
Different Directions

Saku exits the other entrance to the park. Friend is right behind. The two unknown figures are running through the streets. The one in front not stopping as the other behind is keeping its distance and peaking around corners. 

Saku follows in hot pursuit while keeping his distance as well. They run through the city until the first person stops at the city gates. The second person does not move from their distance. Saku does the same. 

Saku watches the sunrise coming from the entrance, snow still falling on this summer morning. Suddenly the following figure moves towards the first now sitting on the wall of the gates. Saku gets closer while hiding behind the same building the 2nd person was hiding behind. He hears talking.

SHELLY (O.S): "Come back to bed they aren't coming back today."

Saku peers around the corner. The sun's light now enough to see the figures. Saku's eyes widen. Katsu is shown talking to Shelly. Saku's surprised face then turns to anger. He turns towards Friend.

SAKU: "Come on buddy. Nothing but more untrustworthy humans."

They start to walk away and Saku looks back. Katsu is shown again with a sad face.

SAKU: "Hmmpphh. Would've thought you were dead…"

Suddenly the loud shriek is heard in the distance. Friend starts to whimper and hides behind Saku.

SAKU: "What the hell was that?"

Saku looks up, pure shock and awe are on his face. The meteors begin to fall. Saku looks back and the two have already started running. He runs in the opposite direction.

SAKU: "Come on Friend. Damn it I knew we should have found a safe place to stay. Don't worry I know a perfect spot we can ride this meteor storm out."

They go back through the park now well lit. Meteors are seen crashing through buildings and destroying cars. 

People are now screaming and in panic. Saku stops and so does Friend. Friend keeps barking at Saku to keep going.

SAKU(Whipsers): "Mom…."

He turns towards the direction of his house then looks down at Friend. Friend does a quick spin and keeps barking. Then he looks in the direction of his house and smiles. It is a somewhat deranged and creepy smile.

SAKU: "You wanted this. This is my chance to be alone forever. With just you Friend. She can survive on her own. She doesn't care anyway. Let's go!"

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