597 (Epitome 11 Phase 9)

Density Fortitude 5220 (Epitome 8 Phase 8)

Age: 998 Standard Years (NO Millenniums)

Species: Real and Authentic True Hûrngöth

§ First Year Student §

The Guards are stunned, Bethzave and Cereldya turn speachless while Marshack asks ‡—This is all?.

The previous Guard reacts replying with a nod at the same time he murmurs ‡—A lot of monsters had came this Year …

The three younglings continue their walk and leave the Trans Layer Train Station, passing the exit, outside, what first catches their sight, is a dark brown grass that is short over the white earth.

A path of ivory cobblestones edged with copper, connects all buildings in the view that are inside of a dome made of ethereal silver translucent hexagons that allows the observation of the beautiful reddish sky.

Marshack is impress by the beautiful display of architecture, the same sensation strikes Cereldya, she is more into organic structures, but that doesn't implie she can't understand how amazing is this place.

{My mother said Öfthênjör Åcademy is even more impressive}, Her thoughts are not that far of the ones Marshack has, {I am truly amazed by this design, the architecture is unnecessary showy, still remains minimalist, there is no waste or excess, omitting the captivation that infuse}.

Bethzave is the less affected, she is quite accustomed to this type of environment, even so, is subdued by the view.

They start to strolling around for a few minutes, before the three encounter a big building with "H" shape and translucent black opaque quartz walls, some parts shows balconies or terraces, but a constant across them is present, the doors are 24 Vul tall (12 meters).

Seconds later they find the principal entry, the floor inside is similar to the one in the streets, with the difference of the edges, here are golden not cooper.

The walls of translucent black opaque quartz looks sturdy and the ceiling is dark maple with some pentagon parts emanating warm maple light on the straight corridors that leads towards a large dark maple circular reception desk, divided on eight parts so is possible to access the elevator behind, located in the center of the building.

{Weird place to put this, and is well Guarded too, is for defensive purposes?}, Marshack thoughts are not far from the truth, after all, even if is possible to jump towards the next upper floor, an energy barrier would send the oblivious individual back to the start point.

Closing the distance, the three walk towards one part of the circular divided desk, one of the four receptionist,

She is a tall red head blue skin "Lakyr" and cheerfully introduce herself talking in Pioneer language, the one is used the most on the College because Barloen, the founder, was from this Species.

—Welcome to the Residential Barracks, How can i be of assistance?.

Cereldya is the one replaying —We are here to register and receive our schedules.

The Lakyr smile —Understood, I need to know the Trait most developed so i can give to you an adequate College Ring.

The three younglings overlook the receptionist's clear offense, either that or her job competence is seriously questionable, a Jitaris always is going to have an Algae Trait as the most proficient one.

Similar is the case of Bethzave, she is a Mathirn and uses actively the Mantis Trait quite evidently on her apparency.

And Marshack, his Eyes, Ears and Tail scream Epsidion even if the former is obstructed by his hair that is not to far of being a mane.

Answering the obvious Traits they posess, the three younglings receive a Bio-Organic Ring compatible to each one of them, along with their personalized schedules.

It took them almost 20 minutes, when the task wasn't that difficult or intricate, the receptionist purposely work slower so they stay for longer, but the line behind the three start to get larger forcing her to finish fastly and not wasting more of their time.

Walking towards the Cafeteria inside this building, Cereldya can't stand it any more and express her displeasure ‡—They are so disgusting with that twisted personality and attitude; The comment was in Mathirn language and her posture portraits a lot of harshness.

Bethzave controls herself more but internally she has the same disposition ‡—Yes, it is annoying how they smile and talk so friendly while their actions are completely different, you think the same Current Sovereign of the Hûrngöth?.

‡—Indeed; Replied Marshack »‡—However, call me Bverxkka, both of you, as students, we are equals.

Cereldya is not happy about that remark but is not like she can change it ‡—I understand Bverxkka, refer to me as Rallia.

She put a clear border between them, the Mathirn on the contrary is quite excited and express it with extreme overflowing happiness ‡—Then, henceforth, i hope you call me "Bethzave" Bverxkka …

Next chapter