
3 Years Later

Interior: Dorm room. Posters on the wall. A bed, bureau, mini fridge with a toaster on top, desk, and a light.

Katsus parents final moments are seen. Right before they are dropped into the giant Iceman mouth Katsu (16) shoots up from bed, he is sweating and takes deep breaths. Katsu wipes the sweat off his forehead and grabs the water from his bureau. 

He uncaps it and takes a large sip so the bottle squeezes together. He puts it down and sits at the edge of his bed, then looks towards his bureau. The pocket knife is on it, still in perfect condition, "Respect" is shown. He picks it up and looks at it. He shakes his head and clenches the knife in his fist. 

A knock is heard at his dorm room door. He puts the knife down and gets up from his bed in just a white tee and light pink boxers. His feet are shown walking past crumpled papers and a tee shirt. He rubs his eyes and knocking is heard again.

KATSU: "I'm comin', I'm comin'."

He opens the door and Shelly is there. She is wearing black boots, black pants, a red and black buttoned jacket with a black HFF design and a silver watch. 

Her beautiful blonde hair is down. Her azule eyes look at Katsu and she gets a disappointing look on her face.

SHELLY: "Are you serious? You're not even ready?! I can't believe you Katsu."

Katsu looks over to his alarm clock in confusion and it says 7:40. Katsu yells and starts to run around franticly.

KATSU: "Damn it! I forgot to change my alarm time from my weekend alarm."

Corner picture shows alarm clock with the alarm set to off.

SHELLY: "Hurry up, we have 20 min. You're lucky I wanted to get a head start today. These next two weeks are going to be brutal."

See Katsu through the doorway hopping around trying to get his pants on. He falls and the toast pops out of the toaster.]

SHELLY: "I've been stressing over this the past few months. These next two weeks are going to be the most important of our training. We get our teams today… We might not be training together anymore.

[There is a concerned look on her face. Katsu stumbles out his room struggling into his matching uniform and watch. Toast hanging out his mouth. He closes the door behind him and locks it. They start to walk to the left. They are in a brightly light grey painted hallway with no windows and lights above them, there are doors like Katsu's all the way down.]

KATSU: "I doubt it. (bites and talks with food in his mouth) We've chosen each other as partners for drills the past 3 years. We're synced and our teachers know that.

[He swallows, looks over at her and smiles. She blushes and looks away trying to hide it.]

SHELLY: "I guess you're right. It's just… We need to stick together.

[Katsu still oblivious to her feelings. He finishes his toast and wipes his mouth with his wrist.]

KATSU: "Don't worry we'll graduate on whatever teams we get and we'll always have break and days off together.

[They get into an elevator. The elevator is clean but very worn out. Shelly presses the top floor button. The door begins to close.]

AIDEN(O.S.): WAIT! Hold the door!

[Katsu puts hand through to stop it. Aiden, 16, medium length brown hair, brown eyes, 5'11, wearing the same matching uniform, jumps in between the doors before they close.]

Aiden is panting. He catches his breath and then takes a deep breath.

AIDEN: "Thanks man."

[Katsu smiles and shakes his head.]

KATSU: "Haha you too Aiden? If it wasn't for this one (nods at Shelly) I'd be late too."

[Shelly looks annoyed.]

SHELLY(monotone): "I tried his door too…" 

[Aiden straightens his cuffs and jacket. He looks shy and embarrassed.]

AIDEN: "Yea…umm…s…sorry. Sh…Shelly."

[Katsu leans up against the elevator wall.]

KATSU: "I wonder who our mentor will be?"

[Aiden gets a concerned look.]

AIDEN: "How do you know we'll all be on the same team?"

SHELLY : "That's what I said."

[Katsu gets a little annoyed and looks at Aiden.]

KATSU: "What is with you two? We've been doing drills together. Why wouldn't we be in the same group?"

AIDEN(looking at floor): "Yea but I only started with you guys a year ago. You two are practically attached at the hip."

[Shelly blushes and gets mad.]

SHELLY: "Shut up. No we're not!"

[Aiden blushes back.]

Aiden: "N-not in that way I meant like brother and sister."

[He looks at his watch. It is a blank screen.]

AIDEN: "You guys got these watches last night too, huh?"

[They all look down at their wrists. The same black screen is on them. Katsu taps on the watch.]

KATSU: "Mmhm. We had to wear them to our gathering today or we-"

[The elevator dings and the elevator door opens. A tall, black young man, 16, diamond stud earrings, and is wearing the same uniform and watch comes in and fills the small elevator. He has a stern look on his face.]

KATSU(happy): "What's up Jay?"

[Jay looks at him and smiles quickly. The door closes behind them. He holds out a fist to Katsu.]

JAY: "Aye, what's up Kat?"

[Katsu connects his fist with Jay's. Their watches jiggle.]

JAY: "Good, you brought yours. Don't want anybody getting expelled over stupid stuff."

Katsu smiles and rubs the back of his head.

KATSU: "That's what I was about to say. So, any memories come back this weekend?"

Jay shakes his head.

JAY: "Nah. I haven't had one for weeks… Last thing I remember is my real name. (chuckles) I can't really remember everything that happened this weekend, why weren't you at that dorm party I invited you to? That girl from Iceman Studies wanted to know where you were."

[Shelly listens closer. Jay notices and stops talking. Katsu just smiles it off. Aiden is trying to look at Shelly without her noticing.]

KATSU: "Sorry bro. It's just I don't really like being out to crowded things like that. I'd rather be in my own space with the people I know, you know?"

[Jay shakes his head in defeat.]

JAY: "You say that every week man. You gotta come out sometime for something other than school, training, and hunting. You're a wicked cool person, everyone would like you. And if they don't, they'll have to answer to me and Shelly!"

[Katsu and Shelly's smiles glow at the declaration of their classmate and friend. Then the elevator dings and stops. Katsu is in front of his posse of friends.]

KATSU: "Well here we go."

Next chapter