

AN: Thanks to these thieves stealing my work, I've decided to make audiobooks and post it on my yt account. It will take some time to put out all the chs, but I'm gonna do it. Channel name: Xcalibur_Xc


[3rd person POV]

While Peter was going through some rough phases of his personal life with a dream of creating a harem, some people were working hard behind the scenes. Norman for example... Time to see what he's up to...

[Location: The Bronx] [Norman's emergency facility]

Norman has built an advanced facility for times like this. Somewhere deep down in his heart, Norman knew that the path he was walking would either bring him success beyond imagination or his greatest downfall. Well, at present, the latter has already happened. And now, he's a wanted man, by both the state and the heroes.

The only good news is that he has escaped from the clutches of those pests. But, what now? The future isn't looking very bright for him.

The only thing that is keeping his sanity intact is a small tube that is filled with purple liquid.

"Gulp!" Norman chugged it down and curled up on the ground, sweating buckets. Slowly, the annoying voices in his head began to fade away. This is his only remedy to keep the beast at bay. "I'm running out of time." His hand slowly ran over his face, which was wet with sweat. "If not for Subject 0X's bone marrow extracts, I wouldn't be able to last a week."

After Subject 0X's death, Norman extracted his blood and bone marrow for emergencies like this and made a special antidote for his condition. He even kept the remnants of his precious body in a cryo chamber, just in case he discovered something new, like what was that power he awakened the moment before his death? It looked like it had the potential to be a world-changing power. But, unfortunately, he couldn't find anything.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!" Norman continued to take deep breaths while the pain continued to torment him.

After thirty minutes or so, he got up and walked toward his secret lab. He sat on his chair. "Now, what do I do? I have resources. But, I need time." With his eyes closed, Norman thought. He doesn't have much time before he loses himself to the Goblin inside him and before the Goblin wins, he has to create a cure for his son. He failed to save his wife, but there ain't any way he is letting Harry die too.

However, to continue his experiment, he needs to recover those data from the secret safe at his home. Only that data could help him.

Norman pulled the hoodie over his head and left the facility. It's time for a trip to his old home.

He took a cab and instructed the driver to head to Queens. After around forty minutes of driving, they arrived.

"Keep the change," Norman said as he threw some bills into the driver's side and got down. He then walked through the neighborhood, blending in with the darkness of the night.

The Osborn mansion was now under the police's control. Multiple cops were guarding the place, from the front to the back. Luckily, Norman's personal lab was hidden in the basement and could only be accessed by him from the abandoned house opposite his mansion.

After making sure no one was following him, Norman sneaked into the abandoned house and took the elevator down into his lab. "Ugh!" He groaned and fell to his knees.

"Not now!" he clenched his teeth and looked at the vial in his hand, only a quarter left. He chugged it down and continued walking through the basement. The lights came to life after scanning his face. He looked at the various things he created, his experiments, and all the data he collected over the years. He stuffed everything into a backpack lying around the corner.

He walked straight to the computer and sat on the chair. The moment he did, the screens flickered to life. Norman began typing on the keyboard as his eyes scanned through all the data.

"There it is," he said as he found the data he needed. He put a flash drive into the computer and began copying the data.

While he was busy copying the data, his eyes landed on the safe kept in the corner. It was a special type of safe that was created by him. Norman created two types of safes, one to hide his research data and another to keep the last vial of the failed Super Soldier Serum that he used on himself.

He slowly got up and walked over to the safe. He pressed his hand on the scanner, and a few seconds later, the safe opened. Norman smiled as he looked at the dark green vial kept inside.

He took the vial out. He stared at the liquid inside.

His lips curled up into a creepy smile. He then injected the serum into his arm. "Ahhh!" He slumped on the chair with a satisfied sigh, but quickly recovered, "Huh?!" He looked at the empty syringe and the empty vial lying on the floor. "Damn! What have I done?! Was I too late?" He lost control for a few minutes and did something stupid.

