
Hermione's Reflection

"Why are you smiling?" Blaise asked when Harry arrived back in their room.

"No reason." Harry shrugged, though his mind couldn't help but go back to his time with the three chasers. Sweet Merlin, he never knew Angelina was so flexible.

"Okay, then why does Jet look irritated?"

"All the reasons!" Jet shouted, even though it just sounded like loud hissing to Blaise while Harry sat on his bed.

The chasers had seemed a bit disappointed when he told them that he wasn't a virgin but overall they were thrilled with the experience, as was he. Harry could barely believe it, not only had he spent the year sleeping with Mrs Zabini but he also slept with the Gryffindor chasers. Harry wanted to tell Blaise about the thing with his mum but decided that he could do that later.

Funnily enough it would be twenty-nine years, three months, one week, two hours, seven minutes and twenty-three seconds later when Harry would finally tell him and though they become friends again after a brief fight (thanks to Blaise clearly being unreasonable about the whole thing), Harry would also at that moment discover just how hard Blaise could punch. Thankfully Blaise never aimed between the legs.

"Alright class," Professor Remus Lupin said during a Defence Against the Dark Arts class. "it's near the end of the year so I'd like it if each of you could show me a spell that you've learned this year. I want you to come up to the front of the class and perform the spell when I say your name. The order is random, any questions?" He asked, a few students raised their hands. "Yes, Miss Granger?" He asked, pointing to Hermione.

"Can it be any spell?" She asked.

"Any spell that you have learned this year," Professor Lupin confirmed with a nod. "Though, obviously not something illegal." He joked with a small grin. "Now, let's start with..." Professor Lupin paused and looked at his list. "...Miss Brown. Up to the front please." He said.

Lavender Brown nodded and nervously stepped up to the front, she took a deep breath as she readied her wand. She aimed it at a pot of ink on Professor Lupin's desk.

"Carpe Retractum." She said just before an orange retractable beam shot out from her wand and wrapped around the ink before pulling it towards her, unfortunately the cord disappeared part way through and the ink dropped to the ground, though fortunately Professor Lupin was able to catch it and put it back on his desk with a couple of waves of his wand.

"A good try, Miss Brown, a good try." Professor Lupin said to her. "Remember, it is pronounced as 'KAR-pay ruh-TRACK-tum', loosen your wrist as well and make sure to stay focused. Now, try again." Lavender nodded and performed the spell again, this time she did as Professor Lupin instructed and a couple of seconds later she successfully performed the spell and ended up with a pot of ink in her hand.

"I did it!" She smiled brightly.

"I saw," Professor Lupin smiled. "well done Miss Brown, back to your seat please. Next in line is Miss Parvati Patil." He said.

The next few minutes were spent having the class perform various different spells that they had learnt this year. Eventually came the turn of Hermione Granger, she walked up to the front of the class and readied her wand, she knew exactly which spell she wanted to use.

"Accio book." She said as she aimed her wand at a book on Professor Lupin's desk. A second later the book flew into her hands.

"Well done, Miss Granger." Professor Lupin praised her, "That's a fourth year spell, well done, take five points to Gryffindor."

"Thank you, Professor." She said with a smile before she went back to her seat, she paid attention as the others had their turn, but she paid special attention when it was the turn of Harry Potter.

"So, Mr Potter," Professor Lupin said when Harry arrived at the front. "what spell are you going to show us?"

"I'm going to do the patronus charm." Harry calmly said, earning shocked looks from the rest of the class, or at least the Gryffindor side of the class. The Slytherin's were all grinning (with the exception of a certain girl whose first name rhyme with whacky).

"That's a newt level spell," Professor Lupin noted. "Though I am aware that you've performed this before."

"I've gotten better since." Harry said before he held his wand up. "Expecto patronum." He softly intoned.

Everyone in the class watched as a bright light shined from his wand, a second later a corporeal Patronus appeared in the shape of a tiger, though it had three tails. It walked towards Harry and nuzzled against his hand before it disappeared.

"Impressive Mr Potter, ten points to Slytherin." Professor Lupin awarded.

"Thanks Professor."" Harry nodded before he walked back over to his seat sat down.

If anyone looked at Hermione Granger then they would have seen her jaw slightly dropped down, she shook her head, hoping nobody noticed her reaction. She couldn't believe it, she had taken a lot of time to be able to perfectly cast a spell from the year above her, but here was Harry Potter who was casting newt level spells. There were even adults who struggled to perform the spell.

She glanced back at Harry who was sitting with Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis, the trio appeared to be smiling about something. Hermione bit her lip before she pulled her attention back to the front. It really could not be denied that Harry Potter was a great wizard, he would most definitely be a great wizard when he left school. Hermione only hoped that she could be just as good.


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