
Family Reunion

Eventually the end of the year came along, Slytherin had won the house cup, part of which could be attributed to their success at quidditch. Harry had proved his value as a player, at first he had been worried about the Gryffindor chasers making a scene or something like that but they thankfully just pretended like nothing had ever happened between them, something that Harry was more than willing to do as well. Though with that being said if any of those three ever wanted to go another round then Harry was more than willing to accept.

Right now Harry was in the train compartment with his fellow Slytherin's, he was currently sat between Daphne and Tracey, the former had Jet in her lap. Harry had a piece of parchment in one hand and a quill in the other.

"What are you doing?" Tracey asked as she leaned over Harry's shoulder to see what he was doing.

"Hmm, oh just finishing off my ancient runes homework." Harry said as he answered another question.

"You're starting your runes work already?" Draco looked at him with disbelief.

"I find it interesting," Harry shrugged. "I'm hoping to study more of it over the holidays."

"Sometimes I'm amazed that you're not a Ravenclaw." Theo said with a small headshake.

"Oh Harry, that one's needs the power rune, not the strengthening rune." Tracey said as she pointed to one of Harry's answers.

"Huh?" Harry blinked and looked at it, he stared for a couple of seconds before realising that she was right. "Oh, thanks Tracey, you're the best." Harry said before he corrected his answer.

"You're welcome." Tracey replied, cheeks slightly red at the compliment. Daphne noticed but decided not to comment on it.

"Don't lose hope, Pet. You're still the best!" Jet hissed at her.

When Harry arrived at the train station he was greeted by Andromeda and Ted who both happily hugged him before they took him back to their house. Once they opened the door they found themselves face to face with none other than Arcturus Black.

"Hello boy." He greeted Harry. "Good year at school?" He asked.

"It was excellent," Harry nodded. "Slytherin house won the quidditch and house cup, I have learnt and mastered many spells, including the patronus charm."

"Patronus?" He repeated. "Impressive, corporeal?" He asked.

"Yes," Harry nodded. "I also have done great in all my classes." Harry said. "And there was also that small little thing I did earlier this year when I proved the innocence of Sirius and caught Pettigrew." He added, almost like an afterthought.

"You continue to impress me, not like that mutt." Arcturus growled, clearly referring to Sirius. He was not happy with Sirius's stupidity, so much of this trouble could have been avoided if the boy had been smarter or had even thought to just come to himself or Andromeda for help. "I gave his ears a right ringing, now the girl's having her turn with him."

"Nymphadora?" Andromeda asked.

"Something along the lines of 'I'll neuter you if you upset my brother'." Arcturus replied.

"Neat," Harry grinned at that before his face turned thoughtful. "if Sirius is back then does that mean that you're going to make him heir to the Black family?"

"Fuck no," Arcturus grunted. "the boy's got a good heart but I wouldn't trust him with pigeon shit, forget my house. No, you're still the heir, don't you worry about that. Now, I'll be off. Potter," He nodded to Harry before nodding to Andromeda. "Andromeda," He said before he turned to Ted. "...barely acceptable husband." He nodded before he walked past them and apparated away.

"Oh, looks like he's warming up to me." Ted said with a small smile before the three walked inside.

"Harry!" Tonks smiled brightly and quickly pulled him into a hug when she saw him enter the room.

"Hey Nym." Harry smiled just as brightly as he hugged her back.

"Hey, you have gotten a bit taller now." Tonks noted as she stepped back and looked at him.

"Really? It's almost like I'm still growing." Harry said with an eye-roll.

"Smart-ass." Tonks said as she ruffled his hair. "Hi Jet." She smiled and waved at Jet.

"Greetings Tonks, you're just as pink as always." Jet softly hissed.

"Did Hedwig get back yet?" Harry asked, having let Hedwig fly here since she preferred not to stay on the train.

"Yep," Tonks nodded. "she got back like ten minutes ago, she's in your room with some owl treats and water."

"Hi." A voice spoke, everyone turned to see Sirius Black, they had apparently forgotten or not noticed that he was still in the room. He wasn't yet as healthy as he could be but he was looking much better and far less skinnier than before. His teeth were cleaner, his clothes were nicer, his beard had been trimmed and his hair looked less like a rat's nest. "it's...um...it's good to see you again, Harry. I'm just glad that I am not unconscious or tied to a bed."

"Mr Black." Harry nodded towards him.

"Call me Sirius, please, Mr Black's a bit...well...not me." Sirius said as he walked over and stopped in front of Harry. "I...I um...I don't know how to say this but...when you were born...your parents made me your godfather."

"I know," Harry replied. "Dad had written that down in his journal."

"You have that?" Sirius blinked.

"Got it from Gringotts," Harry responded. "it never really said who the secret keeper was though. I had only found out that Pettigrew was alive when I saw his name on the map."

"Oh, I...I just want you to know that I've had old Arcturus and your...sister...Nym..." Sirius paused when he saw Tonks raise her wand. "...Tonks, your sister Tonks, threaten me with unimaginable pain and unspeakable horrors if I ever fail you like I have done before."

"Oh good, saves me the time." Harry said after he gave Tonks a small grin.

"I...I just want to apologise," Sirius said in a sombre voice. "I...I should have prioritized you, but...I had just saw my two best friends dead...and I knew that it happened because another friend betrayed them...I wasn't thinking properly. I was too caught up in getting revenge...so I gave you to Hagrid who took you to Dumbledore. In my mind you were safe and I could get Pettigrew and then come back for you. I never knew that Dumbledore would put you with the Dursley's. As I look back on it I realise I could have done so many other things like keep you and tell the aurors about Pettigrew but...I was stupid and blinded. I...I'm so sorry Harry, I really am." He finished, bowing his head, he looked at Harry who was looking at him with a blank stare. Sirius shifted as he felt the power of the stare, it was James's face and Lily's eyes, but that stare was most definitely inherited from James's father.

Harry looked at Sirius, Harry found himself in a situation just like the one with Remus. Harry was tempted to rant and shout at him but he knew that Sirius could be very valuable in the future. Everyone who ever knew him would agree that the man had been a great wizard before Azkaban, that was part of why everyone easily believed that he was Voldemort's right hand man. Besides, Sirius had suffered through Azkaban for so many years, it could be argued that Sirius had suffered enough.

"I am...willing to give you a second chance." Harry said in a calm voice as he extended a hand.

"Really?! T...thank you, Harry. Thank you!" He said as he quickly reached out and grabbed Harry's hand and shook it, before he could say anything more Harry pulled on his hand, bringing Sirius a bit closer.

"One chance," Harry said. "I'm not going to give you a third." He warned.

"Um...right, I understand." Sirius said as he let go of Harry's hand. Yep, the kid most definitely took after his grandfather.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Tonks said later that night as she and Harry were sat cross legged on his bed.

"Oh, I lost my virginity this year." Harry told her with a smile.

"You...what?!" Tonks blinked before she suddenly squealed happily and began clapping her hands together before she leaned forward, looking like an eager student. "Tell me all about it!" She quickly said.

"I can't tell you who." Harry replied, earning a massive pout from Tonks. "I promised I wouldn't. But I can tell you all about the foursome I had."

"You had a foursome?!" Tonks blurted out, Harry was rather glad that he had put up privacy charms, if he hadn't then then whole house would likely have heard that. "You can't not tell me about that!" Tonks said, her eyes filled with pride as she looked at him.

"Okay, it started like this..."


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