His body began to twitch, "No, this is too fast. I don't have much time." His eyes went to the screen. The data has been copied. He pulled the drive, inserted it into his pocket, and walked toward the exit.

'Kill them all, Norman. Kill those cops. This is your mansion. Yours... You built it with your hard work, blood, and sweat, and yet, they are trying to take it away from you! Get rid of these pests.' The Goblin's voice echoed in his head.

"SHUT UP! Shut up. I need to save Harry. I need to create the cure." Norman stumbled through the hallways while clutching his head. His legs became heavier and heavier.

'Why? Do you think they will let you do that? Besides, how are you going to face Harry after everything you have done? To him, you are nothing but a monster. Kill him and free yourself from this burden. That's the best thing you can do for him.' The Goblin taunted him.

"You... You're wrong. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster." Norman repeated, but the Goblin's words kept ringing in his ears.

"Shut up!" His screams echoed through the hallway as he clutched his head in pain. The voices in his head only grew louder and louder. The world turned upside down, and soon, he lost consciousness.

His body twitched.

His muscles began to evolve.

"Ahhhh!" A shrill scream erupted from his mouth. "Ahahahaha!" He jumped up from the floor with a creepy large grin on his face. "Ahahaha!" Norman laughed maniacally as he flexed his bulging muscles.

He walked out of that building and made his way toward his mansion. His target was those cops.


[Crackkkk!] The guard who was patrolling behind the mansion fell to his knees. His head turned 360-degrees with a loud cracking sound. His body slumped to the ground.

"What the hell?" The other two guards were flabbergasted when they saw their colleague's head spinning like a ball. They quickly rushed to him and took out their guns.

"Someone's here! Huh!" The one on the right looked at his chest as a warm feeling engulfed him. His beating heart was in someone's grasp and that someone crushed it. Blood splattered everywhere, painting the ground red.

"Where is that fucker?!" The other guard began to panic and pointed his gun at the killer. Faced with the ultimate truth of humanity, 'Mortality', his body froze at the spot. But the next he knew, his friend's dead body was above his head and crashed down on him. And before could get up, a creepy-looking face appeared before his face, that made him shit his pants.

[Slucchh!] A hard punch landed on the man's face, and his head exploded like a watermelon.

"Ahahaha!" The man laughed at the top of his lungs.



"There he is, SHOOT!" Hearing his laughter, the other three cops rushed in and began to shoot, but Goblin jumped around like a freaking frog, dodging those bullets with his enhanced body.

"Useless! You all are useless!" Goblin growled and charged toward those cops. He jumped up and landed in front of them.

The first cop was the first to die. Goblin grabbed his neck and snapped it like a twig, killing him. Then he jumped onto the shoulder of the next one, "BINGO!" He elbowed his head.

[Crackkk!] The cop's skull shattered, and his brain spilled out of the hole in his head.

Goblin then jumped onto the wall surrounding the mansion as the last surviving cop ran as fast as he could, throwing his gun, "Fuck this! I ain't paid enough for this bullshit!"

He ran through the alley and got into his car. The cop began to drive like a maniac, "Oh god! I'm going to die!" He looked at the rear mirror and saw no one. As he was about to sigh in relief, Goblin punched through the car's roof. He grabbed the cop's hair, and pulled him up, over and over again, slamming his head on the car's roof. If anyone saw the scene, they would think it was a Mortal Kombat fatality or brutality move, whichever they prefer.

The cop died after getting his head slammed over and over again. The car lost control. Goblin jumped down from the car and watched it crash into the gas station. He took out the gun that he picked up from one of the dead cops' hands and began to shoot at the gas station.

[Booom!] The gas station caught fire, and a massive explosion occurred.

"Haaa... Useless weak pests," Goblin turned around and ran toward his mansion.


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⭐Read 18 advance Chapters⭐ + [Big Brother in Marvel - 15 chs early access] 

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Next, Ch: 78: A Harem

Ch: 79: A night with MJ

Ch: 80: Another day, another explosion

Ch: 81: Amazing Spiderman




Next chapter