Unknown Voice:"Purpose!"
Saku breaks eye contact from surprise and looks around.
Katsu and Shelly are finishing making a scene in public. He looks over towards his mentor who is doing something on his more advanced watch.
Saku:"Aye, D, did you say that?"
Daisuki finishes what he was doing and looks at his student, impressed and smiling.
Daisuki:"D? *Shrugs* I guess it's a lot better than being called 'Fed'."
Saku(annoyed):"You didn't answer my question. Did you say 'purpose' just now or am I buggin'?"
The Sensei gets cocky.
Daisuki: "Maybe it's your subconscious reminding you about our discussion on the way here?"
Saku, Friend, and Daisuki are leaving the room designated for squad 40, closing the door behind them and walking to the left, in the tracks of Katsu's excitement.The teacher pulls out a vape pen and hands it to the 18 year old. Saku looks at it suspiciously then at the man.
Daisuki: "Don't worry, it's not laced.*takes hit, inhales and puffs out* *coughs* I know you're the type *coughs* that needs to visually see and hear someone's proof of loyalty.*coughs*"
Saku takes the vape and takes a deep hit. He puffs out a large vape cloud and watches it float away.
Saku(to himself):"Let the troubles fly away with it."
Daisuki:"What was that?"
Saku doesn't answer and hands the vape back to his mentor. He keeps walking in pace with Daisuki and Friend closely behind.
They get to a row of 3 elevators and Daisuki presses the button with a picture of a shuttle train.
Saku breaks the silence as they enter the empty elevator.
Saku: "What if I have no purpose? I know keeping Friend safe is my current reason to live. But I'm not stupid. When my dog inevitably dies before me I'll be alone again. I can't leave my dog here alone and I'll be punished for desertion from a military I was forced to participate in.
The way I see it, from all the history humans have exhibited, these Icemen aren't doing anything us humans haven't done at some point during war."
Daisuki being a "human war veteran" knows first hand what the deep thinking adolescent is 'trying' to connect but lets him finish.
Saku: "I can't guarantee Friend's safety if we're fugitives to authority, not to mention those monsters outside of this society wanting us dead too."
Daisuki looks at the Saku as the young man expresses his true thoughts and is showing a sign of vulnerability.
Saku: "I just want to leave these damn caves so I can see the sky again like you did and remember what freedom looks like. I want to live some of my life again in normality with him even if it's his final days. I just want to be truly free with him one last time before he's gone. And when he is, will I just be waiting to die for the rest of my life, alone, with no purpose?"
Saku crouches down and pets his dog all over its body while Daisuki thinks of how to respond to this cry for help.
Daisuki: "You learn."
Saku looks at him.
Daisuki: "You learn and you work. Acquiring and sharing knowledge, being aware of patterns and alarming others of those patterns, as well as retaining the information, are just some of the many extraordinary things that humans can do to separate ourselves from other life. The world around you has infinite information to learn and someone always needs help from others.
If at any point in life you have no purpose, you just haven't learned enough about your world or helped the right people to desire a purpose suitable for you..."
He looks at the dog.
Daisuki: "...naming him Friend and desiring freedom WITH him proves you're already a smart kid and your vision of freedom involves the happiness of others over yourself.
Remember though, true freedom isn't about being allowed to do whatever you want, whenever you want. True freedom can only be acquired when you're not alone. If you're alone, the concept of freedom is moot."
Saku is surprised from being called "smart" for the first time ever and gets up from petting the dog. The elevator stops and opens and they walk through the busy crowd.
Daisuki:"Yea,some humans just suck,but every Iceman, so far, has done nothing but cause children to cry and families to be torn apart. To keep it completely real with you, I think the questions you're smart enough to ask are a product of your capabilities not being pushed to their full potential and it can be solved from learning about the world around you and helping others who need it. It's only a problem when you don't have a purpose AND you think you know everything."
*End Flashback*
The three students and the German Shepherd follow their leader back into the Academy main building. Since all the students are with their new squads the school is empty and silent.
Daisuki brings them into a teacher's lounge and comedically checks around the room.Shelly, who is already fed up with her mentor.
Shelly:"Um. Why are you acting suspicious?"
Daisuki tries to pull a mirror off the wall to check behind, stops and realizes what this looked like.
Daisuki:"No. No. It's not like that. There are other mentors here that like to play pranks on me so I make sure there's nothing here to throw my concentration off."
He closes his eyes and opens them to reveal his 2nd stage again but now Saku notices the cloudy yellow aura emitting from it.
Daisuki: "Ok!"
Shelly is unimpressed, Friend licks himself, while Katsu and Saku looks on in awe for different reasons. Daisuki looks at a white wall and concentrates on it.
His 2nd stage eye with a colorful aura twitches as a small black dot appears on the wall.
While the mentor focuses his power, from the mirror that Daisuki was trying to check behind, the Platinum Hair girl can be seen peeking from inside the mirror with a 2nd stage eye active, her aura a deep sad blue. But now, instead of the stern and pissed off look of the tall, light skinned, and lip ringed mistress from the assembly, she is sparkling, smiling, giggling and acting bubbly as she is watching Squad 40 in secrecy.
Platinum Hair: "So this is where they were, teeheehee. (She sees Friend) AHHHH THERE IT ISSSSS<3!!"< p>
Friends ears perk up. Saku knows his dogs reactions.
Saku:"You hear something buddy?"Platinum Hair:"oop. Luckily other humans can't hear me on the other side."
The sound of something like a busy restaurant, is starting to grow louder with the growing hole. As the hole begins to grow, a step ladder, broom, and mop can be made out from the perspective.
Katsu nerds out.
Katsu:"Wooahh he can make walls transparent!"
Comedically, Shelly can't control herself from his cuteness and collapses.
Saku is picking his ear and annoyed.
Saku: "No you stupid idiot. His power can get us food or we wouldn't be here. It's obviously a personal drive thru window."
Katsu(gullibly): "ohhhh..."
Friend gives a disagreeing whimper. Shelly snaps out of being love struck and exhibits why she's the smartest out of everyone in the room and shouts.
Saku:"Who the hell you callin' dumbass, you bitch!?"
Once the hole gets to the size of an average window, Daisuki takes a deep breath and maintains his 2nd stage.
Daisuki:"Ok this isn't too far of a distance that it'll strain my eye."
He closes his eyes and the hole begins to close slowly and the clarity of the noise fades. He turns around to open and reveal his 1st stage the aura fades. He has Katsu's full attention but Shelly and Saku are at each other's collar.
Daisuki: "Ahem."
The two let go and they all sit down with Katsu and Friend between them. Daisuki waits until they all are seated and the hole is completely closed.