
Call To Action

Katsu's father gets up and walks toward the door. He opens it and two decorated military men are standing there. One black and one white. And it has already started snowing. Katsu's father steps outside his house and looks up to see snow falling.

OFFICER 1: "Sorry to bother you at such a late hour Corporal Takeshi but there has been an identifiable meteor that may be the explanation to this snow. It's been located around your area, you and the other military men are to report for a recognizance mission in 1 hour at town hall."

Katsu's father gets a look of anger.

DAD: "I'm off duty you cannot just come to my house and take me from my family in the middle of the night. No matter what freakish weather it causes. Go look at your space rocks yourself."

The second officer gets into his face. His temple beating with anger.

OFFICER 2: "The General has made it very clear that failure to show up is on the same level as desertion and we know what happens to those cowards. If you didn't know what you were getting yourself into you shouldn't have joined the military."

Katsu is getting angrier the more the man talks to his father like that. He steps from behind his father.

KATSU: "Who do you think you are talking to my dad like that? He doesn't want to go so why make him?"

OFFICER 2:"Because little boy your father made a commitment 14 years ago and he has to stay committed."

DAD: "It's ok Katsu. (He looks at the officers) If these guys want to take a signature I made when I was young, dumb, and didn't have a family and use it against me then they have all right. Plus, it must be an emergency, it's snowing in September and they came to get ME. I'll be there in 45 minutes."

OFFICER 1: "Thank you for your cooperation Corporal. We'll see you there."

He walks away while the second officer stays and looks at Katsu.

OFFICER 2 (to Katsu): "Hey kid you got some guts. You should think about joining us in the future."

Katsu gives the officer the same stink eye he gave Shelly. Katsu's father puts his arm in front of him.

DAD: "I've been trying to teach him that violence isn't always the way to deal with humans. Fire and fire only cause an increase in fire. The military is the opposite of what I've been teaching him."

The officer starts walking away and chuckles

OFFICER 2 (chuckles): "Keep thinking he'll be strong with that analogy. Sometimes you need a little heat. (He turns back and smiles.) See you there Corporal. Give yourself a shave before you head over."

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