Everyone lets Saku calm down before they bring up his 2nd Stage IceEye with the unprecedented two toned aura emitting from the puffy left eye.
Saku sniffles and wipes his eyes real quick still unaware of his 2nd Stage eye.
He looks down at his dog. The dog does not care about eye aura's or eye stages, the 3 year old German shepherd with an IceEye, is just happy to see his master back home. Saku disengages and bends down to pet the pup. Making Itsuka finally open her eyes from her bliss, to the same look Shelly had when she saw Katsu's IceEye physically turn to a second stage.
Saku(petting Friend): "Hey buddy! Were you a good boy?"
Friend: "RrufFf RuffRuff."
The dog then turns to Katsu and starts barking at the boy. Everyone gets confused while Katsu gets scared at the barks. Saku's IceEye goes back to the base-kit and his white aura with the black streak goes away while Friend is acting out. Taylor sees Friend and gets excited.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: