
Man Of The House

Katsu's father closes the door behind him and sighs, eyes closed, leaning up against the door. He looks at his family. Everybody worried and staring at him.

MOM: "You can't say you're going out at this time."

Dad walks upstairs and Mom follows.

DAD: "I need to. It's I either go out now or go to jail for an even longer time. I just wish I had thought twice about signing up for this curse."

Katsu and Shelly are at a table and both have water in front of them.

KATSU: "I'm never joining the military. They're evil."

SHELLY: "Katsu don't say that. You know as well as I do they protect us too. My dad saved children from falling buildings on his tour and look at your dad. He's in the military and he's not evil. He's not the only one."

Katsu has his head in his hands. Hair coming through his fingers.

KATSU: "But he doesn't want to be there anymore because he's kind hearted."

Shelly looking worried goes over and hugs Katsu. Her chest in his face. Shelly blushing.

SHELLY(affectionately) : "And so are you. That's why I'm not worried about your life decisions. I'll always be here for you."

Katsu in unscathed by her affection. Katsu's father comes down the stairs with a rifle on his back and in a slightly less decorated uniform than the men at the door. 

Mom closely behind. Dad stops for Mom and holds her tight as he closes his eyes and hugs her. He pulls away hands still on his wife's shoulders.

DAD: "Don't worry honey I'll be back. *kisses her* We'll be together until infinity."

Katsu's mom blushes and looks at him with her purple eyes.

MOM:"And I will love you to beyond."

The kids come running into the room.

KATSU: "Dad please be safe and don't kill anyone, please."

Dad rustles his sons hair and smiles

DAD: "Don't worry Katsu it's a recognizance which means I'm only going to help collect information. This gun is just a piece of the uniform. *Kneels down to sons height* Promise me you'll keep the girls safe while I'm gone OK?"

Katsu nods his head.

Dad looks at Shelly.

DAD: "Don't worry about your dad Shelly. I'm going to assume since the way your father mentally is they aren't going to force him to go anywhere."

Shelly looks down

SHELLY: "I hope… Please be safe, UnkUnk."

Dad opens the door and looks back to his family.

DAD: "I'm off to blindly follow more orders. I shall return."

Dad closes the door.

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