Daisuki with his 2nd stage IceEye is focusing on the wall, a deep blue aura coming from it.
Everyone is watching as the hole begins to open, they can start to hear the rumblings and destruction happening outside the high school, and closing in. As soon as it gets big enough for her to jump through, no bigger than an average car passenger window, Itsuka goes to jump through.
Daisuki shouts and she stops.
Daisuki: "Itsuka! No! It's too dangerous. That building is about to come down and they're on their way. I trust Saku to get everyone and himself, back safely..."
Her lower back muscles tense up and she turns around with a distraught expression, looking at the man still focusing on using his ability.
Daisuki: "...do you?"
Shelly grabs Itsuka's shoulder and lightly pulls her back to where her and Katsu were standing off to the side with Scylia, who has a matching deep blue aura coming from her 2nd Stage IceEye.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: