
The Price of Ignorance

Meanwhile Ron had woken up, everything that had happened had been quickly explained to him, apart from one thing which Mr Weasley was now telling him about.

"Harry Potter had also said that the next time you bother him he will declare a blood feud on house Weasley." Arthur said in a somber voice. Blood feuds were serious business, if two families were officially in a blood feud then that meant they were legally allowed to do whatever it took to kill each other as long as they didn't breach the statue of secrecy or unnecessarily break the law. Harry Potter could have quite legally burst through the doors of the burrows and murdered everyone before leaving if the blood feud had gone into effect.

"A blood feud?!" Ron squeaked out in shock, his dropped jaw showed how stunned he was. Though that changed a second later as he shook his head and smiled. "Let him then, there's only one of him, and he's only my age. We'd beat him easily."

"You stupid fool!" Arthur shouted at him, shocking into silence. Arthur was rather glad that he had the forethought to put up privacy spells around them so any people walking past the hospital wing wouldn't hear him. The other Weasley children nearly jumped out of their skin with fright, seeing their mother shout all the time was something they got used to, their father had never raised his voice unless it was to call someone who was a small distance away. "Do you...really? No, no, really?! Really?!"

"W...what did I do?" Ron asked in a quiet voice.

"There is only one of him?! 'He's only my age'?! Are you out of your damn mind?!" Arthur demanded, his face turning nearly as red as his hair. "First of all, Harry Potter on his own is a great wizard! I've heard people in the education departments talking about how he could end up being the next Albus Dumbledore at the rate he is going, and if that's not enough then this is the boy who slayed a basilisk at the age of twelve! A basilisk! You know how many wizards just one young basilisk can kill?!" Arthur demanded, his kids had known that a basilisk was killed by Harry in order to save their sister, the only thing they didn't know was how involved Roman was, as far as they were aware he wasn't involved in the incident at all. Arthur had told Harry that they would keep it a secret and he was a man of his word. "He also drove away a dementor with a patronus charm, do you know how advanced that is?! Even Newt level students struggle to do that! I know some aurors that can't do that! And it is NOT just him!"

"Father, w...what do you mean?!" Percy asked.

"Your mother should have bloody well taught you this," Arthur sighed as he made a mental note to have a very long conversation with his wife. "first of all, it won't be JUST Harry Potter who would be against us, it would be all of his allies. And we don't know how many of them he has! He could easily gain a lot, a lot of families hate us and would provide him support just to get rid of us, something that apparently hasn't been helped by all of your behavior around the school! Plus there are all of the friends he has already made in his limited time in this world along with all those who would side with him because he is the boy-who-lived. And it's not just human allies either! If Potter went to the goblins and informed them of a blood feud between our two families then they'd side with him instantly."

"What?! Why?!" The twins asked.

"Because if the goblins had to choose between a wealthy client like Harry Potter or a poor family like us then they'd choose him over us in a heartbeat. Your oldest brother works in Gringotts, what do you think would happen if they learnt that one of their employees happened to be part of a blood feud with one of their wealthiest clients?!" Arthur paused, he looked at each of his sons and made sure they were paying attention. "Things are going to change and they are going to change now." Arthur declared. "First of all, what is this about you all neglecting your sister?"

"We...she's a Slytherin..." Ron protested.

"She's your sister!" Arthur shouted at him, causing him to shrink, looking as if he wanted nothing more than to escape this conversation. "What does it matter if she's a Slytherin? Are you all so stupid that you'd believe that all Slytherin's are evil? Alastor Moody was a Slytherin for Merlin's sake! It hadn't occurred to you that if it was just a house for evil people then somebody would have gotten rid of it by now? You four will do your best to repair your relationship with your sister, no 'ifs', 'ands' or 'buts'.

"But I..."

"No 'buts'!" Arthur snapped, silencing Ron. "I am going to go home and have a long -a very long - discussion with your mother. But you, Ronald, you had better listen to me. As head of this family I am giving you an order and you will obey it. From now on you will do your best, your absolute best, to not bother Harry Potter anymore. You will not shove him when you walk past him, you will not tell everyone bad things about him such as 'he is a dark lord', you will not try to attack him verbally or physically which is something you never should have done in the first place! Let me make this perfectly clear, Ronald Bilius Weasley, if you don't sort out your act and if you don't stop bothering Harry Potter and his friends then you will be a Weasley no longer." Arthur said, the other brothers were stunned and were looking at their father like he was a wild dragon, while Ron had paled dramatically.

"Y...you'd kick me out?!" He breathed, looking at his father with pure disbelief.

"Yes, I would." Arthur said in a firm voice. "I love you, son. But I am not going to have my entire family put in danger just because you can't shut your mouth and refuse to stop bothering another student. You WILL stay out of Harry Potter's way or you will no longer be a Weasley." Arthur said before he turned to the others. "The rest of you boys had better keep him in line, don't think that any of you are out of the woods yet. I have never been so angry or embarrassed in all of my life. I am going to go now, we will be talking more about this later." Arthur said, he took the notes Dumbledore gave him and shoved them in Percy's hand before he walked away, rubbing his face with his hand as he did so. He walked out of the hospital wing and out of the school, he apparated away as soon as he was outside of the school wards. He walked towards his house, the first place he went to was his liquor cabinet, he really needed it right now.


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