
Itsuka & TayTay VS. Don Laban & Hathor

On the open highway, snow falling, Itsuka in her unconscious "feral state" is staring down the Don Laban, who is smiling a wide grin. Both women have their IceEye/Eyelien in 2nd Stage with a grey smokey aura and are EyeEngaged from 10 yards out.

Don Laban: "Hath, dah rest of his squad is in dah forest where dose two came from, go send them back to the entrance of that tunnel, but be careful of the fat one."

Hath puts two fingers in front of her face and pops off her 2nd Stage Eyelien with a matching grey aura as the other two women.

Hathor: "Yes, as you wish, Lord Laban."

The woman with the fake diamond eye and alien eye disappears with a *POP*.

From the woods Dom looks around through his scope.

Dom: "Wh- Where'd she go?!

Hathor appears behind a wide eyed Dom with a *POP*.

Sol: "Dom! Behind-"

But before he can turn fully around, Hathor's eye focuses on him. Dom and the gun he's holding disappears with a *POP*.

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