
A Magical Encounter

"So, you were going to declare a blood feud because he insulted Tonks?" Daphne asked as she, Tracey and Harry walked out of the classroom, Jet was currently on Daphne's shoulder and enjoying the feeling of her petting him.

"Hey, I can tolerate a lot, but insulting Tonks? That's not on." Harry said as they walked down the hallway, whatever else Harry was about to say was cut off when they suddenly heard a meow and looked down to find a cat in front of them. The trio stopped and looked at the cat.

"Hmm, this one looks a little like a kneazle." Tracey said, a kneazle being a magical animal that looked a lot like a cat. The cat in front of them was very big, bandy-legged, ginger-coloured and had a face that made it look as if he had "run headlong into a brick wall. It also had a bottlebrush tail and yellow eyes.

"Hold on." Daphne said as she waved a wand, the cat glowed but not one colour, part of it glowed green and part of it glowed blue. "It's half kneazle, half cat." Daphne said to the others.

"Hello," Harry said as he kneeled in front of it and extended a hand, the cat looked at Harry for a few seconds before it came closer, it rubbed its nose on Harry's hand before it allowed Harry to pet it. "that's a good boy." Harry smiled. "Are you lost?" Harry asked the cat, the cat looked at him before offering a short nod. "do you want me to help you find your master?" Harry offered, the cat nodded again. "Hey guys, I'll meet you in the common room." Harry said before he transformed into a cat.

Harry and the ginger cat exchanged looks, before Harry gestured the other cat to follow him. Harry walked off with the other cat following after him.

"Glad to know his hero complex isn't limited to humans." Daphne said as she rolled her eyes while Tracey giggled.

Cat-Harry guided the other cat to the great hall, that was the best place to try and find the other cat's owner, if not then they would at least be able to find a teacher. Once they got into the hall Harry heard a voice speak louder than all of the other voices.

"Crookshanks!" A surprised voice shouted as Hermione Granger quickly rushed over and kneeled in front of the ginger cat and began hugging him before she quickly let him go. "Oh, I told you to not to wander about the castle. Did you get lost?" As Granger continued asking question after question Harry had started rolling his cat-eyes, he had just helped Granger. "Oh, is this a new friend of yours?" She asked as she looked at cat-Harry, before she could say anymore Harry transformed back into his human form. Granger and everyone else who was watching gasped as they suddenly found out the Harry Potter was an animagus.

"You...you're an animagus?!" Hermione blurted out, that was an incredibly advanced piece of magic.

"Granger," Harry rolled his now human eyes. "what you should be saying is 'thank you for finding my cat when he was lost'. I'm waiting."

"Oh," Hermione turned red slightly. "Thank you." She said in a quiet voice.

"You're welcome," Harry sighed before he knelt down and offered a hand to Crookshanks, Crookshanks responded by placing his paw in Harry's hand. "it was nice to meet you, Crookshanks." Harry shook his paw before he let go, he nodded to Crookshanks and gave a brief nod to Granger before he turned and left the hall. By the end of the day everyone in the school had learnt two things, the first being that Harry Potter had nearly declared a blood feud with the Weasley's, the second being that Harry Potter was an animagus.


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