


I sneaked into my room as usual through the window. Man, it feels great. I took down my imposter and left enough evidence for the cops to clear my name. And the cherry on the top is... Black Cat appeared. Why am I so happy? Who wouldn't be happy? As a Marvel fan and a long-time comic reader, she's like a sex symbol. Even the game devs made her sexy as hell. Of course, you would be happy when your girl of interest suddenly pops up before you. Anyway, she left enough clues to let me know that she saw me. At least that is what I'm guessing since she only dropped this figurine after taking care of those robbers.

Ah, but her motives? Who knows? Maybe Kingpin put her to my ass or she might be here to steal something shiny, who knows?

As far as I know, Kingpin used some kind of test on her and as a result, she awakened her psionic ability to affect probability fields; essentially, she could produce "bad luck" for her enemies. The "bad luck" power entails that under stress she is subconsciously able to cause anyone in her immediate vicinity that she perceives as a threat to be susceptible to freak accidents, like guns jamming and exploding, or tripping on objects. This ability also had the side effect of eventually causing problems for anyone spending long periods of time around her.

However, the good news is that I might be immune to her bad luck-inducing ability. Just like how that Ice Lady's power got nullified, her powers will probably also get nullified. Now, I have to wait for her to steal something and I'll be on her ass. The chases between Black Cat and Spiderman from the comics and games are going to become reality, except, I'm gonna win every time.

Damn! I can't wait.

I took off my suit and threw it into the basement and made my way toward my room.

I went to the bathroom in my room. Humm... May as well take a nice and slow bath. I filled up the Jacuzzi and slowly slipped in as the hot jets hit my bare body in all the right ways. Huh... For a moment I felt I was living the life. Now, with the imposter gone, time to plan my next move.

What to do next?

OsCorp's fall was my main goal from the beginning and with that done, only Norman is alive and on a run. So, when he shows his mug, I'll kill him and get this mess over with. But what's next?

Gwen said something about working with Dr. Conners. That fuckhead will turn himself into a lizard and then he will try to turn everyone into lizards. What does he call it? Ah! Humanity's next evolution. A world with no diseases and only evolution and regeneration. Fuck that creep. I'll visit him before he puts Gwen in danger. I don't want my girl to turn into a freaking lizard. That's creepy as hell.

After that, I have to think about my future. I mean, studies and all. I can pursue some higher studies and do some side projects at the same time. Or, just drop out and focus entirely on creating something world-changing? That will bring too much attention to me, but at the same time, money will roll in. Money is a necessity, there's no denying that. But then again, I can just earn more than enough without directing much attention to me.

Ok, so what to build that will set me up for good?

Hmm... It has to be something revolutionary. Something that can earn me a shit ton of cash... Ahem! I mean to say, help all humankind. The real question is which field should I pursue? Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine, Physics... Humm... Need to give it a good thought. I'll create something that doesn't already exist in this world.

For the next two hours, I sat in the tub and thought, racking my brain, thinking and thinking, looking for inspiration in all the things I knew. Inspiration came in the form of games that I used to play in the past. Neural implants, full-body prosthesis, psionic amplifiers, energy weapons, stuff like that... Interesting, but still a hard decision.

That's way too much work. Should I just open a spa resort for women exclusively... My pervy mind is playing tricks with me. Cough! That was a nice change. Gotta change my lifestyle man, or else I'll end up like every other man before me, drooling over their screen. I stood up and got down. Ahem! I mean, it isn't a bad idea though. With my seducing pheromone and my massage skills, I'll be able to gain popularity within a short time and as time progresses, a loyal female fan base.

Hahaha... Massaging hard-working women, young and milfs, I mean, mature women... Special discounts for single moms who bust their ass working day and night while taking care of their kids left behind by their divorced, dead, mistake, or cheater husbands and for legal teens who show off their beauty with a thong. Those teen cheerleaders or dancers who practice all day long will swing by my spa to get some relief. Maybe after I get famous, some female heroes will visit my resort for a special experience. I'll call it The Spider's Honeypot. No man allowed.

Crap, stop thinking, I have bigger problems right now.

How the fuck should I tell MJ that I slept with Gwen?

Some big person once said that the truth shall set you free. Yeah, but at what cost? If I speak the truth, then the chances are that MJ might get angry and leave or break down and cry and there's a 100% possibility that her friendship with Gwen will be over. She will think I betrayed her and that isn't a thing that could be wiped away. Also, the fact that Gwen is acting lovey-dovey might hurt her even more.

Haaa, if things go south, my pheromone will be my savior. 

After wiping my body while thinking of a way to cool down this messy situation, my stomach grumbled. Oh! Need to eat some food. So, I wrapped the towel around my waist and left the room.

I yawned my way through the hallway into the kitchen. May has already kept my dinner covered, with a small letter telling me to heat it up and enjoy. Mm! Someone save me, I'm hungry as fuck. It's spaghetti, some meatballs and a slice of chocolate cake. Man, she sure knows how to feed me.

That said, I sat on the kitchen counter after heating it up a bit and began devouring it. Ahh... Yes! That's the stuff. Food just tastes far better when someone else makes it for you with love and I'm hungry.

As I was playing a mobile game while enjoying my dinner, MJ came out of her room, rubbing her eyes. She was wearing a simple white shirt and looked stunning as usual. And her messy red hair accentuated her features more. She was holding an empty water bottle in her hand. "Huh. Oh, hey, Pete. What are you doing?" She rubbed her eyes as a large yawn escaped her mouth.

Is she not wearing a pant or panties?

"Oh, uh, I was, uh, getting hungry, y'know, the usual. So, I thought, yeah, what the hell, it's midnight and I'll eat anyway," I responded with my eyes glued to her slender legs and thighs. Fuck, she looks so hot in this simple shirt.

"Yeah? Hmm, ok," she yawned once more as she walked toward the aqua-guard. While she was filling the bottle, I couldn't help but notice how she was butt naked. I can clearly see her sweet plump butt cheeks as she raised her arms after filling the bottle, stretching her body. "Well, see ya." She dragged her feet back to her room and I sat there, frozen like a statue with my dick pointing toward the heavens.

The way she walked, those legs, the ass, that smooth skin, and the messy red hair...

It was such a beautiful sight that I got lost in the moment.

Bingo! Suddenly, a nice idea popped up in my head. I'll just get MJ drunk and then tell her the truth! Fuck, that's stupid. Let's give it a go first. If it works fine, if not, I'll have an honest conversation without any drinks involved.


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Next, Ch: 77: Goblin rising

Ch: 78: A Harem

Ch: 79: A night with MJ

Ch: 80: Another day, another explosion




AN: What are your thoughts on Cybernetic Implants like those from Cyberpunk?

I wanted to keep the harem small, but man, the girls like Yuri, Black Cat, Susan... So many girls for Spidey. Too hard to drop one...

Xcalibur_Xccreators' thoughts
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