
Different View

He picks the dog up and runs. He runs in the opposite direction of his house. As he exits the park everyone is in full commotion and Saku sees the first threat.

 A smaller Iceman is bent over eating a man, its back towards Saku. Blood on its "claws" and "teeth". A few more get together and start feasting in a pack. Saku is terrified and turns left in the direction everyone else is running. Meteors are still falling, Icemen large and small are shown emerging from their cocoons. Smaller Icemen are shown jumping onto people running right next to Saku and Friend in the crowd. The small pup is accidently kicked by a panicked woman and yelps.

SAKU(turns around): "FRIEND!"

He jumps and covers the pup and is kicked and trampled by multiple humans.

SAKU(thinking):*This is the first time I actually feel like I'd rather die than be alone.*

The dog then barks as if to tell its master it was ok and tries to break free. Saku is able to pick himself and the puppy with him.

Saku takes a right down a narrow alley and stops at a chain linked fence halfway down that blocks off another alley. There is a man and a woman cornered by a smaller Iceman. It is walking slowly towards them. The woman is whimpering and Saku watches the man shoot. The bullet bounces off and the Iceman attacks. The guy then takes the woman and throws her into the Iceman. She screams.


The Iceman begins eating and the woman is in pure shock.

WOMA: "You bastard…"

The man then turns and runs into another smaller Iceman and it pounces on him. The guys screaming is heard while Saku's fist is shaking. His face is shown with pure anger and disgust.

SAKU: "Humans…are…"

A child's cry is heard and Saku looks back towards the street. A kid ,about 9 years old, is crying on the sidewalk, alone. Adults are running by, not helping. Saku starts to run towards the child but then falls down trying to stop himself.

 A giant hand with 5 icy fingers picks the child up and takes him out of view. Saku is then shown punching the ground where he fell. Friend bites at his sweatshirt and tugs. Saku is surprised of Friend's effort to stay with him.

SAKU: "I'm sorry buddy come on we have to go. Follow me."

Friend barks and Saku leads the way out of the alley. There is less commotion but still running, eating, and screaming is going on. Saku exits the alley but there is a group of 3 smaller Icemen eating right by the exit. Saku quickly goes back but an Iceman heard him. The Iceman gets up and looks around the corner to see Friend standing there. Friend starts to bark and the Iceman makes a grunting noise, backs away and goes back to eating. Saku is shown pressed up against a doorway in the alley with a pipe in his hand.

SAKU: "That was close Friend. If he came after you I would've had to hit him… Although, seeing as bullets can't hurt them I don't know how much damage I can do. Atleast we now know they want nothing to do with animals. I have a plan."

He goes back to the corner of the wall and picks up a fist sized rock. He then throws it over the edge of the small building. The rock hits a few yards from the group and the pack turns and runs towards the noise. Saku peeks and runs to the left, Friend follows. A tall chained fence with barbed wire on top a sign that says "City Dump" is at the end of the street. The two are running down the street and then Saku looks back to see the group had noticed them.


Saku runs along the side of the fence. He counts the poles as he runs by them.

SAKU: "1…2…3…4… Please don't say they fixed it, please they didn't fix it.5…6…7…8…

He looks back they are closer and 2 more have joined the chase. 5 total.

SAKU: "9…10…11!"

He stops and he lifts the bottom of the fence. Friend dives under and Saku manages to slide under right before the Iceman grabs him. They start to bang on the fence and gnarl at him through the metal fence.

SAKU: (panting breathes) "Ok…Friend… Follow me…"

Friend barks and the two go through the trash yard. Friend finds a fairly clean rope and brings it with him. They stop at a rusted car. Saku then lifts a board lying next to the car. A latch is shown and Saku opens the small door. He then puts Friend under his arm and heads down the ladder. It is barely visible and Saku puts Friend down on the floor. He looks around. A bang is heard.

SAKU(not in actual pain): "Ow…"

Rustling can be heard.

SAKU: "Ahh here we go."

A light is then shining brightly in an electrical lantern. Saku walks over to his generator. He pulls the cord twice. The generator turns on and white Christmas lights that go around the entire top border, turn on. They are in an underground bus. The seats are taken out so just the back seats are left. All the windows have been boarded but there are HVAC ducts in every other window and to the generators exhaust.

SAKU: "Boy am I more glad than ever to have made this in my spare time. You don't know how hard it was getting this done without the old fart that owns this place knowing. But we should be safe down here."

Screaming and gun fire can be heard through the pipes. Friend starts to whimper and Saku pets him.

SAKU: "Don't worry buddy. I'll play some music and we can get some rest. Hopefully we can go scavenging tomorrow."

He goes over to his CD player a slow, sad, hip hop beat comes on. It drowns out the terror outside. Saku lays down on the large couch and Friend jumps up and curls next to him. Saku looks at his leg and trample wounds. His pant leg is rolled up a little and the bite marks are still there.

SAKU: "Well it may not be the most ideal situation, but at least we can finally be by ourselves. Nobody to bully us, nobody to judge us, nobody to beat us. We're alone together where nobody can make us suffer for their own happiness. (soft chuckle) It's almost like death but with a friend. (realization)Oh yea!"

He shoots up and reaches into his pockets. Friend perks his head up. Saku goes to his desk at the nose of the bus. There is a lava lamp on the desk. Friend puts its head back down. Saku is shown messing with something at his desk.

SAKU: "Finished."

He then goes back to the couch and lays back down. Friend is shown already in a deep sleep. He pulls out a lighter and starts to smoke. He inhales as the screen cuts too black. A puff of smoke is seen on screen.

SAKU (O.S.): "Let the troubles fly away with it."

End Episode 2...

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