10 minutes before Don Laban shows up in front of the Izanami Division.
Saku with his IceEye in 2nd Stage, a black aura with a white streak looks around at the 3 clones of himself and the AIG of the original.They are by themselves away from the rest of the group and their 'prisoner'.
Saku: "Okay. Shit. I knew this was gunna be weird, I'm basically just talking to myself. We all know the plan right, you're all me and not the weakened versions like Scylia's clones. So I don't want any memories of any of you getting your asses whipped easily."
One of the clones nods, checks to make sure the clone of his SunSword works. The orange blade glows, he sheathes it and begins running, in the direction of Roronora City.
Saku then looks at the ground and a portal begins opening. He gets a painful grimace on his face while using two abilities at once but the portal continues growing.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: